After transmigrating to a world similar to Earth, Jiang Qiao was approached by a former goddess—Ocean Blue. As Bluestar is also on the verge of collapse from invaders of other worlds, Jiang Qiao must find a way to save this one. With the ability to create a virtual game world, he creates the world of Sacred Souls. In order for this new world to grow, it has to devour other worlds. Thus, the greediest, most cunning, and horrible beings came into existence—Players.
Jiang Qiao began to look through the content of the post in detail. The first thing that caught his eye was a screenshot of a Knight in dark red armor carrying his longsword on his shoulder.
The Knight's vision was obscured by his helmet, but Jiang Qiao could inexplicably sense from the screenshot... the Knight's disappointment toward the person who took the screenshot.
"I just updated the outside of the Tower of Trial with a bunch of NPCs and added a new quest to duel this NPC. I was the first to discover it and went up to fight him, only to find that this guy isn't affected by floating or knockdown effects! I hit him into the air, and he could still counterattack. It also seems like he has skills like foresight and parry! I've suffered three times already, and he keeps saying things like 'You Holy Spirits are no big deal.' I'm so mad! I want to get back at him, but I can't win at all. Kneel and beg for a pro to help me regain my honor." Poster: Cha Ye.