
Saintess? Not Anymore! I'd Rather be a Destroyer

Sypnosis Hitono, an experienced gamer with a deep passion for the world of gaming, finds herself immersed in her favorite pastime. She has always relished the role of a dedicated healer, assuming the persona of a virtuous Saintess within the digital realms. However, her gaming journey takes an unexpected turn when she ventures into a recently launched game called Tangent Online. Through a fortuitous series of events, she manages to unlock a brand-new class, the fearsome Destroyer, by merging certain skills together. Little does Hitono know that her entrance into Tangent Online will thrust her and a group of unsuspecting individuals into a dangerous ordeal. Unbeknownst to them, an evil goddess has devised a sinister plot, transforming their gaming experience into a harrowing death game.

OnikunStudios · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
96 Chs

Chap 7: Defeating the monster

The clash between the colossal Pergutsus creature and the five commenced with a thunderous roar. Bake, fueled by his fiery, unleashed a torrent of searing flames, scorching the air and causing the creature to recoil in agonizing pain. Meanwhile, Kui showcased her lightning-fast footwork, her movements a blur of blinding speed. With lethal precision, she targeted the monster's weak spots, exploiting its vulnerabilities and expertly slicing through its defenses.

As Bake and Kofi unleash their offensive powers, dealing devastating blows to the enemy, Hitono takes on the crucial role of supporting her allies. Amidst the chaos of battle, she weaves her intricate healing magic, a beacon of ethereal light that envelops her comrades. Through her soothing chants and gentle gestures, she mends their wounds and uplifts their spirits, replenishing their strength amidst the turmoil. Her healing spreads across the battlefield, drowning out the monstrous creature's enraged cries.

Undeterred by the monster's retaliatory attacks, the united front of the top five players stands strong. The Pergutsus's mandibles snap with ferocity, and its razor-sharp stinger looms menacingly. However, the synchronized movements and unwavering determination of our heroes prove to be a force to be reckoned with. Bake, utilizing his earth-based abilities, conjures formidable spikes that erupt from the ground, impaling the creature's legs and limiting its mobility. Adrein, with unmatched agility, darts in and out of the monster's reach, delivering swift and precise strikes that find their mark.

In the midst of the chaos, Hitono shines as the protector and healer of the group. Her healing energies intertwine seamlessly with her divine powers, forming a radiant shield that deflects the monster's onslaught. This protective aura, glowing with divine light, serves as a barrier that blunts the force of the creature's attacks, keeping her comrades safe from harm. With each healing touch and whispered prayer, she infuses her allies with renewed strength and resilience, fortifying them to face the relentless onslaught of the Pergutsus.

Years of dedicated gaming experience and countless hours spent honing their skills within the game have culminated in this moment. The top five players, Adrein, Bake, Kofi, Kui, and Hitono, move with precision and calculated efficiency as the battle escalates towards its climax. The colossal Pergutsus monster, once imposing and fearsome, now struggles to match their relentless attacks

In a display of exceptional skill, Kui, delivers a swift and decisive blow with her blade. The monstrous creature staggers, its form crumbling under the weight of defeat. The battlefield falls silent, the only sound filling the air being the triumphant gasps of the crowd. Through their combined efforts and hopeful spirit, they have emerged victorious, vanquishing the menacing threat that once loomed large.

As the adrenaline subsides and the dust settles, Bake's flames extinguish, the Kui sheathes her blade, and Hitono's healing light gradually fades away. However, the memory of their battle against the ant-mosquito monster will forever echo within the game's forums and discussions.