
The Situation in the Martel Clan

There is currently a heated argument going on in the training courtyard of the Martel Clan.

"You left MARIA TO DIE?! YOU UNFILIAL SON!" Peter shouted furiously as slapped his son, Lloyd in the face. Lloyd was blown away a few meters back with blood streaking down from the corner of his mouth.

After knowing that the Phantom Cat they confronted was actually a tier 3 beast, with a power equivalent to a core formation cultivator, the 7 of them immediately ran back to the Kingdom, all beside Lloyd who immediately ran back to the Martel Clan, went back to the Sword Dance Sect.

Upon arriving in the Clan, his father Peter immediately confronted him about the progress of his mission from the sect showing a fatherly concern. But when he mentioned about Maria who he left to fend off the Tier 3 Beast Phantom Cat for them to escape, his worried and concerned father immediately flew into a fury.

Hearing the sudden commotion, the other clan members immediately went to the source of disturbance, now spectating the scene.

"You-you slapped me?!" Lloyd was furiously astonished, never did his father laid his hands on him much more slapping him.

"You-you-!!" Peter cannot speak clearly as he was panting heavily, his chest full of fury. His eyes right now are filled with rage, never did he once laid his hands on his son but this time was an exception.

Lloyd was clasping his burning cheeks as he went red with humiliation. All in his head right now was how shameful his state is, how much face he lost. Being slapped by one's father is warranting a shameful life and normally indicates that the son is an unfilial one.

As the scene goes on, the disturbance also increased as the other members in the surroundings were chattering loudly.

Not long, the Patriarch of the Clan came to check what was the ruckus all about.

Seeing the sorry state of nephew, Lloyd and his brother, Peter in his maddened state, the Patriarch immediately intervene. "CEASE THIS INSTANCE!"

The Patriarch and several elders of the family came into the fray.

Upon seeing the Patriarch, Lloyd immediately scrambled up towards the former and cried injustice.

"Uncle! Father is hitting me for letting a lowly slave die." Cried Lloyd as he hid behind the Patriarch.

"Peter, is this true? " The Patriarch asked sternly.

"I have specifically ordered him to not put Maria in a life-risking situation, I warned him and he didn't heed it. Tell me, am I in the wrong?!" Peter spat back with venom.

Hearing that, Lloyd was also furious as he spat back. "You care more about that slave than your only son?! Why care so much?! She is a slave! A slave!! A battle slave at that! She is destined to die as a battle slave, to sacrifice herself for the benefits of her master, me!"

"You-" Peter was clutching his chest tightly, he never imagined his son talking to him like that.

"That's right Peter, she is just a battle slave, she is a slave that we can dispose at any moment. Why create such an embarrassing situation for you and your son, even I am losing my face because of this farce of yours." The Patriarch added, clearly siding with Lloyd.

"Brother-you?" Peter stared at his brother in astonishment, then shook his head in bitterly. "We have an agreement 25 years ago Charles, I agree to let her be a battle slave so she can be part of the Martel Clan, but she would never and will ever be exposed to life-risking situations," Peter added as he gritted his teeth.

The Patriarch, Charles, nodded his head in agreement but then revealed a mocking smile. "You dare to call me by my name? Even you, my brother doesn't have that right. What is so important about that agreement anyway? I can take it back as I've never taken that agreement in heart at all. Do you think a slave like her is worthy for me to contemplate about? Please, such wishful thinking. What would the others think if we let a slave join in our Clan? A lowly battle slave joining the grand, magnificent and all-powerful Martel Clan? Never in a million years, I'll sacrifice hundreds of slaves if I have to if it's for the sake of our Clan's reputation and face." He laughed hideously.

He then patted Lloyd's back. "Don't worry, what you did is normal and I will side with you. Your father here is clearly the one who is not on their right mind."

Peter face contorted grimly as if he was punched in his gut: "The Patriarch himself, renege in an agreement, going against his iron-clad word and promise. Tell me 'Charles' if the people outside knew of this, what of the Clan's face?" Peter strikes back as he emphasizes his brother's name.

Hearing that Charles countenances also contorted as he glared viciously to Peter. Then with a wicked and vicious grin, he coldly muttered: "Oh brother, what will people think if they knew that you, the reputable kind and benevolent man, bought a girl slave and intended to raise her to become his own whore?"

As if a bolt of lightning struck on him, Peter staggered backward with disbelief.

"What will the people say that the kind and benevolent man actually bought a slave and sexually harassed her? What would happen if your son himself stated that his father is a pedophile? Buying a slave just so he can do her." Charles smiled as he muttered atrocious false claims. By that, the Patriarch clearly shows his intentions towards Peter and that is to tarnish his reputation as a kind and benevolent man. "Isn't that right, Lloyd?" Charles glanced at Lloyd, beckoning him.

Lloyd in his state of fury and also driven by jealousy of his father clear standing towards Maria nodded. "If you ever need someone as a witness of my father's 'inhuman' and 'nasty' acts, then I will volunteer myself to be a witness, to condemn him in his sins." Lloyd spat out.

Due to his jealousy, rage, and humiliation from the slap of his father towards him, he was now blinded in emotions and was not in his current mind.

Hearing all that, Peter countenance was pale ashen, he stepped back with his eyes wide and mouth wide, not believing in what he'd just heard.

His emotions inside is in turmoil right now, his head is disordered, his heart in agonizing pain.

He staggered backward then slumped down, his countenance crestfallen and his eyes lifeless. Never in his life would he imagined that his own son that he loves so much turned his back against him and claim false charges towards him.

The spectating clan members didn't bother to help and just continued watching in amusement. Just thinking of a slave carrying the Clan's name, Martel, is atrocious enough to warrant a clan punishment.

"No-no, T-that's not true! I didn't adopt her to treat her like that! I adopt her because I want her to live a normal life but then you still made her a slave! A battle slave!" Peter shouted as he tried to defend Maria.

"Stop the pitiful act brother, we all know that's a lie." Charles shook his head as he looks down on his brother.

Peter slumped down even further, he was on the verge of a breakdown right now.

With a low mutter, a whisper Peter said. "If this is the true face of this Clan, then it's better to be not part of it."

Although a whisper, Charles still heard it loud and clear. Hearing that, Charles smirked in victory.

"If that is what you want Brother, then I will grant your wish. You are now exiled from the Clan. From here henceforth, you are no longer part of the Martel Clan, you now no have any connection of us. Your name will be Peter and Peter alone." Charles said with a vicious glint in his eyes. "All fellow members here, if any of you have any objection on my order, raise your hand. Silence will be treated as exiling Peter." He said as he looked around the surroundings.

Silence, no one dared to utter a single word.

"Very well. Guards, throw this stranger to the streets and don't let him get near the Clan ever again." Charles looked down on Peter, slumped lifelessly in the ground, and coldly ordered.

The guards did what they were ordered, they dragged Peter out the Clan's gate and threw him out of the gate.

Peter was now curling in the ground, muttered.

"How? How can they say that? I just want a daughter." Peter whispered as he whimper.

Peter stayed there for a few hours, ignoring the confused looks of the bypassers, then stood up and walked towards a certain direction.

'To the Hero Sect' Peter thought.


Back in the Clan, inside a secret chamber of the mansion, there the Patriarch and other members of the Clan with the authority sitting together. Lloyd was also there.

The topic they were going to discuss is very confidential and can warrant a decree of execution from the King, the reason for their secrecy right now.

"Patriarch, why did you exile Peter, your younger brother?" One of the elders asked.

Lloyd nodded as he was also piqued by the question. Although his father was just exiled, he was not sad about it and was instead quite a bit happy.

"We all know our Clan's intention of establishing an alliance with the Sword Dance Sect right? In the past few years, Peter himself has been obstructing our attempts of establishing connections to the sect. Peter knows me too well, when he heard of the purpose of such attempts, he immediately knew our plan of overtaking the Kingdom and force the royal family to surrender. This in result delays some of our expected plans in the past but thankfully he didn't expose his correct guesses. Fortunately, it was not long before the Sword Dance Sect agreeing to the offer of forming a secret alliance." Charles seriously mattered, a topic of force abdication of a King is a grave matter. To do so, the 8 sects must be allied to achieve a perfect guarantee.

Hearing all that, Lloyd was also shocked but kept silent. He was also happy that he was included in this secret discussion as it clearly shows his importance to the Patriarch.

After thinking for a moment, the Patriarch added. "As of now, 5 of the sect are now in alliance with us, along with the Polest Clan and Sperls Clan. The only clans left are the Sky River Sect, Mystic Petals Sect, and Hero Sect. If ever the 3 of them will side with the royal family in times of war, then the outcome will be hard to imagine."

"Then how are the progress of the 3 of them?" Another elder asked.

"As of now, River Sky Sect is slowly showing some interest after stating the benefits of the success of the operation but no final decision yet. The Mystic Petals express themselves, for now, to remain neutral." Charles replied.

This time, Lloyd asked a question. "How about the Hero Sect?"

Hearing that, the Patriarch's eyes showed annoyance. "They are the real problem, the Sect Master, Sunshine stupid name, by the way, is one of the most powerful figures in this kingdom. Although his Sect is weak overall, his strength cannot be overlooked. There are also rumors that Sunshine and the King have a close relationship, now if he and King Behemoth himself form a team, then they will be a force not to be reckoned with. But surely, the Hero Sect will not accept the offer of ours overthrowing the Kingdom. If that is so, then we will need to deal with Sunshine himself along with his Sect." Charles said as a vicious glint flashed in his eyes.

"But what if Peter will spread a rumor regarding this operation?" Lloyd asked worriedly, even he stopped calling Peter his father.

"That is why we will intentionally spread rumors of him being a pedophile, an atrocious, ruthless and pervert person. Besides, he was also kicked in the Clan, who will believe a person labeled as a pedophile and resulted in him kicking out of the clan? No one." Charles sneered upon thinking of his bastard of a brother.

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