

"Ow!" You yell, covering your cheek and your head spins a little. 

Your boyfriend of 4 years had hit you.  He thought you were cheating on him.  His bright green eyes flashed black. 

You knew Dean was a demon, but you never really expected it to affect your dating life.  He had seen you with another hunter, who tried to kiss you.  The poor guy didn't know you were taken; by Dean Winchester of all people. 

You stare at him for a moment.  "I don't even know who you are..." Your voice was barely audible from holding back tears.

He blinked his eyes and they turned back to their normal green color.  "I- I'm so sorry..." He said as a regretful look took over his beautiful face. 

"No.." You say and turned around, running away.  You know you should really take care of your problems in a different way than running away from them, literally.  But this isn't something you wanted to face.  This was the first time he had hit you, and you didn't know quite what to do. 

You ripped open his bedroom door and stormed into the hallway, not even looking to see if anyone was there.  You ran into Sam, and almost tripped, but he caught you in his strong arms. 

"What's the rush, cupcake?"  He asks, saying the nickname he gave you when he first met you.  He sees the tears in your eyes that have already begun running down your cheeks and puts all jokes aside.  "What's wrong?" He asks, trying to look at you.

You shake your head and try to squirm away.  You really just want to be alone right now. 

"Y/N, you have a bruise on your cheek," He says, trying to look at it.  He finally manages to get you still.  "What's it from?" He asks after a moment of looking at it. 

You stay mute, thinking of whether you should tell Sam or not.  On one side, if you do, he might be able to help you, but Dean would be even angrier.  And if you don't tell him, you can't get help. 

It takes his a minute, but he puts the pieces together.  The fact that you walked out of Dean's room while you were crying, and then the bruise.  And he knew sabout the fact that the other hunter had tried to kiss you.  He didn't understand why that upset Dean though.  You and Dean had never told Sam that you were dating. 

"Let's go to my room and talk about this," He spoke gently. 

You nodded, not having the energy to argue. 

He sees that you're tired and lifts you up bridal style.  You rest your head on his chest as he carries you to his room.

"What happened with Dean?" He asked. 

"We are dating... And he got jealous because someone tried to kiss me.  And he hit me.  Sam... His eyes turned black..."

"I'm sorry, cupcake..." He whispered. 

You started to cry again and he pulled you into another tight hug.  "I'm going to go talk to him," He says as he stands up.  He gives you a blanket and pulled it over you.

"Wait, Sam... Please don't..."

"Why not, Y/N?" He asks. 

"Because I'm scared he'll do it again..." You whisper.

"He won't do it again... I just think someone needs to talk to him about it."

He kissed your forehead and left before you could say another word. 

-Sam's P.O.V.-

"Dean," I say as I walk into his room.

He had his face in his hands.  He looks up when he hears my voice.   "I didn't mean to do it, Sam..." He says.

"You never told me you two were dating," I say. 

"You were soulless when it started... And then we never really got around to telling you anything."

He sighed.  "I don't know if I still love her... I mean, of course I still love her... But it's not the same... It's like... The way I love you..."

-Your P.O.V.-

Sam walks back in after a little while.  You opened your eyes.  "Is he angry?" You asked.

He doesn't answer you.  Instead he walks over to you and cups your cheeks in his hands. 

"I love you cupcake..." He says and kisses you, not even giving you a chance to answer.