
sanctuary for the end of the world

This is the end for your world things are going to change the world it self will. monster's will rise and the sky's will fall but you must survive as survival will give you a chance to see a new dawn a day when the world is a new we well do what we can but it will take time

Jordan_Haskett_4344 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

The World Is Dying

Jax was an orphan he was abandoned when he was a baby but he lived a descent life, in the orphanage he didn't have many friends but he had a few. He was smart but never showed it as it would make him a target for bullies. He was 175cm tall with blue eyes and blond hair.

Jax stood on a small balcony of an even smaller apartment as he looked out onto the sunset over the sea with a small smile on his face.

He often did this as he had not much enjoyment in life as he worked 2 jobs and had little down time.

As he looked at the sun descending he noticed something different about it the canter of the sun was black making it look like an eye.

Jax "what is up with that"

He squinted at the sun in disbelief but then the world seem to stand still everything stopped even he could not move.

"we are sorry to say but the world is coming to an end but don't fear... survive"

the voice sounded like it was cut of by something and everything returned to normal well not all normal. A blue screen appeared in front of jax but it was Simi see through.

[system booting]

[hello I am your guide to the end of the world]

A new blue box appeared like in video games it had 4 tabs labelled status, inventory, mission and information

[The world is changing the v virus has started to spread beast are mutating]

Jax fell on his ass absorbing the information he just heard siting on the balcony the sky went dark with a red glow and the sound of chaos from the streets

[you should prepare]

Jax "why its the end of the world there is no wining no surviving why not end it"

He stood up and grabbed the railing

[because who said there is no surviving]

Jax "your saying that the world wont be destroyed"

[no the world will be destroyed in 89 days 23 hours 57 minutes 44 seconds from now]

Jax "that's not encouraging to stop me you know"

[i said the world would be destroyed not the people of this world]

Jax "you mean we can survive but how"

[in simple terms the world has natural law preventing the gods from doing anything but as the end gets near the laws have started to deteriorate and the gods power has more influence when the end comes you all we be transported by the gods to a new world well those who survive]

jax started to think to him self realising things wont be easy to survive.

jax "how do I survive"

[gain strength by killing well everything all creatures have a crystal core that contains energy that you can use to strengthen your self well that's one way]

jax started to plan in his head on what to do and how to get started to survive for 3 months he would need food and water

Jax "so any tips on how to get started"

[you have a starter kit and the status tab and keep an eye out for hooded men in fancy cloaks]

He was thinking while looking at his status


-name- Jax ??

-race- human

-class- non

-strength- 1 -stamina- 1 -dexterity-1

-intelligence- 10 -spirit- 5 -mana- 0

-skills- none

-ability's- /#'?~@'/@~?#'?@

he notices a glowing light from the inventory tab

[starter pack redeemed]

-hunting knife-


-healing pills-

-skill page-2

-Item-Skill Page

Tear page to obtain random skill

He did as it said to do and tore the paper

-Skill sixth sense-(passive)

Mastery 0%

(The skill allows you to feel danger and over peoples presence when in proximity to you)

-skill basic dagger art- (passive)(upgradable)

Mastery 0%

(give you basic skills with a dagger)

As he was paying attention to the blue screen the world slowly shifted within 10 minutes 40% of the worlds population had turned to zombies. Animals started to mutate a small snake was now 2 foot long and it would only get worse.

Jax was still siting analysing the situation when he felt something. he Didn't feel right he looked to his front door which just now he remembered wasn't locked and was now pushed open by a zombie.

(note so zombies will have stages of 1 to 10 one being slightly weaker than a normal humans so jax strength stat is 1 then the zombies would be 0.9)

The zombie entered his room making a low growl walking slowly twitching its head

Jax started to panic thinking what to do but remembered he had the hunting knife pulling it out of his inventory

The zombie slowly walked towards him but didn't see him as he new he had to fight holding the knife in his hand he summoned all his courage to try and charge the zombie


He stabbed the knife strait into the zombies shoulder and kicked him it the leg making it fall to its knees

But this is a zombie so it wont die from a flesh wound it tried to bite at his hand but he kept control over the zombie using the knife dragging it to the ground and stomping its head into mush

He quickly closed the door and locked it

when he finished locking the door he leaned against it but he sore something new pop up in front of him a red screen something new

[awakening ability]


His vision when blurry and his head felt dizzy