
Saga of The Sage

I deleted the original novel to rebrand it so please check it out Check out my other book #Contract With A Devil After performing a ritual from a ritual book he bought, Shane found himself transmigrated into a totally different world not just that but into a teenage slave's body. After transmigrating Shane received a system that would help him level up learning a secret he wasn't supposed to learn, he found himself under the radar of powerful beings, that would stop at nothing to destroy him. With the power of the system, Shane sorts out to become the most powerful mage in Existence, to protect his newly met friends and loved ones, in a world filled up with demons, demigods, Angels, and gods. _______________________ Author here, Hi, Please excuse my grammatical errors. I know the first chapters may be boring but I will try my best to make them enjoyable when I get enough experience by writing them. If any of you are interested in joining my new discord server please click on the link, https://discord.gg/nM2rqH3A

Recklesspen · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
52 Chs

C26- Adept mage

*THOUSAND WATER SWORD* thousands of water swords appeared, hovering above the blue-haired lady with blue skin, jay was too focused on escaping that he did not notice a watery dome covering three people, one was the [Apprentice] and the other two were [Mortal].

Jay couldn't care less about the woman's attack, he just wanted to leave the cave before any more hunters arrived without stopping he glanced at the woman before running out of the cave, he saw towering trees and a vast greenery 'Time to get out of here' he thought as he flapped his wings, although he had received a long cut in his left-wing he knew it wouldn't stop him.

It was weird trying to flay for the first time as he was flapping his wing rapidly but after a while, he stopped as the information on how to fly flooded his mind, he closed his eye and spread his wings circulating his energy through his body he flapped his wings once at the same time and he felt his body lift off the ground he continues to flap his wing and so he was shooting into the sky 'this is awesome, hahahahahahahaha, this is fucking amazing' he screamed which came out as another loud roar than sound throughout the forest.

Jay didn't waste time as he flew deeper into the forest wishing to get as far away from the hunters as possible.

Back in the cave Bella who had planned to attack the wyvern but stopped because of the glare she had received which sent chills down her spine was using her magic to clear the cave's poisonous air, because of the thick poisonous air within the cave none of the adventurers could move as they were trying their best to stay alive while use their Mana and Kai to protect their body as any form of distraction would lead to an unfortunate end as they weren't stronger enough to maintain such skill.

Bella had used her water dragon spell to blast off the top of the cave allowing the air to flow outside, after the air cleared the three surviving adventurers could finally see the aftermath of the wyvern's breathe attack, several bodies had melted skin, eyes popping out, among the 15 adventurers that had attack the wyvern only three remained.

Bella looked around the cave searching for someone after walking to where the wyvern stood before she could see the person she was looking for planted into the side of the cave wall with his skin melted and his head smashed against the wall his blood painted the cave wall red, Bella dropped on her knees as tears flowed down her blue cheeks, one of her friends her died again, the minotaur that she had always considered her family had died just like that.

She couldn't blame anyone as they had the chance of leaving when Kimiko did but because of their greed for money they stayed and now her last reason for adventuring had died with Mose.

"WORTHLESS ALL OF YOU ARE FUCKING WORTHLESS, JUST A FUCKING WYVERN AND YOU LET IT ESCAPE AND YOU BELLA WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU ATTACK IT, YOU FUCKING HAD A CHANCE" Mazs screamed in anger, how could he not be when he was so close to his dream and the fucking demi-human allowed it to escape, she had a clear shot and she missed it.

"If you ever talk to me like that again, I will fucking kill you," Bella said as a sword made out of water appeared inches away from Mazs's neck, the tip of the blade draw a bit of blood, if she hadn't controlled herself at the last minute she would have taken his head off.

Mazs was about to come up with an excuse for his outburst for he knew he was no match for a mage like Bella, in the face of an [Apprentice Mage] a mortal like him was not even worth a speck of dust "Our friends are dead, dead you hear me and all you care about is the wyvern which you woke in the first place against everyone protect and you dare to open that rotten mouth of yours to question me about my action, Mose is dead because of you" Bella said as tears poured from her eyes uncontrollable.

In just a week she had lost almost everyone she considered a family, Dre was killed by a Wechuge, and Kimiko also died but thanks to her Unique skill *Extra life* she was able to come back to life and because of the trauma she had practically quit adventuring heading back to her family in the demi-human continent, now Mose had also died by the wyvern poison breath and now this insignificant human was blaming her after she had been the one to save his useless ass from the poison.

Without waiting for Mazs to respond she turned around walking towards the dead Mose, he picked up his two-handed war hammer due to the weight she couldn't lift it so she stored it in the new storage bag she had bought from the soul gem money, she used her magic to life Mose body and left the cave headed back to town, she would bury Mose body along the way as she hoped to catch up with Kimiko before she returns as she now planned to also go back home.

Mazs watched as she left without saying anything until he was sure Bella was out of his view before cursing her at the top of his voice "Fucking demi, who do you think you are to talk to a noble like me, just pray I don't find you after I get back what belongs to me" he screamed at the top of his voice.

After venting for a few minutes Mazs saw a group of Adventurers heading towards him, looking closely he saw Amocni and some other strangers and someone in a pure white robe "Boss what happened here, where is the wyvern" Amocni asked, like the rest of the new arrivals were shocked by the state of the cave, the cave top had been blasted off by Bella and the grass around the cave had somehow turned brown.

Before Mazs could reply the person in the white robe stepped forward observing the surroundings before speaking in a low tone "A poison wyvern, seems like you guys were unlucky and dumb to have engaged it inside a small cave, well never expect much from low-class adventurers in the first place" the woman walked closer to the cave entrance, she knelt touching the grass around the cave "But this…. This isn't a simple poison breathe, this corrosion is way above that" the grass she touches crumbles into dust.

She walked into the open cave the smile of rotten flesh filled the air, the woman breath in place her delicate fingers forward, as she moved her fingers Runic symbols began to appear out of thin air, and as the Runic symbols became complete she placed her palm of the cave floor without saying anything the event that had happened before began to replay before everyone's eyes.

There was no audio sound but she could see everything from when Mazs first attacked the wyvern to when it used its breathe attack, the mage paused the playback during the breathing attack, and she walked closer to the magic projection "Hummm, as I suspected that wasn't just a poison breathe" the woman sighed before moving outside the cave.

"You lot should thank your gods that you managed to survive," The woman said before heading towards the direction the wyvern went, Mazs and the rest could only look as she disappeared from their view.

"Who the fuck was that," Mazs ask Amocni as he was the one who had brought the mage with him.

"Boss, don't tell me you don't know her, that's the White mage Cedric Veola, the only Adept mage in the Kingdom of Loremark"