
sanctuary for the end of the world

This is the end for your world things are going to change the world it self will. monster's will rise and the sky's will fall but you must survive as survival will give you a chance to see a new dawn a day when the world is a new we well do what we can but it will take time

Jordan_Haskett_4344 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

birth of sanctuary

As he woke up he felt grass against his back looking at a blue sky

Jax "what just happened"

??? "well you were transported to hear silly"

Jax was startled by the voice of this person he looked in the direction of the voice to find a . . . . child.

jax "where are we little girl"

girl "he he he I'm not a little girl"

As she said this she started to become more pixel like a holo gram.

jax "so what are you"

girl "i am the sanctuary system or a visible depiction"

jax "and what is this sanctuary"

he looked around and he could see for half a mile in each direction until a wall of green black fog blocked his vision

girl " he he this place you don't have the power to know that yet you can only know these things"

As she said this a red screen appeared in front of jax.

[sanctuary function]

- upgrade- can upgrade the space and things inside the space with gold coins

-shop- can purchase things for the space and your self with gold coins

-build- make building with specific tasks

-storage- store mass amounts of supplies and equipment

jax "how do i get gold coins"

girl "because of your unique ability you can call me an overlay system each zombie you kill will drop gold coins/ingot/brick which you can use to buy things or transfer them"

(note coin is 1 ingot is 100 brick is 1000)

girl "anyway this place was only just born so you cant stay any longer it needs to stabilize"

But before he was teleported he sore a stone tablet with an inscription.

{8 worlds will fall and 1 shall by born for all no king shall rule no kingdoms at all only rebirth for the new world the true world}

He didn't really pay attention to it though as he was soon in his room with the dead zombie but this time he sore a gold coin floating above the body.

He grabbed the coin.

[+10 gold coins]

It surprised him for a few seconds but he soon sore a strange crystal on his floor covered in blood.

[crystal core -rank yellow-]

-consume to gain power-

(note core rank yellow-orange-red-purple-black-white-silver-gold-diamond)

He swallowed the marble sized crystal with a puff of steam coming out his nose.

[strength 1-1.2]



He slowly started to feel stronger it might be a miner increase but he is now at the peak of human strength for modern day.

Jax came back to his senses and started to look around.

jax "i need to get out of hear"

It hit him like a brick as he sniffed the air and the corpse that was only 10 minutes old smelt like a sewage pit.

As he soon got into the hall way he sore 3 zombies coming towards his apartment a good distance away so he decided to take the fire escape.

But he was shocked when he got to the fire door he looked back and the zombies didn't care about him or didn't see him.

They walked into his apartment making his curiosity peek he slowly creeped back to his door to look inside and what he sore almost made him vomit.

They were eating the dead zombie this surprised and horrified him because well because they new were the body was with out seeing it.

But he sore an opportunity he stealthily creeped behind the first zombie with the hunting knife in hand.


The hunting knife went strait throw the back of the neck strait into the brain.

The over 2 zombies notices him but he was quicker pushing the corps of the 1st zombie onto the second pining it on the floor.

he payed attention to the last zombie who was slowly approaching with a lunge it tride to bit his neck


He moved out the way and the zombie went into a mirror and was about to attack until he remembered were he left the knife.

jax "shit"

He looked to the first corps with the knife sticking out of its neck.

jax 'well fuck it'

jax "eat wall fuck face"

He jumped of a chair and kicked the zombies head strait into the wall


He fell on his ass with a bump but let out a sigh of relief but soon he heard the growling of the second zombie still pined under the first.

He walked over and retrieved his knife and smashed his boot into the zombies face but it didn't kill it with a few more it was dead he looked around but found no crystal from the second or third.

jax "what's going on I thought they dropped crystals"

[only 1 in 10 stage 1 zombies have crystals]

But then he sore something with a light glow coming from the first zombies neck he cut the skin a sore a yellow marble fall out.

he picked it up and went to the sink to wash it of.

[+30 coins]

He didn't pay much attention and soon swallowed the marble.

[strength 1.2-1.4]



But he could already started to smell the body's so he new it was time to leave.

He checked the hallway and sore it was clear but still chose the fire exit as it was more likely to be clear of zombies.