
The reason

<p>" So what brings you both to our planet? "<br/><br/>Ayami questioned as she would then place her right leg over left, sipping away from a small tea cup<br/><br/>" Uh—well… "<br/><br/>Lenmio paused, hearing a lot of noise coming from the room to the right; his eyes flinching a little at every noise he heard.<br/><br/>The two aliens were sitting in front of Ayami on a nice white coach; Ayami was also sitting on a similar couch but smaller, built only for one person<br/><br/>" Oh, don't mind the noise, that's just how they have fun, drinking, dancing yelling— "<br/><br/>Ayami whispered, loud enough for them to hear only to interrupt herself by drinking a bit more of her tea<br/><br/>" Oh well, um, like I said earlier, we came here looking for shelter; our planet at the moment is in a great civil war, and the only way to continue the fight if our side were to lose, would be by protecting the Queen "<br/><br/>Lenmio said, laying his hand on the girl next to her, as if indicating that this was the Queen <br/><br/>" What's so important about the Queen? "<br/><br/>Ayami questioned, smiling a little as She would then turn her attention over to the girl, staring deep into her eyes, making her a bit nervous<br/><br/>" Well the Queen is able to—uh, she's able to make more of us "<br/><br/>Lenmio said, trying to explain this in the most normal way to this person<br/><br/>" Oh, so like an Ant Queen "<br/><br/>Ayami replied, confusing the two aliens who simply turned and looked at each other <br/><br/>" An Ant? "<br/><br/>" Well, I'm just saying, since the Ant Queen is Ant capable of giving birth to multiple of her own kind— "<br/><br/>Ayami added, causing the two to nod in an agreement and a hint of confusion<br/><br/>" Well, it isn't like our kind isn't capable of giving birth to our own children without the need of our Queen— "<br/><br/>" So what's the problem? "<br/><br/>Ayami questioned, interrupting the man whilst slowly bringing the tea cup to her lips, taking a small sip while staring at the man with a daring look<br/><br/>" Well, that's just it, the people have begun to turn toward the royal family, they've began to protest, saying things like they don't need our Queen to repopulate, which is true, but along with those protests came revolutionaries, waging war against the royal family and anyone who supported them "<br/><br/>" So why didn't your queen just make more of your people to fight these revolutionaries? "<br/><br/>Ayami questioned, tilting her head as this story began to sound more illogical as it went on<br/><br/>" Well she's still young, the previous Queen was killed just recently, leaving us with this young Queen; so until she reaches a certain age she won't be capable of producing a massive amount of our kind "<br/><br/>Lenmio explained, to which Ayami nodded, scratching her cheek a little only to then give her attention back to the girl once again<br/><br/>" Well, why did your people revolt? Surely a huge population of people wouldn't attack their queen over sometime so minuscule, at the end she's still the Queen, she has varies duties, no? "<br/><br/>Ayami replied, slowly turning her eyes back to Lenmio who stared at her in complete silence for about three seconds<br/><br/>" Yes but, there is this one greedy commander, feeding our people lies and untruthful stories to them, somehow he brainwashed them enough to have them wage war against the royal family "<br/><br/>Lenmio explained, feeling a little nervous since this woman was staring deep into his eyes as if trying to force fear upon him, which if she was, it was working.<br/><br/>" So you just need to stay here till she comes of age, yes? "<br/><br/>Ayami questioned <br/><br/>" Yes ma'am "<br/><br/>" Alright then, you both can stay, but once she comes of age, I beg that you leave, we have problems of our own, dealing with you two is just adding to those problems "<br/><br/>Ayami said, finishing her cup of tea, only to then stand, looking at the girl for a few seconds <br/><br/>" Oh right, I almost forgot, came I have your names? "<br/><br/>Ayami questioned, as a small smile grew on her face <br/><br/>" Oh—uh, Im Lenmio, and this is Queen Netty "<br/><br/>Lenmio replied, quickly addressing themselves, after all they were now at this woman's mercy<br/><br/>" Okay then, I'm Ayami. Now, if you two would just follow me, I'd take you both to your guest rooms "<br/><br/>Ayami added, causing the two of them to stand up, making her smile, but before she could take a step forward, Netty fell head first to the floor, crashing against it with a loud thud<br/><br/>" Your Majesty!?!? "<br/><br/>Lenmio yelled, quickly dropping to his knees as he would then slowly pick the girl up <br/><br/>" What's wrong? "<br/><br/>Ayami questioned, turning to look back at the girl, seemingly concerned for the girl's health<br/><br/>" I don't know— My Queen what's wrong?! "<br/><br/>Lenmio yelled, grabbing her by the back of her head, shaking her a little to see if that would work, but her face seemed tired and dry<br/><br/>" The air—can't breath….well "<br/><br/>She replied, with a low tone as she would then try to hold onto Lenmio's arm in an attempt to stand up<br/><br/>" Dammit, I've completely forgotten that she's never experienced a different atmosphere—she isn't a trained warrior like me; how could I have forgotten… "<br/><br/>Lenmio said to himself, holding tight onto her body, hopelessly sitting there<br/><br/>" Okay well, what should we do? "<br/><br/>Ayami questioned as if she were in a hurry, only to receive a hopeless look from Lenmio<br/><br/>" We need to put her back in the ship— "<br/><br/>" Okay then let's do— "<br/><br/>" But the ship's been depleted of our homeworld's oxygen and the only way to get some back it's by recharging our ship, and this planet isn't advanced enough to give us galactic energy—-dammmit, It's all my fault, i should've checked this planet's —- "<br/><br/>Ayami quickly grabbed the Queen, disappearing in a blur of speed only to then throw her inside of the Ship, slamming her hands against the huge vehicle, only to then charge it up with her sanctuary energy, filling it up to the point where it began to float, and inside of it the Queen began to breath.<br/><br/>By then Lenmio had ran out of the castle, watching as Ship began to repair itself from the earlier damage Shu had caused it<br/><br/>" But how—I don't understand, this planet isn't advance enough to— "<br/><br/>" I used my sanctuary energy— I wasn't sure if it would have worked but it seems like it did "<br/><br/>Ayami replied, watching as Lenmio would then fall to his knees, immediately bowing to Ayami, letting out small, Thank yous whilst tears fell from his eyes</p>