
Saga of The Sage

I deleted the original novel to rebrand it so please check it out Check out my other book #Contract With A Devil After performing a ritual from a ritual book he bought, Shane found himself transmigrated into a totally different world not just that but into a teenage slave's body. After transmigrating Shane received a system that would help him level up learning a secret he wasn't supposed to learn, he found himself under the radar of powerful beings, that would stop at nothing to destroy him. With the power of the system, Shane sorts out to become the most powerful mage in Existence, to protect his newly met friends and loved ones, in a world filled up with demons, demigods, Angels, and gods. _______________________ Author here, Hi, Please excuse my grammatical errors. I know the first chapters may be boring but I will try my best to make them enjoyable when I get enough experience by writing them. If any of you are interested in joining my new discord server please click on the link, https://discord.gg/nM2rqH3A

Recklesspen · Fantasi
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52 Chs

C51 - The Attack

< Eastern Human continent\Bhibag Kingdom>

/Capitol City >

The moon was hanging high in the sky with the visible stars glistening, A group of guards were patrolling the walls.

"Shit, I should have been in the frontline, instead am sitting here while our brothers and sisters lay down their lives to protect our kingdom," one of the guards said.

"you should be grateful that you are here instead of the frontline, I heard from the soldiers that were sent back because of their injuries that the Astariris soldiers were weak," another guard said as he sat beside the other guards.

"is not that better, I could be out there gaining honor and renown, maybe if I performed well enough I could even be promoted to become a Knight and have my fief" one of the guards replied.

"allow me to finish, although they said the Astariris soldiers were weak, they also told me about the Church of Wisdom Paladins were like monsters, unless you take off their heads they would always stand up, they said the Paladins were like the undead in the demi-human continent,

Except those Paladins could use weapons and they have intelligence, so fighting them was tricky since they can instantly heal any wound on their body" the guard explained further making the other guards gasp.

If that were true then those paladins would be truly troublesome to deal with, fighting something that could heal any

afflicted injuries, if they hadn't learned this they would probably have tired themselves out if they were to face any Church of Wisdom Paladin, they all thought.

The group of guards was silent as they thought about the soldiers on the front line, only to be brought back from their thoughts by the sound of the warning bell.

They rushed towards the bell "Why was the bell rung" A guard asked but received no response, he followed the line of sight of the other guard only to see 2 Airships with the insignia of the Church of Wisdom heading towards them.

"Gather your weapons, we must defend the Capital by any means," the Guard captain said as he drew his [SNAKE SPEAR] and hit the bottom in the ground making a loud sound that woke up the 2 stone golem that was standing before the City gate.

One of the golems held a Bastard sword while the other had a bow on, all the guards gathered before the gate 100,000 soldiers willing to lay down their lives to defend their city.

The 2 airships stopped mid-air before descending allowing the Paladins and Deborahs March out all 70,000 of them.

"Great Oyá, those are Paladins," the guard Captain said as he tightened his grasp on his [SNAKE SPEAR], he could recognize the paladins by their matching Black armor with the church's insignia but he could not recognize the other army wearing green armor with hoods on their heads.

"Boys, Am not going to lie, we are in for a tough battle, those standing before us are the Church of Wisdom Paladins, they are monstrous beings created by the church,

Aim for the head, we outnumber them, we will use that number to our advantage, don't attack alone, don't allow your taste for honor blind you, we must protect the young prince and princess at all cost" the guard captain said as he readied himself for battle.

He knew surviving the battle would be a difficult task, even if you knew the weaknesses of the Paladins, they wouldn't just let you cut off their heads, which was the reason he ordered his soldiers to attack in groups.

"Zelmo, I need you to ride to the castle, your job is to get the royal family out of the city, we will buy you enough time, make sure you protect the royal family with your life if necessary," the guard captain said.

Zelmo who was raring for battle a few seconds ago was shocked, 'why' he thought, or does the captain think he is so weak that he had to send him to babysit, he was about to repudiate when the Church's army began to charge towards them.

"Now zelmo, this battle is not going to end in our favor, so get the royal family out of the city" the guard captain shouted as he ordered his army to charge.

The guard captain knew facing the paladins wasn't going to be easy and there were also the ones wearing green armor, he wanted to focus more on the paladins but his instinct didn't allow him, he could feel danger from the green-armored people.

The guard captain was a 4th-Circle Spearman, how could he feel fear he wondered, as long as he could tell he was the only 4th-Circle warrior on the battlefield, his companions were from 1st to 3rd-Circle.

But he didn't allow it to bother him as he coated himself and his weapon with Kai, he looked at Zelmo for one last time before charging along with his army.

As the two forces collided, heads began to roll as the paladins were ruthlessly decapitated by the army, although the guards started with the number advantage the flow of the battle began to change.

The guard captain was facing off against 3 paladins, being a 4th-Circle warrior facing off against the paladins didn't scare him at all, he thrust his spear in-between a paladin's head killing him on the spot "Why are they so weak" The guard captain said.

Something was not feeling right, he had heard that the paladins were formidable foes but he had single-handedly beheaded 10 paladins so far.

Although the guard's captain was having an easier time dealing with the enemy his forces were not.

"Hegg, duck now" one of the guards shouted, but the one called Hegg was too slow as an arrow went through his skull.

The guard captain was fortunate to have witnessed this scene, he was able to rush towards the other guards but before he could move a woman wearing green armor blocked his path with two greatswords.

Theo the guard captain was perplexed, a greatsword was a two-handed weapon so seeing someone using 2 greatswords baffled him.

The woman slashed at him using her greatsword, but Theo was able to deflect the attack with his Spear, "how is this possible, even with my strength I can't use two greatswords" Theo was in disbelief.

Even using two greatswords the strength of the woman matched his, every clash made his hands go numb "I am a 4th-Circle warrior for Oyá sake how can this happen"

While the battle was going on Zelmo was riding towards the castle, he had to get the royal family out as fast as possible, the full city was in disarray, and looting and killing had become rampant, it was a usual occurrence during a siege, thieves and looter would use that opportunity to loot and rob rich people and with no guards patrolling the city it was like open season for them.

After riding non-stop zelmo finally got to the castle, before he could enter he was stopped by the remaining palace guard "Halt, no one is allowed in at this moment" a tall man who looked to be in his late 40s said like every other citizen he had a little bit of gold and yellowish shade skin color and short black hair.

"I bring news from the battlefield, we need to evaluate the royal family from the city immediately, the Church army will soon break through the city gate" Zelmo replied he then explained what he saw before fleeing the battlefield under the command of the City guard captain, the palace guards couldn't believe what they heard an army of the Church crazed paladin that was known to be monsters were attacking them.

They soon made way for Zelmo and he rushed into the palace looking for the royal family, the first person he saw was the royal prince, a man in his early 20s with white hair, and the same skin tone as the others, zelmo knee before the man "My prince we need to get you and the Princess out of the city immediately, the Church army will soon break through the city gate and I was ordered to get you and your sister out as soon as possible"