
Saiyan in Warhammer

In the era of the Imperium Nihilus, a golden light has been rekindled amidst the darkness, though different from before, this wasn't a solitaire light but many that shone brightly and ruly. The broken remains of the empire were to be reunited once again, but now under the mighty fist of the Saiyan empire. Long may he last, the golden Warrior Bann. And this is his story. _________Alternative sipnosis_______ A reincarnated Saiyan in the Warhammer universe alongside a handful of other survivors, what else need to be said to catch your attention? Well there are waifus too! *Do not bother entering if you're gonna cry about harem* *If you're expecting wish fulfillment go look after those stories elsewhere, I'm going to try and write something serious out of smut.* [Warhammer loremaster are extremely welcomed, please bathe us on your wisdom and point out mistakes that I made] *This novel will be posted in various sites such as RoyalRoad

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76 Chs

The Siege Of Faradras V

As night unfurled its inky cloak over the scorched land, the aftermath of their devastating assaults revealed a desolate panorama marred by colossal craters, silent witnesses to the cataclysmic power unleashed. The air hung heavy with the oppressive stench of ashes, stagnant and suffocating, an ominous testament to the destructive forces that had swept through.

In the somber interlude that followed, the four Saiyans, each bearing their own burden, returned to their cities. However, the reception they faced bespoke a tapestry of contrasts.

Rucule, descending into his city, confronted the grim consequence of his impulsive descent into berserker rage while in space. The once-majestic city, standing proud for millennia, now lay in ruins. The cold grey of the stone bore witness to the macabre amalgamation of Tyranid and human corpses, forming a grotesque mosaic that sprawled across the landscape. Rivers of blood, eerily illuminated by a spectral glow, surged through the city, etching a nightmarish scene into the fabric of reality.

Within Rucule, a tempest of guilt and grief raged, not merely for the lives lost but for the profound realization of his own folly. The harsh reality crashed upon him like a relentless wave, a bitter awakening echoing in the recesses of his consciousness. The words of caution uttered by Bann and Seleri echoed like haunting spectres, a stark reminder of the consequences borne from the heedless squandering of efforts painstakingly amassed over countless eras.

Gazing into the vacant eyes of the fallen, witnessing the somber shadows etched upon the backs of others, Rucule's scrutiny lingered upon a child's life extinguished, the once vibrant face now crushed beneath a colossal boulder—a cruel tableau painted by the harsh brushstrokes of ironic reality.

In the presence of death's stark tableau, a surge of emotions erupted within the Saiyan—a potent blend of resolve and fury. The lifeless body before him became a visceral testament to the potential future awaiting him should he turn a blind eye to harsh truths, should he disregard the earnest counsel of his friend and brother.

Beneath the night shroud of Faradras, amidst the ruins of Argonas, Rucule swore a solemn oath to himself. He vowed that his offspring would not become the next casualties beneath the heedless folly of a stubborn man. In the wake of this promise, he saw the glimmer of hope reflected in the eyes of humans, even amid his grave mistake. Their unwavering trust spurred Rucule to aspire to a higher calling—a Saiyan Prince, worthy of the title.

Taking a poised stance in the heart of the decimated city, he ascended into the night, his gaze fixed upon the moonlight. The population bore witness to the manifestation of Saiyan power—an awe-inspiring silhouette cast over the ruins of Argonas. The mighty roar of the Ozaru resonated through the land, a primal declaration that shook the very foundations, "**ROARRRRRGH!**"

A seismic pulse emanated, the warp vibrating beneath this proclamation. Argonas now had its defender, a force ready to crush whatever the Tyranids would unleash upon its beleaguered grounds. The night bore witness to the emergence of Rucule, a Saiyan Prince poised to face the encroaching darkness with unyielding determination.

Meanwhile, thousands of kilometers distant, Aprit found himself navigating the labyrinth of the city under his jurisdiction—Carontes. A procession of eyes, a mosaic of reverence and fear, etched upon the faces of many as they willingly cleared a path for his passage.

Despite relishing the words of adulation and the respect bestowed upon him, Aprit's youthful countenance remained impassive. The stern echoes of his past actions and the imperative for Bann's intervention to rouse him from his stupor served as a stark reminder. The warp training sessions with Bann, once perceived as inconsequential, now unveiled their true significance in the face of the perilous temptations that chaos gods could wield over one's mind and heart.

Aprit, now enlightened, comprehended the fragility of his own psyche, susceptible to the insidious corruption that lurked within. A realization crystallized—a mere plunge into the chaos of war could unravel the fabric of his being, surrendering him to primal instincts.

With a watchful gaze fixed upon the five women awaiting him at the fortress within the city center, alongside other officials, Aprit embarked on the path to engage in discourse. It was a moment for him to both discern their needs and elucidate the actions that would unfold throughout the looming night.

Emerging from the fortress later, now in his titanic stature, Aprit's crimson eyes stared intently at the horizon. Suspended in the air, his being exuded newfound strength, his ki pulsating with unrestrained energy waiting to be unleashed upon the encroaching swarms.

Within the confines of Carontes, the troops diligently prepared for the impending onslaught, a meticulous choreography orchestrated in anticipation of the night's brutal confrontation.

Amidst the canvas of devastation painted by the Tyranids, it was Ramela who found herself confronted with the harshest tableau of despair. The heart of the city unfurled before her, a serpent-like river snaking through, cradling a mountainous pile of bodies adorned in white shrouds—an intricate tapestry of loss meticulously arranged.

The abrupt weight of her belated arrival and the consequences of her actions converged, seizing Ramela in a grip of paralysis. An icy stillness gripped her as she confronted the magnitude of the toll the city had endured while she indulged in her own pursuits.

Surrounded by mourning citizens, immersed in the palpable pain and collective grief, Ramela beheld the poignant scene of preachers attempting to bless departing souls. The air, thick with the solemn aroma of incense, served as an agonizing backdrop to the tragedy that unfolded.

Her countenance drained of color, fists clenched in stark whiteness, Ramela's eyes bore witness to the devastation wrought by her negligence. The words of Bann reverberated through her mind, a haunting reminder of the duty entrusted to her—to safeguard the lives of those now silently resting.

As her gaze fell upon a smaller form wrapped in white, her steps faltered, and tears welled in her eyes. A knot tightened in her chest as the realization struck—an intimate confrontation with the fragility of life and the inexorable ties that bound even her to the unforgiving reality.

'No, no, no, no! I-This won't happen to us! I won't let it happen!' Panic seized her, propelling her away from the city, tears streaming down her face. Through the night sky, she cut a path towards the familiar and warm ki that promised solace and refuge for her tormented mind.

Like a celestial phenomenon streaking across the night sky, Ramela traversed the heavens, oblivious to the immediate surroundings as she collided with Bann. The impact resounded as they crashed onto the stone floor outside the palace, carving a vast crater that raised a billowing haze of dust and debris.

The sudden spectacle incited commotion and alarm among the onlookers, some fearing a Tyranid assault. However, relief washed over the crowd when they beheld the poignant tableau of Bann embracing Ramela, her tearful release echoing through the square.

"Ugk... Bann, I... I-I need to tell you something... *sniff*," she uttered, lifting her head from Bann's chest. Her red, puffy eyes spoke volumes, tears streaming like a cascade down her cheeks. Bann, his eyes filled with concern, tenderly caressed her head.

"What's wrong, Ram? What has you like this?" His voice, a symphony of genuine concern and gentleness, laid bare a fragility he had never witnessed before.

In a display of pure anguish, fear, and longing, Ramela confessed, "I saw what happened there, and I don't want to go there again without telling you that I... I'm in love with you. And if I were to survive this night, I wish to spend the rest of my days at your side, o-o-okay?" Her grip tightened, eyes filled with expectation, as she sought solace in Bann's gaze.

Thrown into disarray by the unexpected revelation, Bann shifted his mindset from the rigors of war to his true self. A sudden smile graced his face as he tenderly caressed Ramela's cheek, pressing his forehead against hers. With sincerity, he responded, "You were bound to spend the rest of your life with me, Ram, whether you like it or not. But I will be glad to stand with you as your man, and you as my woman." Their noses briefly touched before Bann sought Ramela's pouty, full lips in a warmth-filled kiss, soothing her tormented soul.

Ramela found herself melting into his arms, lost in the embrace of his careful and tender lips, the kiss weaving a tapestry of emotions that transcended the chaos surrounding them.

As their lips interlocked in a kiss that sealed their union, time itself seemed to hold its breath before allowing them to part. Their eyes locked, radiant with newfound love and hope, a testament to the depth of emotions shared in that tender moment.

With her chest heaving from the overwhelming emotion, Ramela sought his lips once more, her voice meek as she whispered, "...Let's both survive this night so we can start our family, okay?" Bann nodded with vigour, a grin spreading across his face as he kissed her forehead.

"You can bet that I'll make sure of it," he affirmed before helping her rise to her feet. Together, they walked inside the palace, ignoring the scrutinizing gazes of onlookers.

Navigating the palace corridors, after allowing Ramela a moment to compose herself, Bann turned his head, his tone gentle yet commanding as he inquired, "Have you organized the defense? I'll be providing more support later, and I've already sent Anáeth with Irelene towards your city."

Stricken by the realization of her oversight, Ramela froze in place, her eyes widening. "Oh, fuck! I forgot to do it!" Seizing Bann by the sides of his head, she initiated a long and meaningful kiss, a trail of saliva lingering between their lips as she gazed at him through half-lidded eyes. "I'll be going, okay? Make sure to wait for me in the morning."

With those words, she flew away in an instant, cutting through the night sky like the shooting star she had become—her destiny now intertwined with the duty to protect and shield her city.

As Bann let out a deep sigh, a tangible weight settling upon his shoulders, he steeled his mind and approached the imposing double doors. Nodding towards the guards, their backs straightening in response, his thunderous steps echoed through the once rowdy and bustling room, coaxing it into a hushed silence. The entirety of figures within Redentia turned their attention to him, their eyes fixated on his imposing presence as he advanced.

Moving inside, his gaze swept across the room, surveying the assemblage surrounding the large map of the city. Urocain, Aurora, Cielo, The officers of the Imperial Guard, Planetary Defences, and the heads of noble houses, accompanied by their escorts and companions, all stood tense, awaiting Bann's words. A congregation of nearly two hundred individuals hung on his every utterance.

Positioning himself between Aurora and Cielo, he placed his hands behind the former's back, a commanding presence demanding attention. "We have survived the first clash, but now I want to hear the complete reports before this long night begins. Our survival has yet to be secured, for even as we speak, my companion Seleri is fighting with all her being in orbit, striving to fend off the remnants of the hive fleet and prevent their eradication of us," he declared, his stern voice sending audible gulps rippling through the room.

With predatory eyes, Bann surveyed the officers recounting the losses and the injured soldiers, their plight evident in the recounting. "Ensure that the citizens are well-fed, for I fear this night is bound to be a restless one. I want the ears and eyes of everyone to be on high alert while I focus on fending off the waves," he commanded, his voice resonating with authority. The thought of potential devastation akin to what befell Ramela's city made his lips go dry. They couldn't afford further losses.

Nods of acknowledgment rippled through the assembly, and he delved into a detailed report of the strategy crafted by the command, merging it with the unfolding actions set to transpire in the impending night.

As he kissed Aurora's lips and reluctantly parted from her marshmallow plentiful rear, he exited the room alongside the bustling officers and soldiers. His footsteps echoed through the expansive area, and as he slowly raised his head, many turned their gaze towards his direction, anticipation filling the air.

Witnessing a transformation that sent shivers down the spines of all who beheld it, Cielo's eyes narrowed to the size of needles, and the squadrons of Sisters of Battle gazed with eyes filled with questions and fear at the figure of Bann.

Urocain's lips and throat went dry as he remained frozen on the spot, muttering, "T-This can't be possible..." His eyes beheld more than the simple reality unfolding before him.

On the city walls, soldiers bore witness to the visage of a creature of old, a legend they had been told to obey since childhood. Something they had considered a mere legend.

The cherubim captured the image as Bann's size increased from his 6'5 feet to the colossal 200 feet of his Oozaru form. His ki surged like an ocean, his senses expanding around the entire planet. His will clashed against the Shadow in the Warp, and the result was felt throughout Redentia.

A surge of indomitable defiance permeated the air, electrically charged and palpable to everyone.

"GRUOOOOM!" His roar thundered in the sky, met by a cacophony of three others as Ramela, Rucule, and Aprit answered him back.

Their ki surged tenfold, engulfing the whole planet in their oppressive presence, defying the Hive Mind in a contest of wills.

Suspended in the air, Bann's crimson eyes narrowed as he surveyed the distant explosions in the vastness of space. Infusing his ki with power, he accelerated with lightning speed, slicing through the air and closing the gap towards the besieged space station.

Confronted by the imperiled structure, Bann opened his mouth, channeling a sphere of ki. With a surge of velocity, the attack manifested, instantly reaching its destination—a conglomerate of ships and a wall of drones numbering in the billions. The onslaught vaporized everything in its wake.


The resulting explosion bathed the surroundings in a blinding blue light, causing Bann's very essence to quiver under the overwhelming torrent of ki.

His assaults momentarily halted the swarm, preventing them from further assaulting the space station. Telepathically commanding the wearied form of Seleri, who nodded in acknowledgment, he urged, 'Descend and transform. I'll provide cover while you make your way down.' With that, Seleri, without hesitation, plummeted towards the planet, her speed unrestricted.

Amidst the cosmic chaos, Bann confronted the ceaseless onslaughts of the hive fleet. The enhanced ships, attempting futile resistance against his augmented ki attacks, found themselves helpless against the intensified power and unrivaled penetration. The adaptations previously adopted by the hive mind proved futile, leading to devastating losses within the formidable fleet.

With the momentum of the war shifting decisively in their favor, the Saiyans were on the brink of unveiling the full magnitude of their overwhelming might. Faradras stood as a testament to the unexpected and formidable foes that had emerged against the hive mind, casting a foreboding shadow over the galaxy.

In the looming cosmic conflict, the whole galaxy and the hive mind were on the precipice of discovering why the Saiyans were destined to be the rightful conquerors of the universe.


15 chapters in advance on my patreon /Sr_Devoxero

Ramela finally declared to Bann, now the question remains of whether she'll be the only Saiyan to do so.

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