
Sacred Revolution

What if there was a place in this our world that we didn’t know existed? What if we classify aliens as most dangerous enemies of our world, but there is a place that has the most terrifying human beings alive. A place well hidden by the top powers and greatly influential people. A secret place full of mysteries and what you might call a fantasy land, where the people who live there can move at blinking speeds or can crumble a mountain in one fist strike. A place where your entire clan might be slaughtered because of a careless slip of tongue. A place where there is complete chaos and disorder, no government laws are present, only the strongest make the laws and the weak are suppressed without mercy. "I do bad things for a just cause." Now listen well, the reader, if you like those goodie-goodie protagonist(s), then please, for your own sake, drop this book and read another.

Daoistopx9zd · Peperangan
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24 Chs

Chapter 2- Faker


Chapter 2- Faker

Author: Ede David

Three people were in a secluded, desolate area, almost as if they were taking a march through a thick forest, they heard hooting noises from owls and birds chirped around endlessly.

"Why are you following me? Don't tell me you are into men like myself?" Zernon was in front of an enormous gate as he glanced at Midoriya.

"Screw you! you are most likely sending yourself to your death, so I'm tagging along to see whether I can help you." Midoriya yelled back in a distressed manner.

"Well, when you are done, please notify me, I will be over at that shop." Taniyah was also present, but she just shook her expensive sleeves and stylishly walked away, swaying her hips along the way.

"You are at the Jade Rank, right?" Zernon looked at him.

"Yes," Midoriya concurred.

"But those henchmen were at Silver Rank, you are two ranks above them, why did you allow yourself to be pushed back like that?" Zernon stared at him intently.

"An assassin must never underestimate anyone even someone in the weakest Bronze rank, you must strike once and finish once, if you can't, you flee." Midoriya solemnly replied.

"Too cautious." Zernon shook his head before pulling out a paper from his robe.

Midoriya oddly moved slightly backwards as he gazed at the paper very seriously.

This was because he had slight Papyrophobia, the fear of paper.

'If a paper can cut your fingers, then if not handled well, could actually cut your throat or even your cut into your heart and you will just die.' Midoriya gravely thought to himself as he gazed at the sharp edges of the paper sheet. This was surely a very absurd phobia to have, but Midoriya didn't think so.

How this young man could read and write was a total mystery worth another novel of its own.

"According to Deathblade's report, he should be in the clan sanctuary." Zernon squeezed the paper and threw it at the side.

"Who is Deathblade?" Midoriya asked.

"One of my comrades" Zernon quickly replied.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Because of the clan's secret worship rites, there were no guards stationed outside, so it took quite some while before a guard rushed out to meet them.

The guard had a haughty face and his every look carried the light of disdain.

This was a family gate, so seeing non family members, he frowned greatly because this was a special day for them and they weren't expecting any visitors, but before he could ask, Zernon quickly asked,

"Please, I want to go in and kill your clan leader, can you let me through?"

The guard's expression froze.

Before he could say anything else, a fist landed cruelly on his neck, knocking him unconscious.

'That speed is only seen with Elites, don't tell me… this guy is a faker, the mysterious Mincer.' Midoriya was utterly flabbergasted.

That was because in the Hunter Village, all hunters were given ranks by the strongest and most domineering faction, the Hunter Village Council.

The weakest was the bronze rank, then the silver, then gold and jade.

The Elite rank was now significantly higher than these four ranks.

To make things even more complicated, most ranks were now divided into five stars, with every star that was engraved on the hunter's cloth signified how strong he or she was in that rank.

This Zernon had three green stars on his chest, but he could easily knock out a fellow three star green rank, this was just… very unbelievable.

"Do you know the consequences of hiding your true power?!" Midoriya exclaimed in an agitated manner.

"If you hide your strength and you are caught, then the Hunter Village Council will issue a bounty on your head and won't stop till when you are dead… but do I need to fear them, you followed me because

you wanted to change Hunter Village, because WE wanted to revolutionize this place, to do that, we will be going up against the Hunter Council anyways, so why fear them?" Zernon calmly said.

"Do you know the kind of hunters the Hunter Council has?" Midoriya incredulously looked at him.

"Well… hunters." Zernon shook his head and looked at Midoriya as if he was looking at a fool.

"You idiot, do you know of Blue Spirit, the Sixth, last year, he crumbled an entire mountain with a just a single fist, it's those type of people you want to pit yourself against." Midoriya was starting to get

furious at this guy's stupidity.

"See, never mistake cowardice as caution, you can be cautious but as a Hunter you have to be brave, it's because of the Hunter Village Council, or precisely the Seven lords of Hunter Council, that Hunter Village is the way it is, they are the cause and they need to be purged out before this our world can change." Zernon said calmly.

"Hmph." Midoriya snorted in response.

Zernon was already wearing a mask, so after checking that it was placed well, he unsheathed his sword.

'Other Fakers also tried masks, but they still failed.'


Zernon wrist akin to a falling leaf, twirled around unceasingly in a split second before sheathing it back.

The whole giant gate was cut into clean sliced chunks of metal as he then jumped over the rubble.

"I swear, you could have just passed through the damn door!" Midoriya shouted behind his back.

"It's nice to look cool once in a while!" Zernon's reply reverberated over.

"You better not follow me without a mask, if they see you with me, you will be in deep trouble!"

"…Will you be okay?" Midoriya's shaky voice rang out.

"Don't worry about me."

"Yes, honey, you make me feel so good, uh, uh, harder…" Lustful moans filled the entire, luxurious, blue themed room as a middle aged man and a woman were under the blanket.

"Oh, your clan is paying their respects to their ancestors and you two are here making each other feel good, this is no nice."

They abruptly stopped as they glanced around with vigilance and caution before they saw Zernon who was sitting on a chair watching them make love.

Their expressions were severe as the middle aged man jumped out of the bed, hastily wearing his robes.

The woman stayed in bed, using the blanket to cover herself while she looked at him very warily.

"Who are you?" the middle aged man asked irately, feeling very annoyed at being interrupted at such special time.

"You are Wrenlow Gard, right? The clan leader of the Wrenlow Clan?" Zernon placidly asked, a sweet smile on his face.

"You nosey brat, who is your backer? How dare you appear here? How did you even appear here?"

Wrenlow Gard's expression was clouded in fury and slight wariness.

In Hunter Village, you couldn't just kill anyone anyhow unless you are very confident in yourself, you could go kill the son of one very powerful Hunter and you will just die without a grave.

But he relaxed seeing the three stars on his clothe, at least, he was way more stronger than this guy.

"How I appeared here? Well, I guess some guards did try stop me, about fifty of them told me you were consulting the clan oracle, but I see you are here consulting HER 'oracle' hehe" Zernon laughed slightly.

"I will not repeat myself again, which clan are you from? You better talk now or I will stop being lenient!" Wrenlow Gard furiously barked, his face was already filled with killing intent.

It was at this moment, that through the small gaps under the room door, blood flowed in silently and slowly and a murderous air covered the entire room.

"Hmm, looks like the blood from those your fifty guards has reached here from outside, I like seeing things like this, you know," Zernon chuckled slightly as his hand rested on the hilt of his sword.

His expression was filled with madness, looking at the person that had brutally murdered his father caused his entire body to seethe and boil with unimaginable and unprecedented rage.

"You k-killed them, I don't care about your identity again, die for me!" Wrenlow Gard was an Elite rank, so he moved like a wind, instantly appearing at Zernon's front.

This movement was one of the Six Hunting Styles of Hunter Village called Flashstep.

Because the Hunting Styles were created by the founding hunters to hunt animals and the strange, fantasy beasts that existed in the Hunter Village, they all had the effectiveness to kill beasts.

Flashstep allowed a hunter to move at lightning speed so as to ensure in pursuing and instant killing a beast.

Zernon unsheathed his sword in a swift manner as he casually swung it forward.


Gard's nails collided with the sword, parrying it away.

They then engaged in a rapid and dangerous melee combat.

He was using another of the Six Hunting Styles called the Surface Advantage.

By calculating the trajectory of the attack, you could effectively hit the weak point and instantly counterattack.

The problem with this style was the extreme difficulty it had, you had to have a very sharp mind, good eyesight and a very strong fist or long, strong and sharp fingernails.

In mere seconds, the fight had reached the peak point!

You readers are all wonderful and blessed people.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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