
Saga of The Sage

I deleted the original novel to rebrand it so please check it out Check out my other book #Contract With A Devil After performing a ritual from a ritual book he bought, Shane found himself transmigrated into a totally different world not just that but into a teenage slave's body. After transmigrating Shane received a system that would help him level up learning a secret he wasn't supposed to learn, he found himself under the radar of powerful beings, that would stop at nothing to destroy him. With the power of the system, Shane sorts out to become the most powerful mage in Existence, to protect his newly met friends and loved ones, in a world filled up with demons, demigods, Angels, and gods. _______________________ Author here, Hi, Please excuse my grammatical errors. I know the first chapters may be boring but I will try my best to make them enjoyable when I get enough experience by writing them. If any of you are interested in joining my new discord server please click on the link, https://discord.gg/nM2rqH3A

Recklesspen · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
52 Chs

C13 - Wrong place

"Good job, kids you actually made me proud, you guys easily defected a knight-level mindless beast" Elmar who had been watching the battle from the sky said with a smile, He was truly proud of his children.

Not every day would a 3rd-circle warrior and an Adept mage would defeat a beast at the knight level.

The twins don't have enough experience to overpower the beast, they could only win because of the acidic tree and the elements of surprise, they could only take advantage of the beast's dazed state to land several powerful attacks before it could regain itself and when it did, it was already too late.

The acid had chopped away most of its health followed by Cecile [Heaven's fist], in the end, they managed to defeat their first Knight-level beast.

Alma looked up with a worried expression, remembering that the man was still supposed to be chasing after them, she tried to get up but was too exhausted.

Elmar saw this and laughed "Don't worry little one, you both can rest, I will look after you till you guys wake up" he said.

They were both happy to hear this, so they both collapsed on the floor and they both fell asleep, it was a peaceful and quiet night for the girls but not for the man, he spent most of the night fighting the beast that got close to the camp.

The beasts in this part of the forest weren't hard for him to kill, he killed 17 Knight-level mindless beasts and he also collected their crystal and the bodies.

Knight-level beast hardly challenged the man, only Beast at Rook level and above would make the man sweat, The daytime arrived and the girls woke up to the aroma of their father roasting a pig-like creature.

Most Beast can be used as food sources, you just had to make sure it wasn't poisonous, the sisters ran up to their dad and sat beside him, waiting for the roasted pig beast, they spent exactly one week inside the forest, running from the powerful beast, killing the ones they could.

They even challenge one another, the person who kills the most Beast would take Eve out for a shopping spree for a day, which to them means having the little adorable Eve to themselves for a day, and how would they not want to kill more Beast?

Elmar didn't interfere with the bet, he just kept watch in case they met up with a beast they could not handle, he even decided not to chase them till they got out of the forest, and today being the final day in the forest, he was eagerly waiting for the girls to leave the forest.

As the girls stepped out of the forest into the sandy desert they breathed in fresh air, as they were glad to have finally made it out of the hellish forest.

Elmar not waiting for the girls to relax flew towards them at a high speed intending to catch one of the girls, what he didn't know was that, the girls already expected this, as he was about to get close, Alma amplified her voice with a Mana and screamed, *GO AWAY* the sound wave from her voice blasted him away.

Before he could get his bearing, Alma cast [Yara], which was another ancient magic that increases one-speed times two, and half of her Mana disappeared again, she transferred the effects to Cecile, Cecile feeling the effect already knew what to do, since this wasn't their first time, dashed towards Alma, lifting her in a princess style before zooming off.

They were running back home not even waiting for their father

"Hummm those girls actually managed to escape from me, good they are getting stronger, I like it, now time to see how strong they truly are" Elmar dusted the sand away from his body.

He gathered his Kai around his leg


He leaped off the ground creating a massive crater, with that single leap he almost caught up with the girls, he could have chosen to fly but he decided against it, he was one of the rare set of people called Warlock because he could use both Kai and Mana.

Alma and Cecile continue running, they don't stop to look back because they can hear the impact their father is making every time he lands close to them, they had been running for 6 hours during that time Alma had cast [Yara] 3 times and now she was already out of Mana.

Seeing the entrance to Lazano getting closer, Cecile was happy, she increased her speed getting close to the town walls, she leaped off the ground and landed on the wall, the guards immediately rushed towards her with their weapons only to fall on their knees when they realize who it was.

Cecile still carrying the exhausted Alma didn't bat an eye as she zoomed off, not wanting to accidentally kill the innocent citizens she decided to run on the rooftop of the buildings.

"Wow that was Lady Cecile and Lady Alma," one of the guards said

"Yeah, I got close to them, I felt my organs getting crushed"

"They are even more beautiful than the last time I saw them"

Elmar who had decided to stop chasing after the girls could hear the guards but he just smiled

"Sorry for the disturbance, we were just having a little practice," Elmar said to the guards with a smile

"Lord Elmar, we are very sorry we didn't see you," said one of the guards falling on his knees followed by the others, praying that he didn't hear their earlier comment about his daughters.

Elmar seeing this only laughed "No need to be tense, all of you are still young, so having those thoughts is normal, but don't let one of them hear you" he followed his daughter that were nowhere to be seen.

As they both ran toward the mansion using the roof of the buildings, to not kill anyone with their speed, they could still feel their father getting closer, although he wasn't actually chasing after them anymore, he was just watching them.

"Seems they are already used to their new strength, now I need to get Eve to rank up even if it's a little, before going to the academy, I don't want her to disgrace my family and get sent back home" Elmar murmured while jumping from rooftop to rooftop.

The girls landed in front of the mansion, not waiting for the guards to open the gate as they blasted through the gate, running in a specific direction, the maids and workers immediately moved out of the way not wanting to accidentally turn into paste.

The mansion was massive getting from the gate to the main building would have taken a few minutes but the sisters reached the main building in a few seconds, they passed through the front door, and they saw maids moving around, Cecile called one of the maid and asked where their mother was, the maid told them to head towards the dining area.

They ran off straight towards the dining area as they entered they saw their mother and younger sister eating and a weird-looking person standing close to their sister. Alma shouted "Sister I have missed you" She forgot about Shane who was standing close to Eve the sound wave from Alma's voice blasted him away.

2 days later

Shane opened his eyes, he tried to move but his body ached all over as he grunted trying to stand up, as he scanned the room he was in, he realizes that he wasn't in his room, then the memories of what happened came to his mind "Oh shit what happened to me, was I attacked but by who" he got up from the bed only to lose his footing and fell back onto the bed.

"Don't move around too much, you don't want to damage your already damaged body" he heard a sweet feminine voice enter his ears, Shane turned around and saw an Elf standing beside his bed 'Was she here this whole time, I couldn't even feel her presence' he thought.

The Elf wearing a nurse outfit moved closer to Shane "My name is Sara, to answer your question, No you weren't attacked, you were just at the wrong place at the wrong time" Sara explained to Shane with a smile on her face.

[A/N = Mass release tomorrow]

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