
Saga of The Sage

I deleted the original novel to rebrand it so please check it out Check out my other book #Contract With A Devil After performing a ritual from a ritual book he bought, Shane found himself transmigrated into a totally different world not just that but into a teenage slave's body. After transmigrating Shane received a system that would help him level up learning a secret he wasn't supposed to learn, he found himself under the radar of powerful beings, that would stop at nothing to destroy him. With the power of the system, Shane sorts out to become the most powerful mage in Existence, to protect his newly met friends and loved ones, in a world filled up with demons, demigods, Angels, and gods. _______________________ Author here, Hi, Please excuse my grammatical errors. I know the first chapters may be boring but I will try my best to make them enjoyable when I get enough experience by writing them. If any of you are interested in joining my new discord server please click on the link, https://discord.gg/nM2rqH3A

Recklesspen · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
52 Chs

C23- Green skin

'Maybe I should go resupply myself since am less busy anyway, and I can't spend time with those filthy Demi-humans' he thought as he changed his direction.

3 Hours Later

Mazs came back to the inn after resupplying and waiting for Amocni after waiting for a few minutes Amocni came in with a smile on his face, he immediately saw Mazs sitting alone in the corner, he hurried to him, and Amocni sat close to Mazs.

"Boss, I have good news, the Earl gave me the Job," Amocni said smiling, he could see the happiness on Mazs's face

"Good Job Amocni, let's go brief the others and get this done with," Mazs said as he got up from his sit, Amocni followed after him, and they got to the other, Mazs knocked on the door before opening it "Come around guys, we have a job to do" Mazs could hear groaning but he didn't care 'the sooner we finish this the sooner I will be free' Mazs thought.

The others gathered in the Dining room, the room was quite spacious having a long dining table with 8 chairs, the Inn the group was staying in belonged to a rich merchant the group saved in one of their many mission, in return for saving him for actual death the Merchant gave them one of his VIP room inside his inn, the room was like a building on its own having 5 rooms and 3 baths, sitting round the table Amocni gave the briefing.

"This quest is a simple Clear mission, The Earl wants us to clear out all monsters, on his newly acquired land, the mission is a joint mission, meaning we aren't the only one he hired, but before you guys complain here comes the interesting part, any Beast we kill the crystal belongs to us and there is a hefty pay after each team would go in different direction as to not ender the others" by the looks on their faces Amocni could guess that nobody had an objection.

After a few seconds of total silence, Mose spoke up "When are we leaving"

"Immediately, It's a joint quest so the other adventurers are already preparing to leave" Amocni replied

"What about supplies, and isn't it too early to go on another quest you all know what happened last time" Kimiko wasn't feeling too kin to go on any quest for a while, she could still remember the pain of having her heart ripped out from her body, "I think I might sit this one out, and I want to return home, I miss my family" Kimiko left the others, she went into her room, packing her stuff, 'Going back to the Demi-human continent is the best option for me, I didn't want to die again'

The memory of her death hunted her throughout the night, it gave her nightmares, and losing Dre also added to her nightmare, she and Dre had been seeing each other without the knowledge of the team seeing her lover die shocked her, she just wanted to go back home and relax.

After Kimiko left the briefing everyone waited to see if someone was going to go after her but nobody did, the reward for the quest was too great to miss out on, seeing nobody move Amocni continued "We should head out now, it would take a few days to reach the Earl's new land"

Without asking any more questions the remaining adventurers left to get ready this was going to be their last mission as an Adventurer Team, for the next couple of days the group was relatively silent as no one was in the mood to talk to one another, they just wanted to get this over with.


'urgh..... What the fuck happened, why do I feel like I just drank 20 bottles of beer' he tried moving his body but it felt heavy he tried opening his eyes but when he did he immediately closed them back because of the brightness 'Dude what the heck was that, why is it so bright did I pass out outside somewhere.

He tried remembering the events that took place the previous day, he remembered he had finally won the UFC world championship belt after being in the UFC for 7 years it was a blood and sweat journey from the bottom of the food chain to the top, he was so happy that he hosted a celebration party with his close friends in his apartment.

He drank himself to stupor, it was literally the happiest day of his life. Feeling pressed he went into the gents while taking a leak he remembered a man walking up to him from behind at that time he was so drunk that he couldn't remember the man's face but now he remembered it vividly it was the young man he took in some years back.

He saw the young man training at his regular gym, the young man looked terrible that it didn't take a genius to know he was probably homeless, Jay saw potential in the young man being a kind person Jay used his contact to get the guy into the UFC, he took in the young man, treated him like his brother, using his measly paycheck to support the two of them, he saw something in the young man, something that he had lost long ago, he saw the young man as his only family so why, why would he do something like this.

Why would the young man he gave everything to, the person he considered his brother kill him on what was supposed to be his happiest day, with his eyes closed tears drop from his eyes 'This must be the afterlife, no wonder it was so bright no point in focusing on past things, I just enjoy the remaining time I have before my judgment' he breathe in a nose full of air then exhaled, wishing to let go of the betray, letting go of the past at least now he was free from work and other measly things.

"What!! Did that beast just breathe" a man asked his fellow guild members while pointing to the corpses of a green-skinned lizard-looking beast with a sharp pointy tail.