
Sacred Revolution

What if there was a place in this our world that we didn’t know existed? What if we classify aliens as most dangerous enemies of our world, but there is a place that has the most terrifying human beings alive. A place well hidden by the top powers and greatly influential people. A secret place full of mysteries and what you might call a fantasy land, where the people who live there can move at blinking speeds or can crumble a mountain in one fist strike. A place where your entire clan might be slaughtered because of a careless slip of tongue. A place where there is complete chaos and disorder, no government laws are present, only the strongest make the laws and the weak are suppressed without mercy. "I do bad things for a just cause." Now listen well, the reader, if you like those goodie-goodie protagonist(s), then please, for your own sake, drop this book and read another.

Daoistopx9zd · Peperangan
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24 Chs

Chapter 15- The Great Tree has fallen


Chapter 15- The Great Tree has fallen

Author: Ede David

An old man in black robes limped slowly with the aid of his red walking stick as he made his way to the front of the crowd.

The crowd was too much, so much that the whole area of land was covered without any gap and filled with the silent mourns of weeping and sorrow.

"As you all have known… the great tree has fallen," the old man's voice was laced with sadness and undisguised sorrow.

Many people among the crowd, upon hearing this, broke down weeping and crying, they had heard rumors about this, but they didn't dare to believe it, so they had come to see whether it was really true

and upon hearing the confirmation from this respectable old man, they were instantly overwhelmed with sadness and unwillingness.

The 'great tree' in saying, was their leader, the leader of their clan, Blue Spirit.

Many cried and wept not only because of the tragic news but also because of the tragic future that might befall them.

The Hunter Council was the ruling faction of the Hunter Village and was managed, controlled and supervised by the Seven Hunter lords, and those Seven Hunter Lords were also the rulers of their various

clans or factions.

Blue Spirit, The Sixth was a Hunter lord and also the clan leader of Blue Spirit.

Now he had died and the other Hunter lords were still alive, they could lead their clans to subdue them, since the great tree which gave them shade and protection had fallen.

How? How did the Sun-Moon Ritual fail?!"

"…Blue Spirit, The Sixth was a very outstanding leader, with grace and honor akin to the founding Blue Spirit, he was a kind and very charismatic Hunter whose grace overshadowed even the sky itself… as part of our customs and traditions, we will give him a grand burial." The old man slowly and sadly yelled, further dampening down everyone's spirits.

"I would like to give a speech if I may!"

A loud voice reverberated throughout the gloomy atmosphere as a burly man with huge braids stood up and flashed a smile.

Compared to the numerous gloomy and sorrowful people gathered, this middle aged man seemed to

take delight in their misfortune and his voice rang with schendafreude.

Everyone frowned in great annoyance as they gazed at this young man and also at the other six figures that sat at his sides.

They knew where those bastard faces were from, they were from the other six clans which had sent different representatives to attend the burial out of courtesy and other reasons.

The old man's eyes went somewhat cold, "Sure, come and say what you want to say."

This young man with hair braids was from one of the seven factions, the Crust Clan also called Crust Country.

They had formed both a cold blooded and warm-blooded conflict with this clan and they knew it will be one of the first to pounce on them, due to their new weakness.

They had most likely sent this bastard to see whether Blue Spirit, The Sixth was really dead and judge whether or not they were lying.

"Why didn't we just hide the Great Tree's death?" One person amongst the crowd asked innocently.

"It is not in our tradition to not give all fallen Great Trees a befitting burial, anything less than that and we have wronged our ancestors."

"Why couldn't we just give a befitting burial in secret." The same man sighed in worry.

"If we didn't know, then it wouldn't be befitting."

"I, on behalf of the Crust Clan, expresses our sincere apologies that lord Detro wasn't able to attend, as you all know, as part of the Sun-Moon Ritual's stringent conditions, moving too much isn't allowed, so he couldn't make the trip, we are very, very, very, very, very sorry." The young man with braids spoke

with a coarse voice and when it said the 'verys' along with the rest of the apology, they didn't in all look empathetic and from their own perspective, it sounded rather mocking instead.

"I believe you are done." The old man said coldly.


"Okay, let's beg-"

The old man was interrupted as the other five representatives scrambled up to express their deepest 'condolences'.

After all was done, the old man and everyone else were filled with intense anger and bitterness, quietly

waiting for the burial ritual to be done.

The old man gritted his teeth before he spoke, his voice filled with restrained anger, "Normally, the close relative is meant to beat the drum but his only relative and son is nowhere to be found having turned

rogue and vanishing from the clan,"

As he spoke to this point, the expressions of all the clan members twisted with anger and shame.

Bringing this up was very shameful, not only to them but to the fallen Great Tree, his only son had left the clan under said claim that he was tired of the rules in the clan and had not come back ever since.

"Why don't the son beat the drum?... oh, because he ran away." The representative of Nage Land

(another of the seven factions) sneered provocatively.

"F**k you!"

"Get out of here, you sissy boy!"

From the crowd, furious roars echoed in response to the man's mocking.

The Nage Land's representative just silently closed his eyes with a faint grin on his face.

Many wanted to rush over and start a life and death brawl with this bastard, but they knew that harming a representative will instantly put them in the black book of another frightening clan, another

frightening clan which deals with just Stances, offending that clan on top their grudge with Crust Clan wasn't a wise option.

So they were held back by the more far-sighted people, only left to hurl curses at him.

…After twenty minutes…

A big, red skinned drum was carried in front of everyone.

It was so big that even the people in the far back could at least see a vague image.

"This is the Drum of Ancestral Rites… doesn't seem that much." Aware that they couldn't harm any of them, the Crust Country representative scoffed silently, and although his voice was small, it could still be heard by some of the people in front, causing them to grind their teeth in great fury and indignation.

A huge drumstick was carried by nine people into the area, from their tensed, vein packed face, you could tell that the drumstick was very heavy.

"Since his son isn't around and I respect Blue Spirit, The Sixth like a father, why don't I do the honor!"

the young man representing Crust Country stood up and flashstepped over.

What was carried by nine hefty men was lifted up into the sky with ease and swung to deliver a resounding blow.

This was the difference between low ranking Hunters and high ranking ones, the nine men were two star Elite ranks and he was at the four star Hunter King Rank, their difference in pure strength wasn't the

same at all.

The young man wore a victorious smile but everyone in the clan wore completely opposite gloomy dark expressions.

This was a taboo, it was a taboo for an outsider to beat the Drum of Ancestral Rites. There was no way this young man wouldn't have known and judging from the lightning quick and unexpected speed he

moved at, just to beat the drum, made them realize the young man's intentions of coming here.

He came to humiliate them!

If the whole world realized that an outsider beat their drum, then it will be an utter embarrassment, an utter disgrace, that their Great Tree's burial had this kind of interruption.

They would be equally embarrassed and ashamed of their selves.

The man had moved too quickly, so quickly that no one had expected this, but nevertheless, high ranking members of the clan were present and they were part of the Center Region's top Hunters, and

since, the Center Region was the leading region, they were bound to be some very terrifying Hunters


Almost immediately and in sync, five figures darted out of the crowd and covered all the young man's


Did he think that because the Great Tree has fallen, then that meant that Blue Spirit was utterly hopeless?

Their hands moved like lightning, they didn't care about any form of courtesy anymore, showing from

their thick faces full of frightening killing intent.

Similarly and instantly, seven figures also darted out of the crowd and blocked the five figures' way,

grinning very maliciously.

They planned it!

Everyone were still about to recover from the first shenanigan of seizing the drumstick, but before they

could react, another one had happened.

They had come prepared!

Although an outsider beating the drum didn't look like too much and worth all the reaction, it meant a lot for them! The members of Blue Spirit!

The customs and traditions were something that had been established from the very beginning by

Ancestor Muzen Fang, the first Blue Spirit.!

Breaking any tradition will sink them into boundless grief!


As everyone was expecting the tragedy, a figure appeared on the scene and after a split second, a cracking sound echoed as the Crust Country representative's expression changed ugly but it changed at

his back because his face was twisted to where the back of his head was meant to be and vice versa.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Daoistopx9zdcreators' thoughts