
Sammyboy's Erotica

A compilation of various super short erotica stories that are mostly derived from experiences and true stories. I have since removed Volume 2 containing stories of "Fate Of A Model" to prevent further confusion! My apologies!

Moonfish · Realistis
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16 Chs

Josephine - Chinese New Year With Distant Family

Back when I was younger, my family followed the Chinese tradition, we would go to my grandpa's for reunion with my uncles, aunties, and their families. When I was a kid, I loved these reunions, as meeting with my extended family was a lot of fun, a lot of great food, and a lot of red packets (little red envelopes that contained money given to children by a married adult".

But I soon grew out of it, and developed a pretty serious case of introversion, I began to hate big gatherings, hate being part of a big groups, and I hated events where we invited, or were invited to be part of. I would always go, but shortly after found myself exhausted, and ready to go home, and hide in my own room.

As part of the younger generation, my extended cousins and I used to hang out and play together a lot, but we had grew distant recently, as we don't actually live near, go to different schools, and soon had our own circle of friends.

But I remember Josephine, always reserved and timid, even from young. She used to be slim as a child, but she has obviously put on more than a few pounds before anyone noticed. One good thing about this is, she not only has gotten meat on her waist, she has definitely got meat on her chest and on her bum!

My grandpa's house is large. While most people hang out at the living room, there would always be a group chilling on the sofa, munching away the new year goodies and watching some show on the huge TV. There would be another group pulling out chairs to sit behind them, and then a group looking for a deck of cards and start some small time friendly gambling.

As part of tradition, the host of the game would always be one of my uncles, or my Dad. And I would always join because I love gambling. But for some reason I wasn't in the mood this time.

I went to the second floor to hide in the room and use the restroom, and maybe chill in my own quiet corner, while the other kids play their own games on the third floor. At this time, I see Josephine coming out of the restroom as I entered the room, out of politeness, we started some small talk.

"Jose! It's been awhile, have you graduated yet?"

"Haha, yeah, we only see each other on CNY! No, not yet, I will graduate this year though."

"Ahhh. How about boyfriends? You're so pretty now, must have lots of suitors?"

She blushes at the compliment, but then I could see she looked sad after smiling.

"Why? Not going well?" I got concerned, I had never been great at my own relationships, but I am pretty good at counseling.

"Yeah, we broke up recently..."

"Oh gosh, why? You're so pretty! I heard auntie talking about you cooking for them earlier downstairs. A pretty girl who can cook, that's a precious gem nowadays!"

"Thank you... I don't get it either. Apparently he wants someone sexier."

"..." I felt a little stunned by that. She may not be the best girl around, but she definitely has the figure, a pretty face, and a great personality.

"I'm sorry, don't mean to make you feel awkward."

"No, don't be. Just wondering, did you guys kiss?"

"Yeah. We held hands, hugged, and kissed."

"That's it?"

Realizing what I was asking, she blushed, and then nodded, "We... also had sex a couple times."

Not sure why I asked, but hearing it from her made me have a rise. I could feel myself getting excited, and my dick responding.

"Let's practice kissing, Jose."

"Ah? What?" Shocked by my request she looked as if she heard me wrong.

"That could've been the reason? I know some guys... they get tired if you aren't a good kisser or good in bed. But honestly? I think its much more fun, and enjoyable to find someone who isn't good, and then teach them."

"B, but..." She stepped back.

As soon as she stepped back, I stepped forward, closing the door behind me. "Let's practice. We can stop anytime you tell me to - and if we don't tell anyone, nobody will know."

"I... Wh... But... Kiss?" She began spouting words that didn't make sense.

I knew she won't say no at this point, it's weird. It's really weird how I always know if the girl will be interested, and if she would reject me. I always knew if the girl is on the edge, and just needs a little push. And Josephine? She just needs a little nudge.

Holding out my hands, I placed it on her cheeks, and gently pulling her in for a kiss.

"Wh... wait..." She mumbles under her breath, and weakly pushes me a little. But she soon kissed me back, and as soon as she realizes we had kissed, she wrapped her arms around me and tightly held me in for a passionate kiss.

My kisses were usually done with my eyes closed, but this time, we were staring at each other while we kissed. None of us had closed our eyes as we kissed, the warmth, the moist, the softness, and the sound of kissing fills my body.

I slowly moved my hands from her cheek to around her head, and the other hand to wipe her face. She was drooling!

My tongue slipped into her mouth, and rolled around, as I slowly taught and guided her on a french kiss. I guess it doesn't really count as teaching, but she soon did what I did, and our kissing got even more passionate.

This is really addictive. The whole time we touched each other with our tongue, it felt great. But I bet the sensation wouldn't be as strong if we weren't staring into each other's eyes...

She slowly let go of her hands, and I thought that she was done with "practice". I slowly let her go, albeit unwilling in my heart. She probably felt the same, as she moved forward when I backed up, making sure our lips stay connected.

Much to my surprise, the hands that left me soon returned - exploring my body, and slowly went to grab and rub my groin.

"!!!" I widened my eyes in response, truly shocked by her initiative. Maybe she does this all the time with her ex? I could feel her cheeks turning hot and red, so she is definitely blushing hard from her shy personality.

So it seems... she didn't mind being naughty. My hands slowly slid down her head to her shoulders... softly using the tip of my finger, I drew a line down and then under and up her blouse.

I quickly grabbed her boobs over her bra, and the sudden movement seemingly gave her a pleasant surprise. I never found out what size she is, but I know she has a large chest. The feeling of firm, yet soft, cute, yet big two mounds that I can barely fit in my hands... I knew for sure none of us will be stopping. We will be going... ALL. THE. WAY.

I slowly brought my mouth to her neck, giving it some love, licking it, and then kissing it... I then licked my way up to her ears, "looks like we both really want this?"

Josephine continue staring at me without saying a single word. But I could see that fire in her eyes - the lust and desire burns so brightly in her.

Pushing her onto the bed, I quickly got on her, lifting her blouse and bra, I lowered myself down to lick around her nipple, then softly began to suck on it. I DO love breasts. She has such a beautiful breasts - such beautiful skin, perfect round mounds, and cute little peachy nipples...

Every time I softly sucked or bit on it, she would moan, and her hands would grab me and hug me tighter. Every time she hugs me tight, I would let go, and then switch to the other nipple, while using my hands to continue stimulating and massaging her other breast. I would occasionally use my palm to massage her nipples without touching any other part of her breasts - its a technique I found to help boost that stimulating sensation.

As I was about to move on to her pussy, she got up, pushed me down, and pulled my pants off. I was now sitting on the edge of the big bed without my pants.

"Whoa... Feels like you're really good at this? I don't see why your ex had any complaints?"

"When did I ever say the problem was with me? My ex is great at everything... except sex."

It feels like it's been awhile since I heard her voice - she quickly knelt down, and began licking every single spot of my dick, making sure it's fully wet, and then rested her tongue on the tip, rubbing and licking it with the underside of her tongue.

"Holy crap, that feels real good! You're so good at this!" Who would've guessed that demure, shy, and timid little Josephine had this side to her?

She went on to lick me sideways, going from tip to shaft, and randomly putting the whole thing inside her mouth, and sucked strongly. Given the sounds she was making, it was obvious how wet it was inside her mouth.

I grabbed her head, and pushed it in and started thrusting down her throat, and finished off in her. Instead of gagging, coughing, and trying to push me away, she stayed down and swallowed it all, looked at me and smiled happily.

"Wow... you swallowed it all?"

Again, she didn't say anything, but she licked my dick clean, nodded and kept smiling happily.

I pull her up from her kneeling position, and thinking it was my turn to pleasure her, she held up her hands and shakes her head.

"What do you mean? I finished, but you didn't, right?"

"I already came twice. Let's do this another time... in a more quiet, and alone place." Josephine says, as she looked towards the door.

"I uh, I didn't see anything. Sorry!" A girl realized she was spotted, ran off hurriedly. That was Josephine's sister, Katherine, and she was watching this whole time?! Shit!

"Don't worry about her, she's a closet pervert... just like me."

"Pfft hahaha!!!" Hearing Josephine say that about herself, that's hilarious. But wait, she said she came twice already? Wow... I did not notice that at all. Most girls can't cum so easily, and I never had a girl who would cum even before I put it in...

It's a little disappointing, but I suppose it can wait. With these pair of perverted sisters... seems like with some effort, I could have a really sexy threesome someday?

Hey fellow ero fans! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter - as I promised, this story is based on a true story, but quite a bit of it has fantasy was mixed in it to make it more fun!

Also dedicted to a fan's request!

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