After transmigrating to a world similar to Earth, Jiang Qiao was approached by a former goddess—Ocean Blue. As Bluestar is also on the verge of collapse from invaders of other worlds, Jiang Qiao must find a way to save this one. With the ability to create a virtual game world, he creates the world of Sacred Souls. In order for this new world to grow, it has to devour other worlds. Thus, the greediest, most cunning, and horrible beings came into existence—Players.
After the official promotion for the Battle of Divinity went online, Mo Shigui found some time to hold a strategy meeting.
This strategy meeting was not for the Dancing Nuclear Guild but for the seven major guilds within Holy Spirit.
Actually, it's not exactly seven; currently, in Holy Spirit, the guilds that are considered T1 level are only Dancing Nuclear, Abyss Temple, and the Silent Dream Push for Marriage Committee...
The third guild purely relies on the advantage of numbers to build up its presence and is more like a fan-based guild. However, the five guilds below them—Imperial Dynasty, Nan Feng Gale, Gray Eyes Association, Cola Fanatic Guild, and Night Speed—each have the support of professional esports teams.
While these five guilds' development within Holy Spirit cannot compare to that of Dancing Nuclear and Abyss Temple, they still manage to unify the actions of their players.