
Sanguis Et Smaragdus

It was dark. She could barely see two feet in front of her as she kept running through the vast forest. She fell to the ground as her bare foot tripped over a thick tree root. Tears gleamed in her eyes, but she wouldn't let them fall, not unless she knew for sure that she was safe first. She had been running in this never-ending god-forsaken forest for more than two hours now.

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2 Chs

Chapter 2

"The princess, have you found her?

"The soldier grimaced, fearing the words he was about to speak."

No, My liege. we have searched the entire castle. and our men are searching the forest as we speak."

A deafening silence fell, and cold sweat dripped from the soldier's face.

The man who stood before him was known neither for his leniency nor his patience.

He took a deep breath, placing his hand on the hilt of his sword. with one swift move, the soldier's head was flying through the hall. and the walls were decorated in crimson.

The second soldier who had been further away, watched the exchange in horror, frozen in place. until he heard two thuds. one from the body of his comrade hitting the ground and the other, from the flying head landing at his feet.

His entire life flashed before his eyes, as his head was surely the next one to go.

He contemplated running, but he knew, there was nowhere to run.

As his mind wandered, A silky sweet voice rang from ahead.

"You, step forward"

Despite it being such a gentle voice, the amount of authority that it exuded, forced the soldier to obey.

"Yes, my liege."

"Bring me the princess, if you don't want to end up like this useless fool."He spoke calmly but the soldier had never been more afraid in his life. he gulped as he watched his lord walk away and steeled his resolve to hunt down the princess no matter what.

In the forest, the fire continued dancing and crackling as if it didn't have two mutilated corpses at its feet.

The princess was getting dizzy. she was tired, hungry, and had no idea how to explain what had just transpired before her eyes.

She hated this night, she thought. it was as if the fates were determined not to give her a second of peace so she could organize her thoughts and mourn everything she had lost.

She looked at the man in front of him with pleading eyes for a second. She wanted to trust him, just for a moment, so at least she could cry. but she remembered the events of this hellish night.

She steeled her gaze and clenched her jaw as tight as she could. she took a deep breath through her nose."I know I can't stop you; I don't even know what you are. I'm not going to fight. so, tell me what you want from me?"

Arthur's smirk widened as she focused on the princess. but the more he watched her the more his smile faded.

He saw the cuts and bruises on her face and body, he saw the battered dress that left her so exposed, and he saw her wet green eyes holding back tears like two beautiful jewels.

He clenched his jaw in anger, looking down at the bloody corpses at his feet.

The dim light of the fire shone on his face, showing off his wide jawline and high cheekbones.

She couldn't help but admire his almost God-like features. She noticed that he had an uncharacteristically cute chin dimple.

If she wasn't having the worst night of her life, she might have laughed.

Her thoughts were interrupted as Arthur spat on the ground and growled.

"I should have killed you slowly."

He started approaching her while taking off his jacket.

He noticed her quickly getting up looking anxious and frightened.

He grimaced and raised his palms as a show of good faith. She relaxed a little, causing Arthur to give a dejected smile.

He gently put his jacket around her which was too big and covered all the way down to her knees. She clasped the jacket tightly, welcoming the warmth and safety.

He couldn't help but feel amused at how cute and snuggly she looked and let out an unintentional chuckle. It caught her attention causing her to look up at him. 

He turned away clearing his throat.

"You should sit by the fire and warm up. When you're ready, help yourself to the food and water. I'm going to get rid of these bodies."

He was a monster, capable of ripping her apart at any moment. And even though she was still afraid of the strange man standing before her, the thought of him leaving made her scared and uneasy.

She wanted to tell him "Please don't leave me, I don't want to be alone anymore" But she couldn't say the words.

As Arthur moved toward the bodies, he suddenly stopped in his tracks and turned to her, looking solemnly into the eyes of the scared girl who was still shaking before him.

He watched her beautiful eyes still trying their best not to lose to the tears, and he had to look away, as if out of guilt or shame.

He clenched his jaw in anger and took a moment to calm himself down before gazing into her eyes again, he smiled painfully and uttered in a gentle but firm voice.

"Don't worry princess, I will NEVER let ANYONE hurt you again."

I don't trust him. He's a monster. He tore through those people like ragdolls. How can I trust him? But why does my heart ache? Why don't I remember anyone looking or sounding as sincere as he does now? Why does he look like he's in so much pain? 

The momentarily feeling of safety was enough to break the dam holding her emotions at bay.

She sank to the floor, hugging her knees and crying. She didn't want him to look at her, to see her as weak, so she hid her face as she bawled.

But Arthur was already gone, along with the two bodies.