
Saiyan in Naruto

A young man was leaving the gas station, up the road from his house, as he walked across the street he noticed a $10 bill on the ground. Wham!! 'ugh where am I?' the young man thought as he started to look around to see........

TheKidJoker · Komik
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2 Chs





.4:45 p.m.


Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

An alarm goes off in a small apartment, where a young man can be seen sleeping on an air mattress barely held together by some duct tape. The young man is currently surrounded by empty beer cans/bottles and is still holding a half drank Bud Light 40 oz bottle with a burnt out cigarette hanging out of his mouth.

"Ugh" The young man says as he starts to wake up and checks his phone while lighting his cigarette.

"God damnit not again!" He yells as he jumps up real quick downs his beer quickly gets his boots on and heads out the door. The man jumps in his truck, a 1994 all black, super cab, long bed Ford f-150 with a 4 inch lift, starts it up and his phone starts going off as he's leaving.

*Riiiinnng* *Riiiinnng* *Riiiinn-*

"Hey asshole, where the hell are you!?" A woman's voice yells through the phone as soon as the young man answers.

"Calm down Heather, I'm on my way. I'm sorry I'll be there soon." The man said in a tired voice, slightly slurring his words.

"No you don't get to tell me to calm down. He is your son too, the least you could do is fucking show up on time to pick him up! You're damn near 2 hours late you were supposed to be here at 2:00" The woman, now identified as Heather said in an angry tone.

"I know I know. I'll be there soon I promise-Oh Fuck!!!" * Skirrrrt!* *Wham!* *Boom!"

"David! David what the fucks going on? what was that noise? " Heather said through the phone.

"Holy Fuck!!" David yells right before realizing he's no longer in his truck, but in a huge room with a big couch on both sides of a luxury coffee table. There was all kinds of high dollar paintings and other such decorations. The room had a bar with no bartender and an old man in nice clothing on the couch. The old man was just sitting there with his eyes closed. David decided to walk up and sit on the couch opposite the man that's when he noticed the 2 glasses and a bottle of vodka on the coffee table between them. When David sat down the man opened his eyes and looked into David's while smiling. "Would you like a drink?" The old man said as he poured himself a glass.

"Sure, but may I know who you are"? David asked in a respectful tone, while reaching for his glass.

"I am a God boy." God said

"This is great. I am sharing a drink with a literal god. So what's next?" David asks as he takes a drink of his vodka, already accepting his death at 21.

"Well, David you have been chosen randomly to be reincarnated in a world of your choosing with 3 wishes. Before you ask yes you can choose where and when you are born." God said.

'Hell yeah!! Alright I have to make sure I won't die so easily this time.' David thought as he decided his wishes. After thinking for a few minutes David had decided.

"Ok, I'm ready. For my 1st wish, I want the saiyan bloodline and all the combat knowledge of Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, and Bardock. For my 2nd wish, I want the Uchiha and Senju bloodlines with the mokuton and sharingan. Also if you would, merge all my bloodlines so I have %100 of all, but they don't interfere with each other negatively. For my 3rd and final wish, I want all powers, skills, and abilities of the fox sin of greed Ban as well as being able to use any form of energy. I would like to be reincarnated into the Narutoverse. I want to be born at the same time as Naruto as an orphaned Grandson of Madara Uchiha in the same orphanage as Naruto." David said excitedly.

"Very well but you will not get the immortality of the fountain of youth. Now would you like to customize your appearance?" God replied.

"Yes and that is fine. Just give me a mixture of Goku and Bardock's look as well as Broly's bodystyle." David answered.

"Very well if that is all goodbye and good luck in your next life." God said as he finishes his drink.

"I am ready. I thank you for this, even if I was chosen randomly." David spoke as he finished the last of his drink as well. God then pointed his palm forward toward David. For David, at that moment his vision went black.