
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
447 Chs

Chapter 78

Chapter 78 Sakura Flower And Banquet

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

The roar of artillery came from the tallest magnetic drum, Luoji Mountain.

Chopper, who was climbing up the Merry, was taken aback and thought something was wrong over the castle.

The others on and under the boat also looked in the direction of the roar of the artillery.


Chopper suddenly transformed into a reindeer in the form of a beast, his eyes were full of worry, his hooves were connected, and he seemed to run away immediately.

"Don't worry, Chopper, it's just parting fireworks!

Stopping the panicked Chopper, Luffy's calm voice rang in Chopper's ear.

Chopper, who was still worried, calmed down under Luffy's seemingly magical words.

Chopper turned his gaze to the direction of the gunfire, which was now shrouded in a layer of Sakura pink dust.

"Look, it's the Sakura flower!

The pure white snow that fell one after another, stained by pink dust, was like a piece of bright Sakura flowers, falling from a huge Sakura flower tree in the middle.

"How beautiful! 99

Nami and Vivi were lying on the edge of the Merry, staring at the swirling pink snow, and the two pairs of beautiful eyes were full of stars.

"What a beautiful view!"

Zoro, who was resting on the main mast even when it was snowing, opened his closed eyes.

Sanji silently lit a cigarette and smoked it quietly in his mouth, looking at the pink snow like falling Sakura, a flash of thoughts flashed in his blurred eyes.

Mikita on the observation deck, Marianu standing timidly behind Vivi and Nami, even the man Gal-Tino, all stared at the pink sky in front of him.

At this time, Chopper has changed back to a small appearance, and those big eyes are staring at everything in front of him.

"Doctor Silk…"

In the pink snowflakes, Chopper seemed to see the man who saved him again.

The pirate flag hanging at the top of the castle is also flying in the wind under the print of the flying Sakura flowers!

This winter miracle Sakura flower blooms to bid farewell to Yuzu who is traveling for the first time.

The fluttering pink dust, blown by the snow wind, soon dyed the snow in the entire drum kingdom into Sakura pink.

"Is it really okay to watch him leave from a distance like this `~?"

Outside the castle on Ciguluoji Mountain, Dalton, who had commanded the citizens to put off this prosperous fireworks, looked at the tearful Doctor Dolier and said.

"That's it!"

Doctor Doli Er whispered softly, looking at the reindeer that was about to leave in the harbor, two lines of clear tears slowly slid down the old face.

"Silly son, take care!

The snow on the horizon seems to be getting denser and denser, and they are swaying, obscuring Li Ren's sight.

"Then, cheers to the addition of Chopper! 35

On the Merry, which was slowly leaving the Drum Kingdom, Luffy held a wooden cup and shouted at the crowd.


Glasses filled with champagne collided and splashed several times.

There were tears in Chopper's eyes, the sadness of parting was washed away by the cheers of the crowd, and he took a sip from a wooden cup in both hands.

"Here, Chopper, do you see what Usopp looks like? Try making it too! It's going to be fun!"

Under the strange gazes of Nami and the others, Luffy held Chopper's shoulder and pointed at Usopp, who had inserted two chopsticks between his nose and lips, seductively.


The simple Chopper asked subconsciously, but he did it directly according to Usopp's way.


Seeing that the originally cute little reindeer suddenly made such a strange action, everyone who was drinking champagne burst into laughter.


Chopper, who has completely integrated into the banquet, doesn't care how funny his current image is, and laughed happily.

Take this as your revenge for calling me a monster!

With a smile on the corner of Luffy's mouth, he sighed inwardly as he looked at Chopper who had completely released himself under his own flickering.

Although I don't know why Luffy fooled Chopper so much, I saw that Chopper was so happy to fit into the Merry.

Everyone who was still worried about Chopper's life experience also let go of their worries.

The banquet has been going on happily.

Even Gal-Tino, who has not yet decided to join, hangs his shoulders with Usopp Chopper in this lively atmosphere.

The petite Marianu was sipping her drink, and her slightly squinted eyes showed that she was in a pretty good mood at this time.

And Nami, who was originally quite unhappy with Mikita, had already had a drink with the other party at this time.

Zoro was still drinking by himself over there, raising his glass to Luffy from time to time.

Sanji has been busy in the kitchen. Although he can't sit down and celebrate with everyone, he is obviously very satisfied that everyone can like the food he makes.

.~ Thinking about Alabasta?

Luffy walked over to Vivi who was holding a wine glass by himself and stood behind Vivi on the bow of the Merry, looking at the slightly thin back of the other party, and asked aloud.

Vivi, who was looking at the front in a trance, was slightly taken aback when he heard Luffy's voice.

Turning around, raising the wine glass in his hand and gently touching the glass in front of him, Vivi said:

"No, although I do worry about Alabasta's situation, after seeing Mr. Luffy's strength, I have no doubts about saving Alabasta."5

Having said this, Vivi took a sip of the champagne in the glass and continued:

"Just thinking, it must be a very happy thing to be able to take risks with Mr. Luffy all the time, right?

"If you want, the Straw Hat Pirates welcome your (Li Zhao's) to join at any time.

Luffy gave Vivi a serious look, then said.

"If I were not the princess of Alabasta's words."

Vivi shook his head and drank the wine from the glass in one gulp.

Glancing in Nami's direction, he found that the other party was drinking with Mikita, and he didn't notice the situation here.

Vivi stepped forward, stood on tiptoe, quickly kissed Luffy's lips, and then walked towards the wine table with a blushing face in Luffy's surprised eyes.

The soft touch is fleeting, but the girly fragrance that remains on the corners of the lips has not dissipated for a long time.

Luffy shook his head with a wry smile, took a sip of the champagne in his glass, turned and walked towards the wine table as well.

Nami, who was originally fighting with Mikita, saw Vivi and Luffy coming back one after another, glanced at the two with a bit of meaning, and continued to compete with Mikita.

At this time, there was a lively scene on the Merry.