
More Training, and American Plans

"I slept through an entire day; I can't believe it." Said Edwad as he woke up slowly, the sun beams from the window blinding his eyes. Edward looked up and was still zooming in with his eyes. He tried to zoom out and it worked. He went outside, but there was a knock before he reached the door. He opened the door and was greeted by Henkai. "Are you ready for training get ready today you are going to train with Kamamoto." Said Henkai excitedly. Henkai and Edward took a walk toward the Dojo where Kamamoto was. They reached the doors and knocked lightly on them. "Come in!" Kamamoto exclaimed. They walked in the Dojo to see Kamamoto putting on training clothes and grabbing a bamboo sword. Henkai told Edward too, "go quickly grab some training clothes and a bamboo sword don't keep him waiting. " Edward and Kamamoto both walked onto the Dojo platform. They raised their sword up high, and they both disappeared. *Bang* *Bang* *Bang. * Henkai was struggling to keep up with his eyes. Edward used his new power to find Kamamotos weak spot. *Bang* *Wack* *Bam. * Edward stopped and Kamamoto fell laughing. "HaHaHaa, incredibly good, you did well I hope you can help us with the fight against the Americans. " Kamamoto said coughing up a little blood. "I'll do my best to help you." Said Edward.

"We must take over the Samurais, we need more space for building and more military persons." Said captain Hanock. "Yes, sir" said the recruit he is sending to tell the Generals. General Adams received the letter and told the camp, "GET READY FOR WAR!" Everyone cheered and then had a great feast.