
Saga of The Sage

I deleted the original novel to rebrand it so please check it out Check out my other book #Contract With A Devil After performing a ritual from a ritual book he bought, Shane found himself transmigrated into a totally different world not just that but into a teenage slave's body. After transmigrating Shane received a system that would help him level up learning a secret he wasn't supposed to learn, he found himself under the radar of powerful beings, that would stop at nothing to destroy him. With the power of the system, Shane sorts out to become the most powerful mage in Existence, to protect his newly met friends and loved ones, in a world filled up with demons, demigods, Angels, and gods. _______________________ Author here, Hi, Please excuse my grammatical errors. I know the first chapters may be boring but I will try my best to make them enjoyable when I get enough experience by writing them. If any of you are interested in joining my new discord server please click on the link, https://discord.gg/nM2rqH3A

Recklesspen · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
52 Chs

Chapter 49 - Level up

The hatred for the humans in the Eastern human continent within the heart of all Demi-humans, elves, dragons, and dwarves was second to none, if not for the power the Eastern humans possessed all the Nonhumans would have differently banded up to wipe them out.

Shane watched the roots cover and block the exit of the hidden room he was in with disbelief on his face. "did they just trap me in a dungeon" Shane could still not believe what had just happened.


the ground shook as wolves poured into the hidden room °Cleave° Shane immediately used cleave to cut himself free from the roots binding him, he turned around and counted up to 20 angry wolves bearing their fangs at him, if this wasn't a hidden room within the dungeon he would have been overrun by now.

'Those bastards trapped me, pray I don't get out of here alive I swear to fucking god' one of the grey wolves dashed at him intensively Shane used °Cleave° cutting the wolf into two, he didn't stop there as he could spamming the spell attack the wolves, he knew he couldn't relax for a second as he might end up as wolf food.

Shane had dispatched 10 of the 20 wolves, he could barely catch his breath and he was getting exhausted both mentally and physically, he needed to find a way to escape this hidden room, his Mana was also dwinging down.

[>>Mana = 100/250]

As he was busy thinking of a way out a wolf creeped behind him undetected, it pounced on Shane biting his ankle before forcefully dragging it throwing Shane off balance "Fuck!!!" Shane screamed as he felt his ankle being torn apart, he used his other heel to hit the wolf away lucky his [3.8] strength was enough to kick the wolf away, Shane tried to get up but another wolf pounced on his digging it sharp canines into his shoulder "Ahhhhhhh"

>>Hp = 100/200

Just the attack from two wolves was able to bring his health to half, 'I can't die here I need to pay to bastards back for what they did' The thought of revenge fueled his heart and the adrenaline boasted his thinking, and he immediately slapped the wolf biting his shoulder and use °Cleave° to sever its head from its body, he jumped up on his feet, 9 of the wolves still surrounded Shane but they were wary to attack, they growl and howl at Shane.

'fuck this, I shouldn't have come into a dungeon unprepared but I will survive this is my second life I can't just die in a low-rank dungeon without seeing what this world has to offer' Shane's determination to survive skyrocketed forcing his brain to go into overdrive thinking of ways to use his spells to survive this encirclement "That's it"

During his experimentation with his illusion skill, he noticed that other people couldn't see the mist generated by the skill or tell that it was an illusion so he doubted if a few savage wolves would be able to tell the difference, but he only had one illusion spell so he would have to come up with a new spell on the spot like how he created his °Cleave° spell.

'if I could make those wolves attack each other that would be great' he thought, earlier he had learned to create rabbits out of his illusion mist 'If I could make them see their kin as me that should do the trick but running out of Mana so I pray this works' Shane activated his illusion skill and invisible pink mist filled the hidden room.

As he hoped he was able to control the illusion mist making it form his shape around the wolves prompting them to attack each other before they realized what they were doing, Shane's illusion mist was only able to mask their appearance but not their smell but he would also fire his lightning spell at the wolves.

Shane sat resting his back against the dungeon wall, breathing heavily his clothes drenched in his blood and two open wounds on his shoulder and ankle.

[Exp quote reached x12]

[Host can now level up]


>>Name = Shane Myers

>>Level = 4 [Mortal]

>>Main Class = None

>>Sub Class = None

>>Tittle = Slave

>>Race = Human

>>Age = 16

>>Exp = 0/400

>>Hp = 200/200

>>Mana = 250/250

>>Mystic Energy = 11


>>Strength = 3.8

>>Agility = 3.8

>>Stamina = 3.3

>>Intelligence = 4.1

>>Stat points = 24]

"If I calculate it well that would be two stats points for each exp quote reached, if I put 10 stats points into intelligence that should place me in level 5 and I can distribute the remaining 14 points evenly among the others, but if I dump everything into INT (intelligence) I would reach level 6,

I don't want to become a glass Cannon, if I hadn't put anything into strength I wouldn't have been able to kick that wolf off my ankle.... Haaaa, this is frustrating, to say the least, I will go for an around build for now, as a mage I can't use other weapons but I should still be able to punch and kick so something like a mage brawler and I will also get plus 3 to all my stats when I level up"

Without further delay, Shane dumps 10 stats into intelligence, 5 into strength, 5 into agility, and 4 into stamina.

>>Strength = 4.6

>>Agility = 4.6

>>Stamina = 3.7

>>Intelligence = 5.4

[Congratulations Host has Leveled up]

[+3 to all stats]

Shane felt the same addicting feeling again, his wounded body began to heal but his exhaustion didn't disappear and his eyes were getting heavy "I can't fall asleep here, who knows what might attack me in my sleep" he forced himself to stay awake while waiting for his exhaustion to pass so that he could leave the dungeon as fast as possible "let's check my new stats and see if I can buy anything from the shop"


>>Name = Shane Myers

>>Level = 5 [Mortal]

>>Main Class = Mage

>>Sub Class = None

>>Tittle = Slave

>>Race = Human

>>Age = 16

>>Exp = 0/500

>>Hp = 300/300

>>Mana = 350/350

>>Mystic Energy = 12


>>Strength = 4.6

>>Agility = 4.6

>>Stamina = 3.7

>>Intelligence = 5.4

"I can't say if my leveling speed of fast or slow because I have no one to reference it with, and I still haven't learned to use this mystic energy with was supposed to be the source energy where Mana came from, i should get out of here alive first before trying anything"