After transmigrating to a world similar to Earth, Jiang Qiao was approached by a former goddess—Ocean Blue. As Bluestar is also on the verge of collapse from invaders of other worlds, Jiang Qiao must find a way to save this one. With the ability to create a virtual game world, he creates the world of Sacred Souls. In order for this new world to grow, it has to devour other worlds. Thus, the greediest, most cunning, and horrible beings came into existence—Players.
Segman knew the power of this strengthening machine, so he no longer tried to strengthen ordinary short swords. Instead, he took out a sacred artifact called the 'Magic Wand.'
This sacred artifact was obtained from the Tower of Trial, a rare item with a very small range of effect. Because its range was so small, its effects were extremely powerful. Within a one-meter radius of the wand, all the magic cast by mages would be more than double the usual power, and the magic itself would be enhanced.
In gaming terms, MP would be doubled.
Due to the settings in Sacred Spirit, sacred artifacts could only be placed in the manor or within a guild, making this wand very underwhelming for players.
After all, what's the use of doubling MP within a one-meter radius in the main city? To kill the main city guards?
This wand was one of Segman's crucial aids in acquiring the Stone Tablet of Sacred Records.