
sakura hatred

"Look here freak  she asked you a question so answer or you will get hurt  week ass bitch"he said I just started laughing at them then punch naruto in the face I sent him flying I looked at the other two while closing my door and locking it

miamason · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

chapter five

Sakura p.o.v

"I'm getting pissed off, those leaf hoes won't leave us alone, it's been two weeks since they came and bug us again" hinata just nodded her head agreeing with me

I just sighed as I sat back down on my chair "here we go again this time they bought tsunade with them" I said in a annoyed voice, I sat down at my desk and start to sign paper awaiting their arrival

"Lady hokage the leaf ninja's and there leader is here to see you" I sighed and told him to let them in "what is it that you guys want this time" I said rather unfriendly and annoyed

"So it's true this weak ass apprentice of mine is the hokage" I glared at her next thing she knew she was on the ground screaming for help

"I am not your apprentice no more and I would like your respect if you cant do that then dont come into my village" I yelled at her as I released the jutsu on tsunade the look on her face was nothing but shocked and frightened

"Exsort them out the village oh and you guys never come back, dismiss" I'm tired of them but I know one thing next time they come back there will be a fight

"Sakura you was not hard enough on them" hinata stated and she right I was not hard enough on them, it's just I do not want to show them my true power unless I have to

"Dont worry hinata next time there will be no mercy at all" she smiled at me and nodded her head "wanna come with me to check on the Akatsuki see how they settled in" I asked her "sure" hinata blushes alil oooh hinata got a crush on someone

This should be good

"Hi boy's what you guys doing" I asked as we saw them outside training "hi Sakura-sama and Hinata-sama" they all greated back, -hm wonder which one Hinata like I bet it's Itachi-

"Hey Itachi come here please" as he came over to us I grin because I can see Hinata face get red as if she going to faint or have a heart attack well now I know who she likes

Now it's time to par them up together "Hinata and Itachi can you guys go do some earns for me here is the list it only 4 things please and thank you" I asked as I gave them the list with a smirk

"Ss..s..Sakura um.. don't you think you should ask someone else I have something else to do" he he he she such a lier "no you dont and no so now go or it will take longer to get done" I wave them off as I turn back around to the others "so what you guy's want to do?" they all looked at me and shrugs their shoulders

"Why don't we go eat I'm you guys are hungry" I suggested they all agreed hehe my plan is coming together "ugh I can sense the leaf ninja's they will never give up looks like food will have to wait let's go handle this"

I said as we poofed at our village gates "why are you guys here did u not you guys that you are not welcome here!?" you can tell I was very annoyed and pissed off

"We just want to start over and be friends" naruto stated I just glare at him and said no "you guys think we will just forgive you guys so easily and be friends hahahaha you must lost your mind now get out of here before we hurt you"

"Yeah right like you could hurt us!" Ino yelled out in her high pitched annoying voice "do you want another recap if what I did to you guys last time huh?" I asked in a pissed off tone

"Get rid of them" I told my ambu squad "hai lady hokage!" They all said in a usion and I left to go to my office

"You okay sakura-chan?"

"Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine just annoyed is all what did you need pein?" I sighed as I replied to his question  as I looked out the window then walked to my desk to sit down in my chair and looked at all the papers work I have to do

"What is it that you need besides asking me a question?" Pein looked at me as he was thinking or trying to master up the courage to say whatever that is on his mind

"I have came to ask if you want to go get some dinner when you are done with your paperwork"

I sit there a little shocked that the all might and feared man is asking me on a date but my shocked was replaced with a smile

"sure why not meet me at the buffet restaurant at 7pm" he nodded his head and left I just sat here thinking I will need help from hinata for this 

°hinata I need your help so come to place at 5pm° I contacted hinata through telepathic

°okay what's happening at 5pm?° I took a moment before answering her question

°I have a date at 7pm so i need your help with picking something to wear tonight we going to dinner°

I blushed even though she cant see me and I'm happy she can't.. Ik she would be bursting out laughing she wouldn't let me live this down

°Ooooh who is the lucky guy that asked you out, I bet its pein huh°

damn this girl get on my nerves but I still love her

°yes it is pein now will you help me please°

I damn near begged her..it got quite until I can hear her chuckle a little I just huffed at her

°so are you going to help or no° I asked with a little bit of attitude

°lol yes see you soon°

-I swear that girl going to get it one day- I looked at the clock it reads 3:40pm... i got two more hours till it's time for me to get ready i think

I will take a shower first hopefully hinata will be here by then.... I grabed my towl and slippers my hygiene products are already in the bathroom

~After the shower~

Ahh that was a nice shower hm it's only 4:30pm hinata should be here soon -knock knock- speak of the devil that her now

"Come in" I yelled out

"I see your ready to get dressed" I just nodded my head as we walked into my room "okay I brought a nice dress for you put it on

~pic below~

" I look sexy I love it and since my boobs grew over the years I fill out the dress perfectly" I said as I hugged hinata

"Come let me do your make-up, I'm happy for you Sakura you deserve to be happy" Hinata said as she do my make-up, all I could do is smile at her coz she right

"Okay all done and girl you look so good the gay guy and lesbians girl turn straight for you" I just playfully slap her

"Hm it's only 6pm wanna chill with me till he get here" I asked her she just nodded her head yeah... She probably only agree coz she wants to scare the poor guy lol but still gotta love her