
Saga of The Sage

I deleted the original novel to rebrand it so please check it out Check out my other book #Contract With A Devil After performing a ritual from a ritual book he bought, Shane found himself transmigrated into a totally different world not just that but into a teenage slave's body. After transmigrating Shane received a system that would help him level up learning a secret he wasn't supposed to learn, he found himself under the radar of powerful beings, that would stop at nothing to destroy him. With the power of the system, Shane sorts out to become the most powerful mage in Existence, to protect his newly met friends and loved ones, in a world filled up with demons, demigods, Angels, and gods. _______________________ Author here, Hi, Please excuse my grammatical errors. I know the first chapters may be boring but I will try my best to make them enjoyable when I get enough experience by writing them. If any of you are interested in joining my new discord server please click on the link, https://discord.gg/nM2rqH3A

Recklesspen · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
52 Chs

C44- Learning Spells

Shane nodded to the system's explanation, but instead of the message the system was trying to pass shane had another idea in his mind 'If Mystic energy is the Source of Mana if I can learn how to convert it to Mana that will mean more Mana," Shane said, he couldn't control his excitement, if he could really do such a thing them it could mean unlimited mana, well not unlimited but something along the line.

Shane's eyes drifted to his Skills tab and he willed it open, he just wanted to check if he had any skills.




"I have two skills," shane said, he had not expected to have any skills but to find out that he not only had one but two, a bloodline skill and a unique skill.

"What are Bloodline skills and unique skills" he asked the system.

[Bloodline skills are a set of skills passed within certain lineages, only members of the family can awaken such skills, you have a Bloodline skill means your family must be great,

A Unique Skills are bestowed upon a person by the Will of the World, it is unique because there is only one type of such skill]

"Ohh" was the only word that came to Shane's mind as he didn't have enough brain cells to ask further questions.

He focused on the unique skill trying to see if his inspection ability would work, he tried on the bloodline skill but no information came out, so he tried it on the Unique skill.


Description - The ability to understand Runic language in its base form]

"that's all," shane asked, he expected more information from the system about his Skills but he received none.

"Why do I have runic knowledge skill I'm the first place, well let me just get over with this and see the Mage class I got, so how should I do it," Shane said.

[For that you will need to meditate, only then would you be able to connect with the Will of the World] The system gave him a quick explanation.

The will of the world acts as the deciding factor when it comes to Learning a Unique Skill to Bloodline Skill, one would need to connect to it before they could receive a Class.

He sat cross-legged on a lotus position with his eyes closed, and he breathed in and out for a few minutes "I am not feeling anything, are you sure this is the right way" Shane asked the system.

[You are not doing it the right way, focus on your breath, let go of every other thought, and concentrate]

He did as the system told him, After a while, he could feel his consciousness sinking until he could no longer feel his surroundings, he appeared in a dark space, and Shane couldn't see even an inch away from him.

He saw two orbs floating within the dark space, he tried floating towards the orbs but to no avail, sensing his intention the two orbs flew towards him at great speed.

The orbs stopped before Shane, inside one of the orbs, Shane could see lightning raging inside, he could feel the intensity of the lightning but at the same time, he could feel the lightning calling him.

He grabbed the orb, and upon contact with the orb, the orb shell shattered, as the lightning zapped across Shane's body, he could feel the lightning running across his body.

Soon intense pain followed it felt like his organs were being struck by lightning, but it didn't stop there, the lightning continued zapping Shane's internal organs, it was searching for something, and soon the lightning was sucked in by a strange force.

[Lightning Element Acquired]

"That was intense, I thought I was going to die again" Shane commented, he tried to bring up his System interface but it didn't come up so he went back to observing the other orb which was still floating close to him.

He gently touch the orb and the same as the previous one, the orb shell shattered releasing white fog, the fog entered Shane's body, and like before it was sucked away.

[Illusion Magic Acquired]

"I can use two Magic types, System do you care to explain"

But the system was quiet like for some reason, Shane's consciousness was dragged out from the dark space.

When Shane regained his Consciousness he could feel a new type of power with him "System do you have any idea as to why I can use two Magic types" he asked the system again but he received no response from the system.

"You know you are freaking annoying, sometimes you would talk sometimes you wouldn't," he said in anger.

'I am too tired to do anything right now but since I already got my Class, might as well see what type of spells I can get from the Shop' Shane thought as he clicked the Shop menu, most of the items were still greyed out, he clicked the filter button then the Items he could afford showed.


>> Name - Sparks

>> Type - Destruction

>> Level - Novice

>> Cost - 16 Mp/sec

>> Price - 20 SC

[Sparks is a Novice level Destruction spell that produces Lightning that does 10 points of shock damage to Health and Mana per second]

>> Name - Courage

>> Type - Illusion

>> Level - Novice

>> Cost - 39 Mp (Mana Points)

>> Price - 15 SC

[Courage is a novice-level Illusion spell that prevents the target from fleeing and grants them extra health and stamina for 60 seconds.]

>> Name - Clairvoyance

>> Type - Illusion

>> Level - Novice

>> Cost - 25mp/Sec (Mana Points)

>> Price - 10 SC

[Clairvoyance draws a path, in the form of a magical blue line, leading to your current quest or objective.]

"Wow so cheap, I can buy everything " Without much thought Shane bought the three spells, and three Spell Tomes appeared in his Hand.

"How do I use this Spells Tome, do I have to read it or just open it," He asked the system, to which the system responded.

[You just hold on to the Tome then connect your Mana with the Tome, the information of the spell will appear in your mind]

Shane did as he was told and in the next second the information of the shock spell entered his mind, he did the same to the two other spell tomes, if the other mages around the world learn that there was a mage out there that didn't need up to a week to learn a spell from a Tome, only the Gods knows what they would do.