
Saga of The Sage

I deleted the original novel to rebrand it so please check it out Check out my other book #Contract With A Devil After performing a ritual from a ritual book he bought, Shane found himself transmigrated into a totally different world not just that but into a teenage slave's body. After transmigrating Shane received a system that would help him level up learning a secret he wasn't supposed to learn, he found himself under the radar of powerful beings, that would stop at nothing to destroy him. With the power of the system, Shane sorts out to become the most powerful mage in Existence, to protect his newly met friends and loved ones, in a world filled up with demons, demigods, Angels, and gods. _______________________ Author here, Hi, Please excuse my grammatical errors. I know the first chapters may be boring but I will try my best to make them enjoyable when I get enough experience by writing them. If any of you are interested in joining my new discord server please click on the link, https://discord.gg/nM2rqH3A

Recklesspen · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
52 Chs


Shane woke up to an annoying sound, it sounded like a timer, he forced his eyelids open and he saw a screen floating before him.


>>Name =

>>Level = 1 [Mortal]

>>Main Class = None

>>Sub Class = None

>>Tittle = Slave

>>Race = Human

>>Age = 16

>>Exp = 0/50

>>Hp = 20/20

>>Mana = 50/50


>>Strength = 0.5

>>Agility = 0.7

>>Stamina = 0.5

>>Intelligence = 1

[Skill] [Quests] [Shop]

Shane was dumbfounded by what he was seeing, he looked around trying to see if he was the only person who could see the screen, he saw other slaves waking up, some were still sleeping and the warden was just stepping out of his special tent.

Shane looked back to the screen going through everything again

"Why is my name blank? ohh right this is a new body, I don't have a name yet" Just as he was thinking about his name, he received a notification from the system


Shane thought for a while before he could come up with a name for himself " Should I use another name since am in a new world, this still feels like a dream to me, how did I get here, how is this even possible" Shane thought, he was having a hard time coming up with a name, As if the system was fed up with the long wait it started a count down.

"What the heck, will it disappear if I don't come up with a name" Shane's mind went into overdrive thinking between using a new name or his original name, the countdown was already at 3 before he could come up with a name.

"I will just use my name, How about Shane Myers" his name before he appeared in this world was Shane but he just added the Myers as a way to remind himself that he was in a new world, he checked the system interface again.

[Host Attributes]

>>Name = Shane Myers

>>Level = 1 [Mortal]

>>Main Class = None

>>Sub Class = None

>>Tittle = Slave

>>Race = Human

>>Age = 16

>>Exp = 0/50

>>Hp = 20/20

>>Mana = 50/50


>>Strength = 0.5

>>Agility = 0.7

>>Stamina = 0.5

>>Intelligence = 1

[Skill] [Quests] [Shop]

After checking the system interface again, Shane felt a wave of energy entering his body, the feeling was so addictive that Shane didn't want it to stop.

he wanted to continue checking out the system interface but the voice of the warden made him decide to do it later, he got up on her feet, which for some weird reason already healed up not just the wounds on his feet, all the cut on his body were healed up, he felt healthier than before and could see clearly.

He looked around and saw that the other slaves were not all human, he could see some other unique characters that he had only seen in Movies in his previous life, he could recognize some like Elves, Orcs, and Beastkin, and some he could not recognize. He was still trying to guess the other race when the warden called for their attention.

"Ahem, Good morning slaves, in the next 4 hours we have to be in the town called Lozano, so get moving ASAP, no more rest till we get there," the warden said while mounting his Brown horse.

With that, the slave cart continued on its journey, although it was early and the sun was just rising, the heat from the sand just kept increasing, but unlike before the heat was not that hot compared to the previous day.

[4 hours later]

"Welcome to the Town of Lazano slaves, some of you will meet your new masters today," said the warden with a long grin on his face the thought of the amount of money he was about to make today, made him feel glad, he had been leading his slave cart for a month and finally he was going to earn what he deserves.

The town had tall stone walls surrounding it with few guard posts and guards patrolling on the wall, When Shane got inside the Town he was surprised by what he saw, instead of the small rundown town that he had imagined, this town was huge with a lot of beautiful buildings and the roads were made of concrete, he could see a lot of people with pointy ear moving around, some were carrying weapons and guards were patrolling.

He saw a lot of stalls selling different items from magic potions to weapons and armor, and some were selling food, the stalls and houses were made of wood.

After a few more minutes the slave cart stopped in front of a huge concrete building, the building had four massive pillars and Two giant doors, the building was painted white with gray designs on it, and above it, the word "AUCTION HOUSE" was written boldly.

Shane's heart skipped several beats, he looked at the faces of the other slaves some had horrified looks on their faces, while some were just chatting, it was clear most of the slaves had already accepted their condition.

"Ok we are here, time to make some gold coins, thank you all for making me rich," the warden said while laughing, he dismounted from his horse and walked up to the giant chain that had been attached to the cart all this time and unhooked it, he continues walking towards the Auction house, they didn't enter through the front doors instead the save trader went through a side door Shane didn't see there before, it was like the door appeared out of nowhere.

Entering inside Shane could see other slaves sitting inside different cages, the race of the slaves ranged from humans to other creatures Shane had no idea what they were, some had thick horns with the upper body of a bull and the lower part of horses, some simply looked like humans but looking closer Shane could see scales around their bodies, but he wasn't in a position to ask questions as he was also brought into a small cage, the cage smelt like rotten flesh, Shane knew there was no way out so he just sat on the floor and waiting for everything to finish quickly so she could check the system interface.

After the warden got into the auction house, he presented his slave master ID and dropped off Shane and the other slaves, the auction master counted the slaves the total number was 12 including Shane, and soon the bidding began.

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