
Forever and Always


"Sammy," you smile a little, taking out a headphone. You were listening to your favorite song,

"Hey," he smiles back ar you, setting his bag down. "I think I found something in the paper," he says, putting it down, flat on the table in front of you.

You skim it, not beong able to find what he's talking about. "Is it the wedding?" You ask, jokingly.

"What? Oh, sorry. Wrong side," he blushes, slightly embarrassed, flipping it over. "There," he points to an article entitled, "Local killed by animal attack with no trace of animal."

"Seems interesting," you say, reading it inattentively.

"Yeah, I'm thinking werewolf," he says.

"Wanna leave now?" You ask, peeking out the window at the full moon as chills run down your spine.

"Sure," he says, grabbing a jacket.

"Where's Dean? Is he coming?" You ask curiously.

"No, he's taking care of something a couple towns over," he says.

"Okay," you say, happy for some time alone with Sam.

-In the woods, on the hunt-

Sam loads the silver bullets into the gun.

The creature turns around, and lunges at Sam. You jump in front of him, pushing him out of the way.

You feel a sharp pain in your side. A bullet rings through the nearly silent night, and then a loud thump; you knew Sam had killed it. He ran over to you and cradled your head in his arms.

"Shit, Y/N..." He grumbles, taking his flannel off and tying it around where you felt the pain, obviously where you were bleeding.

You felt dizzy as your vision became blurry and unclear.

"Sam," you managed before you lost consciousness.

You wake up slowly in a white room that smelled of... Nothing. Absolutely nothing. You turn your head to the left a little and see a heart monitor, giving off a slightly quick, but steady beeping.

"Dean, she's up," you hesr Sam say quietly.

"I'll get a nurse," he says quietly, pushing himself up.

"Am I in a hospital?" You ask. You cringe slightly at the pain and burning in your throat. It sounded like you had been swallowing sand for three days straight.

Sam nods.

"Wha- What hapoened...? I don't remember much..."

"You got bit by the werewolf, trying to save me..." he said, his voice cracking. It sounded like he was about to cry.

Dean and the nurse walked in a moment later. "How are we feeling?" She asked.

You shrug a little, not knowing what Sam and Dean had told them about how you got it.

She picks up the chart at the end of your bed, her brown eyes moving back and forth quickly behind her thin glasses.

She sighs a little and looks over at you, then the brothers.

"What relation do you have with Miss Y/L/N?" She asks.

"Friends," Sam answers. "Just- Friends..." There was something about the way he said that... Sadness...? Couldn't be...

"May I speak with the two of you outside for a moment?" She asks.

"Uh..." Sam hesitates, "Sure..."

The three of them walked out into the hallway. You couldn't hear them, but after a little while, you saw Sam wipe a tear or two away.

"What on Earth is happening...?" You whisper to yourself.

They come back in after another mimute of talking.

"I'll leave you alone," The nurse says, leaving.

"Y/N..." Sam says quietly, studying your face, placing a hand gently on your face.

"What...?" You ask, slightly scared.

"Do you know what that is...?" Sam asks, gesturing to a machine next to the heart monitor.

You shake your head and he sighs a littke.

"It's a life support machine... You're in life support..."

"But that... That means I'm basically dead..." you whisper.

Sam chokes back tears.

"We loved you, Y/N..." Dean said. "I- I have to leave..." he whispers, shaking his head, tryingto clear his mind of the thought of your death.

It was just you, Sam, and the heart monitor.

"So," Sam says, sniffling.

"Yeah," you smile a little, laighing awkwardly at the odd silence between you."

He took a deep breath, "She's sitting at the table, the hours get later," he starts to sing your favorite song. "He was supposed to be here. She's sure he would have called. She waits a little longer, there's no one in the driveway. No one said they've seen him. Why, is something wrong? She looks back to the window. Suddenly the phone rings. A voice says something's happened. That she should come right now. Her mind goes to December." He paused and got down on one knee, and stuffed his hand in a pocket,pulling a small box out. He opened it, revealing a beautiful ring. "She thinks of when he asked her. He bent down on his knees first. And he saidI want you forever, forever and alwaysThrough the good and the bad and the uglyWe'll grow old together..." He trailed off.

You try hard to fight a smile, but it breaks loose. "Yes," you nod, smiling.

"Let me ask," he orders, smiling sloftly.

You nod and wait for him to ask. "Y/N Y/L/N... Will you marry me...?" He asks.

"Yes," you smile, wiping away a tear that has fallen down your pale cheek.

"But... It's time..." You whisper, glancing at the life support machine.

He nods a little, knowing your in pain. "I love you..." he says.

"And I, you, Sammy..." You say.

He flips a switch and you feel your energy drain from your body.

you say, not able to actually speak.