
Saga of The Sage

I deleted the original novel to rebrand it so please check it out Check out my other book #Contract With A Devil After performing a ritual from a ritual book he bought, Shane found himself transmigrated into a totally different world not just that but into a teenage slave's body. After transmigrating Shane received a system that would help him level up learning a secret he wasn't supposed to learn, he found himself under the radar of powerful beings, that would stop at nothing to destroy him. With the power of the system, Shane sorts out to become the most powerful mage in Existence, to protect his newly met friends and loved ones, in a world filled up with demons, demigods, Angels, and gods. _______________________ Author here, Hi, Please excuse my grammatical errors. I know the first chapters may be boring but I will try my best to make them enjoyable when I get enough experience by writing them. If any of you are interested in joining my new discord server please click on the link, https://discord.gg/nM2rqH3A

Recklesspen · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
52 Chs

C20- Death

The woman bit Dre's head off before throwing the rest of the body away, she faced the newcomers with a sinister grin on her face.

"So there they are, the people they choose to disturb my peace, you will pay for this like your friend here" The woman laughed, and she started walking towards Mazs and the rest.

"That bitch killed Dre...….. I will fucking kill you" Kimiko shouted, [BEAST TRANSFORMATON] Her body began to budge as she transformed from a cat person into a full 3 feet tall panther, she had 9-inch-long claws and two tails. She roared showing her long, sharp canines, she dashed forward going straight to the woman.

The woman smirked but her face turned into a frown as Kimiko disappeared and then appeared right before the woman, she swiped her left paw towards the woman, the woman tried to block the claw attack by raising her right hand, but the claws cut clean through her hand, she tried to move away from the giant panther that could cut through her harden muscle so easily but Kimiko did not give her the chance as she pounced on her digging her 7 inches long canine into her neck.

She closed her jaw as she started to drag out the flesh around the woman's neck, the woman could not do anything against her soon energy began to drain out of her she could also feel it, her energy was draining out of her body but she knew the meaning of this power drainage, and her already smiling lips spread a little more, she looked like a Grinch.

Kimiko ripped out a big chunk of flesh from the woman's neck, then she bit into the remaining part and she ripped it off, making the woman's head detach from her body. The head rolled off to the side as Kimiko began to transform back to her humanoid form, the others were not too surprised by how easy the fight became after Kimiko transformed into her beast form that was because her beast form increased her rank from Mortal to 1st-circle giving her incredible powers for a short period, she could only use this skill once a day and her energy would drain when she revert to her humanoid form.

She looked around to find Dre's body but before she could move an inch a black hand passed through her chest, it happened so fast that her brain couldn't process the information quickly she could see the hand holding her heart and blood was gushing out from the hole that was now present in her chest, she looked over at her teammate she could see the horror on their face, they were running towards her, everything was in slow motion for Kimiko, the hand came out of her chest still holding her heart, she fell to the ground lifeless.

The others stopped when Kimiko's body hit the ground, they couldn't understand how they lost two members in a single night, and after all, they had faced together all the dungeons they had entered, all the monsters they had defected, they were sure nothing could kill them easily they considered themselves Professional Adventurers, but Mazs didn't allow that kind of mindset to hold him down, he immediately started giving orders.

"Mose draw the monster to face you, Amocni head back and attack immediately the creature tried to attack Mose, Bella and I will attack" Everyone immediately took position, Amocni being The archer climbed onto a building that was further away from the creature that was still forming, all the villagers that were attacking the team were lying on the floor knocked out with black smoke coming out from their mouths, all the smoke were gathering at one place they were surrounding the hand and soon a body could be seen, it was 9 feet tall with long hands the hands were passing the creatures knee, each of the fingers had long sharp black nails, the head was a skull but not a human skull it was like that of a goat with long sharp horns, only the skull was white the other body part were black it was like looking into the abyss.

Mazs and his team were having a problem looking at the creature, Amocni who was far away knew something was wrong because his team was not moving so he launched his attack *WOOD CREATION MAGIC- WOODEN BALLISTA* a ballista made out of wood appeared before him *WOOD CREATION MAGIC- WOODEN JAVELIN* he created a set of javelins, he placed the javelin into the ballista, he added his Mana into the ballista to increase the power of the ballista, he aimed at the creature 'that's is a Wechuge, we need to take care of it fast, before it uses any of it mind attacks' Amocni said as he fired the ballista.

A long wooden javelin shot at high speed towards the Wechuge, the Wechuge simply raised a wall of flesh to block the javelin, Amocni knew his attack would not work but it did its job, Mose dashed forward with his giant hammer, his red skin become even redder as he got close to the Wechuge who was still looking for the person responsible for shooting the javelin, Mose swung his hammer hitting the Wechuge at leg, *BAM* the hit was greater than the Wechuge had expected, The force made him bend his knee.

Amocni shot another javelin, the Wechuge tried to use the wall of Flesh again but Amocni had added more Mana this time the javelin went through the wall and impaled the Wechuge's right hand, it roared in anger, Mose slammed his hammer into the Wechuge's again, the Wechuge used its free hand to attack Mose, it long hands rolled like a drill as it tried to slam into Mose.

Mose anticipating the Wechuge attack brought his Hammer to his front he grabbed the buckle that was attached to the middle of the hammer handle, and the drilling hand slammed into an invisible force as it tried to pass the Hammer.

The Wechuge looked at the Hammer in confusion, it didn't understand why its attack couldn't pass beside the Hammer, it purposely evaded the area the hammer was blocking, but still, its attack couldn't pass, and what was more weird was that it couldn't move.

The hammer Mose was using was an Artifact that he found in a dungeon when he fast joined BLOODHOODS it was an Epic Rank Artifact, The Hammer acted as an Attack and Defense Weapon, and it had two Skills, first it had a knockback with every successful hit and secondly it stuns the enemy for a few seconds with every successful block.

Those few seconds were enough, Mose changed the weapon back to a Hammer as he landed another hit on the Wechuge's chest, pushing the Wechuge back, Mose rolled to the side as a massive Serpent made out of water collided with the Wechuge, it was the effect of Bella's *WATER CREATION MAGIC- WATER SERPENT* the Wechuge was blasted backward, colliding against a few building.

The buildings collapsed on the Wechuge "That should be enough to weaken it, although it is a BISHOP LEVEL MONSTER, we should be able to defect it" Mazs said as they moved slowly towards the collapsed building, they passed Dre and Kimiko's bodies, but now was not the time to mourn, they continued forward.

Before they got to the buildings a powerful blast threw them back along with Dre and Kimiko's bodies, the Wechuge charged out of the Buildings, ran towards the bodies of some of the unconscious villagers it began eating the unconscious Villagers.