
Vamp Hunting

You had been hunting for vampires. Dean and Sam were hunting another monster a couple towns away.

You been on a couple vamp hunts, and this one seemed like all the others; small.

It was about 1:30 in the afternoon. That was best for the hunting vampires, but that doesn't mean they can't wake up at anytime, so you had to be quiet.

You muffle a scream as you trip over your own feet.

Before you could do anything, you feel a piece of cloth shoved in your mouth and you were dragged back, into an odd, small secret room.

"Don't make a sound," A deep, quiet voice whispers in your hear. His soft lips, brushing against your ear. A callused hand settles on your shoulder, which would be relaxing if he hadnt just kidnapped you. But, regardless, you don't make a sound.

The man waited about 5 minutes, making sure you were actually alone before he gor out of the secret room, into the closet.

He dragged you out of the hidden room and into the open space that you were captured in.

"Come on," he groans, having a hard time pulling an entire human.

You sigh a little. "What are you going to do?" You ask. "What are you?" You ask.

He sighs a little and flashes you his teeth. Vampire.

"Then why don't you just drain my blood and get it over with?" You ask.

"Because I don't want you dead. I want a new play toy," he smirks as he opens a door, showing a long set of stairs.

You sign a little and stand up. You'd rather walk them get dragged. You walk in front of him, and he pushes you against the back wall of the basement room, ans checks you for weapons, getting every last one.

"These will do wonderfully," he says, a smirk falling onto his face.

"Sam will save me," you whisper to yourself. "He will... Or- Or Dean, of course... Dwan could- could save me too..."

"Shut up!" He yells, slapping you. You stop talking and just stare at him.

He was tall and blond, his hair hung over his pale face and dull, green eyes. He was kind of buff.

you think to yourself.

He leads you to a table with straps all over it for arms, legs, stomach, and forehead.

"You're going to make me get in that, right?" You ask.

"I'll make you do what I please," he says, throwing you against the table.

You grunt in pain and then stand back up.

After he straps you in, he gets out a knife. knife. The one Sam gave you.

You feel the anger in you grow and you tighten your fists. He observes the knife and holds the sharp end against your stomach.

He tilts the knife and the point sticks into your skin. He makes a long cut, about. The size of your entire hand, on your stomach. He takes it out, and licks the blood on the knife. You feel beeds of blood run down your side from the cut.

"Did that hurt?" He asks sarcasrically.

Yoi don't answer, not playing into his games.

"Then I'm just going to have to try harder," he says, pressing the knife into your shoulder quickly, making you cry out in pain.

"That's what I like to hear," he laughs.

After many cuts later, he finally says something else.

"I think that's enough," he says. "I've had enough fun."

"Wh- What are tou talking about?" You ask. You had passed out a couple times from blood loss.

"I'm done with you. I don't need you anymore," he says, showing his fangs.

"No!" You yell. "Don't do this, we can work something out!" You yell.

He starts the lunge at you.

You scream, but he's about 3 centimeters away from your neck, his head falls off. When his head and shoulders depart, it reveals Sam, with a spray of the vamp's blood on his face.

"Are you okay?" He asks, stepping over the decapitated body.

You don't answer, and wait for him to undo the straps. When he's done, you try and stand up. You fail miserably, collapsing into his arms. His strong... Toned arms...

He lifts you up, carrying you out.

He places a soft kiss on your lips, "I've wanted to do that for a while now..." he whispers.

" I've wanted you to do that for a while now..." you smile a little.