
Complete dominance

" Fight me "

Ana ordered, interrupting the little fight Shu and Tristen were having, causing Shu's smile to disappear as Tristen slowly got off of him, both of them turning to look at the woman in confusion

" Me? "

They both replied in unison causing her to sigh whilst rubbing her forehead in disappointment

" Not you Tristen, I want to fight you Shu "

She said, explaining herself, ridding the two boys of their confusion

" Well, that makes sense "

Tristen said turning to look at Shu who simply looked back down at him

" Yeah, cause— "

He chuckled

" I don't think you'd give her a worthy fight—no offense "

Shu replied, quickly raising his arms to make sure he didn't anger the younger boy

" None taken, but seriously, she's gotta be more specific next time "

Tristen added, to which Shu nodded, pointing at the boy in agreement

" Absolutely—I mean imagine we were walking down a street full of people and she suddenly yells ' Hey you, I've come for your head' that would startle a lot of people, and personally if I was a civilian I'd shit my pan- "

" Alright! That's enough!! "

Ana yelled, irritated at the two's endless talking, causing the boys to turn and look at her for a few seconds, slowly turning back to look at each other right after

" She's gotta fix that tone too "

Shu said, which made Tristen nod in absolute agreement

" Absolutely, I mean—imagine if she was standing in front of a king and all of a sudden she lost her cool—Like, oof, personally if I was a king I'd rid her of her head— "

" Shut up!! God dammit, I stopped my chess match to duel with you Shu, so shut up and fight me already "

Ana yelled, startling the two yet again, only to then glare at her for two seconds before their expressions went from annoyed to calm, turning to look at each other yet again

" There she goes again, I mean like, what the hell is up with her, you know? "

Shu said, adding to his earlier comment about her tone, to which Tristen replied to by rubbing his chin and nodding his head

" I totally agree I— "

" Oop "

Tristen exclaimed, as his and Shu's conversation was suddenly interrupted by Ana who punched the white haired boy right in his face, sending him flying into the air, only to fly after him seconds later, leaving the younger boy all alone

" Tristen, food's ready "

Ayami said, as she walked into the porch of the house with a plate on her hand, which of course caught the boy's curiousness as well as his hunger

" Ooh, nice, right in time too, I was starting to get really hungry "

He replied, following the girl into the house, which was made to resemble a Minka house.

As that happened, Ana was bombarding the the poor Shu with a barrage of punches whilst they flew in the air, only to end it with a strong downward strike, sending the boy flying down to the forest, which caused an explosion that ripped the trees right out of the ground sending them all flying, as Shu himself simply rested in the middle of the crater his body created

" Hmm "

He exclaimed as he watched her float in the air, a transparent blinding light surrounding her body like an aura

" You know, I was having a normal civilized conversation with my friend Tristen right? "

Shu questioned as he stood up, tilting his head to the side once he got to completely stand, dodging a punch to the back of his head

" You received a massive boost in strength, and out of nowhere at that, I want to know how powerful you are and how you'll serve master Fu "

Ana said, explaining her receiving to the boy who simply chuckled whilst slowly pushing her fist to the side, turning to look at her with a small smile

" Did you know that me and Fu are brothers? Yep, we made it official whilst he lived with me in my grandpa's mountain, we both drank a cup of—uh, I think it was sake? "

Shu replied, his smile completely intact as he tried to remember what drink it was he and Fu drank, only to be interrupted by another punch, which this time he stopped

" Wouldn't me being Fu's brother mean that I also have authority over you? "

Shu questioned, his small smile growing somewhat as Ana simply glared at him, quickly sending another punch toward his face in an attempt to get rid of that smug expression he had

" I only take orders from people who are in every way stronger than m- "

She couldn't finish her sentence, as she was interrupted by a strong smack to her face, which caused a slight burst of wind, as well as cutting her lip and leaving her cheek red, and the one responsible for such an attack of course was Shu, who now no longer had a smile on his face, but rather a smirk of superiority

" Don't give me that face you little— "

She whispered as her hands began to light up, soon exploding violently, sending the boy flying a few meters back, only to be chased by her, grabbing his face with her left hand and slamming him against the ground

" Now, fight me like I told you to already! "

She yelled as her hand began to shine a bright silver, only for it to blow up seconds later, to which she smiled, only to realize the boy wasn't there anymore when the smoke her attack created vanished

" You've been really violent today for some reason "

Shu pointed out as he stood behind her, tapping away at the dust on his shoulder with his back turned to her

" Uuuaahh!! "

She yelled in anger, as she quickly turned her body, swinging her arm, releasing a beam of silver light in an attempt to harm the boy, but he was no longer there

" You know, Tristen's father was about just as strong as Ezra, and for your Information, I defeated him, which puts me in a level above yours——now I'm not gunna lie, if Tristen's dad had a Spiritual Awakening, I'd had a 90% chance of losing "

Shu explained, as he placed his hand on top of Ana's head, rubbing her hair for a few seconds, only to let go as she lashed at him yet again

" Where are you getting this information from? Last I remembered no one can sense Ezra's energy, Master Fu told me that Fuhad changed his sanctuary energy so much so that it can not be sensed by mortals "

Ana replied, as Shu simply shrugged, walking forward whilst shoving his hands inside of his pockets

" Ana, if I was still in the level I was back when we first fought, I would've already been asking you for a fight—but me fighting you won't make me any stronger, you'd simply be an annoyance "

Shu said, being completely and harshly honest with the woman whilst rubbing his chin thinking of possible opponents that could match him

" Now auntie Elena is a whole different story, she's stronger than Ezra so she could be a great opponent—-but, physically, she stands no chance against me or Ezra "

Shu continued, now talking to himself as Ana looked at the ground in complete awe. This boy had just destroyed her without even trying, and it's only been a few months, how could he have gotten so strong in such a short amount of time?

" Oh right! I forgot about Ean an Arthur, they've probably become super strong too! They'll most likely be my best matches, oh man, I can't wait! "

He added, still talking to himself as Ana simply stood up, ashamed of herself for losing so badly

" Let's head back "

Shu said as he patted her back, ending his endless self talking before leaping into the sky, disappearing from Ana's field of vision

" I hate this feeling— "

She whispered as she gripped her chest