

My Time Travel Intervention is illegal and dangerous, but I believe it’s the only way to save our world. To begin my justification, I must tell you about my mother, Catriona, a half-Faery magic student on the best and worst day of her life. The day her home is destroyed by a terrible Monster. The day her Angel restores it and gives her a gift. Understanding that gift becomes her obsession. With the aid of pioneering magic and ridiculous radical plans, Catriona allows nothing to stand in her way, until the day her quest forces her to make a terrible choice between preserving knowledge for the future and saving lives in the present. At what price comes knowledge and what price is too high? My Time Travel Invention marks the beginning of the epic series, The Salvation of our magic world. A fantasy world within a wider sci-fi universe, populated by bold characters with ridiculous radical ideas, as told by an immortal girl from the future with a plan to save the world…or possibly end it.

Ezeribe_Michael · Fantasi
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As I gaze through Time to that moment, gentle reader, I can see that Daelen has agreed that it would be best to camp for one more night and begin the final push to Kullos' fortress at first light. Since there are no more plans to make, while the others head for their tents for the night, the shadow warrior has chosen to go for a walk alone to relax. He knows it will probably be his last chance to enjoy something so simple. Even with all his power, the great shadow warrior always took pleasure in the smallest things. That is a side to my father that people often do not appreciate. Perhaps it is his influence, as much as my mother's, that compels me to write this story in such an archaic manner as ink inscribed onto paper with a pen. The shadow warrior has been walking for close to an hour, when he comes across a female figure standing in the moonlight, dressed in white body armour much like his own, with white boots and a purple mask that conceals the upper part of her face. "Greetings, Daelen," she offers. "Ah, but it is good to see you like this again; it's been a while." I can see he recognises her. Almost. Something about her causes Daelen's memory to flashback to when his current mission all started. She looks very different, but somehow, her aura is the same. "You're her, aren't you?" he says, at last. "You're the one who woke me from my rest and made me aware of the threat and the power of Kullos in the first place. Who are you?" Considering how to answer without revealing too much too soon, her mouth twitches as a very old memory flashes through her mind. A thousand years ago from her perspective. Just a few days from his. "You once referred to me as an Assassin Peacemaker," she replies at last. "Mand—?" "—Don't say my name!" his visitor cuts him off. "You don't know what terrible trouble you could cause. That's why I didn't use it myself. You asked who I am, and now you know, but I'm not who you think I am…or maybe I am, in a way, but never mind, there will be time for explanations later. Assuming there still is a later. Right now, I need your help." Ever stubborn, Daelen wants some answers right then and there. "But how can you be here?" he demands. "When I left, you were asleep back there!" "Oh, don't worry, I still am," is her reply, "and I'm not here…that is, rather, I am here, but you are not. Yes, well, it's a bit difficult to explain, really." Ah, gentle reader, that is so typical of my dear Aunt Mandalee, the White Assassin. She often said she dearly wished these things weren't so hard to explain. Even now, I know she sometimes wonders if she makes any sense at all. She's too hard on herself. She never chose to be a diplomat, a teacher or a politician. She became a demon hunter, an assassin and a Cleric of Nature. How strange it is that she is the only one of the original Three Guardians still in the position, at least she was until she agreed to this desperate act. I'm sure any rational person would have placed wagers on her being the first to resign. Of course, one wonders what exactly counts as reason in this irrational world, but that, gentle reader, is a subject better suited to my philosophy texts. For now, I have a story to tell. "Look, if you'll just come with me a little way further into the woods, we'll be able to speak more freely." "Alright," Daelen agrees and extends his arm for Aunt Mandalee to take as they stroll along. She smiles at the gesture. It's a rather old-fashioned tradition, from her perspective, but she can see no harm in indulging him.

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