

" So the favor you wanted was training? "

Ayami questioned as she stood a few feet away from her daughter on their castle's backyard

" Yes! "

Asami yelled, to which Ayami sighed crossing her arms slowly to then look at her daughter with a calm expression

" Why's that? "

Ayami replied, causing Asami to close her fists tightly, feeling a little embarrassed to state her reasoning, but in the end she found some courage in herself

" Because I'm weaker than my brothers, I'm so weak father won't even let me train with them out of fear that I'll get hurt! "

She yelled, which surprised her mother a bit, but out of curiosity to hear what else her daughter had to say, Ayami didn't interrupt her and allowed her to talk further

" Ever since Father has gotten here he's been training me and Dio, but he always spent more time with Dio than me, it's gotten to the point where I'm no longer on par with Dio, and I'm afraid that I'll be forever weak, ignored and forgotten!! "

She screamed, letting out her bottled up emotions; this of course was quite the surprise for Ayami, she didn't think her young daughter had such deep and emotional thoughts running through her head, though her little speech, if you could even call it that did give Ayami second hand embarrassment, so out of pure instant, Ayami started to laugh.

" Wh-what's so funny!! "

Asami yelled, tugging onto her black pants, only for Ayami to start laughing even louder, making Asami boil up in anger, yelling once again

" There's nothing funny about this!! "

Ayami bursted out laughing, holding onto her stomach as her daughter simply bit down on her lip, struggling to not just start crying

" Okay-okay, Pff-don't cry, okay? "

Ayami said, holding her laughter in as she would then stretch her hand out to her daughter, placing it on her shoulder to then take in a deep breath and soon after exhale; calming her laughter, dropping on her knee only to look at her daughter with a serious

" Alright baby, look, the truth is, unlike your brothers you don't posses a strong talent for martial arts or physical combat; you can't keep up with them because it isn't your nature to do so. You aren't as strong, as fast or as durable as them, and sooner or later those qualities that I just listed will double in power for them; you can not keep up "

Ayami explained, which completely destroyed her daughter's self esteem. Asami lowered her head, fighting her tears which threatened to fall out of her eyes, but those tears soon dispersed once she heard the next words that came out of her mother's mouth

" But that's just in the physical sense "

Ayami said, as her daughter gave her a look of hope

" I personally can't keep up with your father—-well, I don't think anyone in this planet can, but, the point is, I can still keep up, I can become strong in other areas; like my ability for example… "

Ayami added as she would then open her hand up, forming a ball of air to Asami's surprise

" Or you can make things, like I do; you can be an inventor, or a strategist, or a teacher, you can be strong in many other ways baby, not just a fighter, or a physical fighter; your value isn't determined by one thing sweetheart "

Ayami explained, to then give her daughter a small and warm smile, only to then place her hand on top of her daughter's head and caress it a little

" But, if you still want to be a fighter, then awakening your ability is the only option you have left, unlike your brothers, you aren't a brawler "

Ayami whispered before kissing her daughter's cheek and then patting her head; this completely changed Asami's gloomy mood, she was now smiling and seemed excited

" So when can we start training!? "

Asami questioned starting to jump up and down as she watched her mother stand up, and cross her arms underneath her breast

" Tomorrow, you will need rest if you want to start my training regiment "

Ayami warned, only for Asami to quickly nod, her smile growing by the second as she could only imagine how strong she would become

" Alright, it's about time we went inside, let's enjoy the rest of the day okay? "

" Okay!! "

Asami yelled, to then grab her mother's hand, walking back into the castle, having a small conversation in the way there.

As that went on, Tekken landed in hell, with a jar on his left hand; this jar had a pair of eyes in them.

Tekken landed on ground and then sighed, smiling a little as he looked around.

The place was dark, it was so empty and isolated it looked like a desert, there was nothing but bones of random animals, and rotten corpses of many other things.

Tekken then took a step forward, and as he did six doors appeared in front of him, with letters carved in them with blood.

The first one said; The south of hell, Osiris's domain.

The second said: The north of hell, Hel's domain.

The third one said: The east of hell, Izanami's domain.

The fourth one said: The west of hell, Yama's domain.

The fifth one said: The highest realm of hell, Hades's domain.

And lastly the last door said: The center of hell, Lucifer's domain, this was the door which he opened and entered.

As soon as he stepped into the door, he found himself in front of what seemed to be a sea of planets; some were made of pure lava, with people melting on them, regenerating and melting over and over again, screaming as the process went on.

There were even planets made entirely of living people crush together, other planets had mosquitoes which ate the people in it alive, over and over again.

There were many planets, all in an infinite line of infinite planets with infinite suffering; This was hell.

" Home sweet home "

Tekken said to himself, smiling a little as he would then fly upwards, finding himself with a planet the size of a galaxy, but just when he was about to take a step forward he was teleported into a room with a throne made of bones in the middle and a person sitting on it

" So you've gotten what I've asked of you, Tekken "

The man said as Tekken immediately bowed down, raising the jar with the eyes in them to the person on the throne

" Yes, King Lucifer "