
Hola, Sammy

"Hey, Y/N," Sam says, walking into the living room.

"Hola. Cómo estás?" I ask him, looking up from my Spanish book.

"Pardon?" He asks, laughing a little.

"What?" You ask, not even realizing you were talking in another language.

"The Spanish?" He asks, chuckling.

"Oh, my gosh. I'm sorry. Did I do that again?" You ask, slightly embarrassed.

"No, no. Don't be," He smiles.

You smile back and look down at your book.

"And I'm good, by the way."

You chuckle a little to yourself.

You hear Dean come in. "Hey, guys."

"Hey," you mutter, engulfed in your book.

"I think I found a job for us," Dean says.

"What is it?" You ask.

"Not sure. The one witness only speaks Spanish," Dean explains.

"Y/N speaks Spanish," Sam tells Dean.

"Well that settles it. Let's go," Dean says.

"Hang on, hang on. I have to change," you say, setting your coffee/tea down. You throw your blanket off you, gesturing to your pajama pants.

"Why are you wearing pajamas?" Dean asks.

"It was to be my day off," you say.

He rolls his eyes.

You get up and walk to your bedroom.

-Sam's POV-

"Spanish?" Dean asks me.

"She accidentally spoke it earlier. It's kinda cute," I admit, blushing slightly.

"Oh, really?" Dean asks, raising his eyebrows.

I see Y/N come out in a pair of black jeans and a red tee shirt with a little black jacket and combat boots. She looks beautiful.

"Let's get going," she says.

-Reader's POV-

Dean pulls into the witness's driveway.

You hop out of Baby and knock on the door.

"Hola señora," you say, "¿Puedo hacerle algunas preguntas acerca de la otra noche?"

"Sí. Adelante," she says with a think Hispanic accent.

You enter their house, and sit down on their couch. You notice the garbage can overflowing with used tissues.

"Ahora, señora. Qué viste?" You ask.

"Un hombre grande con dientes afilados," she answers.

"Que hizo?" You ask.

"Él chupó la sangre," she whispered.

You look over at Sam and Dean. "Sounds like a vamp," you tell them.

"Discúlpeme. ¿Qué le pasó a mi hija? El que consiguió su sangre succionada," she interrupts.

"Lo siento. Ella esta muerta..." you whisper.

The woman begins to sob and you sit next to her, rubbing her back.

"What happened? What did you say?" Sam asks.

"She didn't know her daughter was death. That's the one who got bitten."

-After you leave and killed the vamps-

San was away, in the bathroom.

"You know, Sam told me earlier that he thought your Spanish...ness... is cute," he says.

"Spanishness?" You tease.

"Shut up," he jokes.

Sam walks out of the bathroom.

"Well, I'm going to bed," Dean announces.

You walk up to Sam; Dean already went to sleep.

"Te amo. Realmente espero que usted no sabe lo suficiente español," you says, then start to walk away.

He grabs your arm to prevent you from leaving.

"I may not speak fluent Spanish, but I know what I love you is. And Te amo you too, Y/N," he smiles.