
Sacred Moon Alpha

Seperated from his parents and his clan right from when he was born; Ryan, unaware of his true identity, grew up and lived with a couple, James and Stella Smith, in New York City.. Ryan's foster parents ain't rich nor poor but they made sure that Ryan never lacked anything and he was grateful for that.. He thought that he had a normal life... not until he turned 18, something unimaginable happened... What will happen when Ryan finds out that the people he'd known all his life and considered as parents aren't his real parents?.. What will happen when Ryan discover his true identity?.. What do you think happened when Ryan turned 18?.. Stay tuned to find out

Anthonia_Charles · Fantasi
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24 Chs

Chapter nineteen: beyond brotherly love


Jayden arrived at the king's study room. He hesitated a little but finally knocked on the door.

"come in" A masculine husky voice sounded from inside..

Jayden took a deep breath and twisted the door knob and walked in. He saw the king reading a book, the title, he (jayden) wasn't really interested to know..

"Greetings father" he bowed a little.

"Oh Jayden, it's you.. what's brings you here?" Damon asked, his eyes not leaving the book.

"Father.. we need to talk.. its about the girl you kept as a prisoner" That caught Damon's attention. He closed the book and stared at Jayden.

"what about her?"

"Father, All I want to know is why... why did you capture the girl and kept her as a prisoner?... you could've just captured the so called werewolf prince instead! why didn't you do that?.. instead you captured and tortured an innocent girl" Thinking about those bruises and scars he somehow spotted on Alicia's smooth skin, it made him frown in anger..

"So what if it is huh!.. Since when did I start caring about the gender of people I choose to torture?.. Capture the werewolf prince, you think that I haven't tried that?!.. but somehow, he keeps slipping out of the palm of my hands. that human girl seems to be really close him. So we'll use her as bait to lure him into our trap and then we'll finish him off.. And in the meantime, I don't give a fucking damn about whatever happens to that human girl.. As long as she's alive, I'm ok with that" Damon said, leaning back on his comfy black chair.

"But father..."

"No buts Jayden! Come to think of it. Why are you so concerned about this human girl?. Don't tell me that you've taken a liking to her?" Damon frowned a little.

Jayden couldn't tell his father the truth, so he lies instead "No father"

"Good! because if I find out that you've developed any feelings towards her, I won't hesitate to end her permanently. You're the next heir to the throne Jayden. Until you find your mate, I can't let you have any weaknesses! Do you understand my son?"

"Yes Father" Jayden sighed heavily in his heart.

"Good... now if you don't have any thing important to discuss with me, you should leave. And let this be the last time you will bring up a topic about that human girl" Damon picked up the book he kept before and continued reading.

"I'll take my leave" Jayden bowed and left the study room. If not for the great respect he heard for his father, He would have left his tongue.

"So... you've taken a liking Alicia huh?" A familiar voice made Jayden stop his track. He turned and spotted Steve smirking, arms behind his back.

"What are you sa..." "wait how did you know her name?"Jayden eyes widened alittle out of surprise.

"I overheard your little conversation with His majesty... you know.. it'd be a shame if the king found out that his precious prince has taken a liking to a human girl" Steve smirked mischievously.

Filled with sudden rage, Jayden Super speed and grabbed Steve's collar "I swear if the king finds out and anything happens to Alicia, I will end your life" Jayden sneered in anger.

"Careful now, you don't wanna do somethin' stupid.. Everyone knows that the king only keeps the strongest by his side, and I'm the king's right hand man.. You don't really think you can defeat me" Steve jerked Jayden's hands off his collar, still maintaining his smirk.

Jayden clenched his fist in anger, wanting to punch that stupid smirk off Steve's face. He breathed out and smiled coldly, a bone chilling aura emitting out of him. Steve felt the chill, but acted unaffected. Jayden took two steps towards Steve and stopped, his enchanting golden eyes turned deadly cold "strongest huh! pfft! Don't be fooled by appearance Steve.. I'm alot stronger than you think.. I could say that I'm alot stronger than you.. so don't push it" the deadly aura increased, making Steve tremble slightly.

"last warning.. don't try anything funny with alicia or else.." Jayden sneered, his golden eyes flickered as he walked away.

Steve finally breathed out in relief. The air was strangely suffocating now. The aura emitting out of Jayden was really suffocating and bone chilling "Just how strong is he?" Steve wondered and couldn't help but feel tensed up again.

Jayden headed towards his private garden, but not after he instructed the dungeon guards to release the chains on Alicia's hands because he noticed how her hands were getting bruised.. He also instructed for her bruises to be treated properly.

He arrived at his private garden. It was his favourite place asides his bedroom. The place was so beautiful and peaceful. The beautiful flowers emitting a beautiful scent, making the air soothing. There's also a sparkling blue lake, which shone beautifully under the moonlight. There's a bed placed on the ground, on the perfect angle where you could watch the moon and the stars with no stress.

Jayden sighed and took off his shoes, laying on top of the comfy bed. The moonlight shone on him, making his appearance so beautiful and enchanting, as if he just came out of a painting. Jayden felt himself relaxed and calm.

"I knew I'd find you here" A beautiful but lively voice was heard. Jayden smirked cause he knew who is was.

"Ben what are you doing here" Jayden asked. Benjamin smiled and approached him. "what?.. can't I spend some time with my big brother?"

Benjamin took off his shoes and layed on the bed, next to Jayden. "ah! so comfy!" Benjamin turned and snuggled up with Jayden "Jayden you're so busy that you don't have time for me anymore" Benjamin looked up and pouted, making him look so adorable. Jayden chuckled and caressed his (Benjamin) soft black hair softly "Ben you're not a kid anymore.. You're an adult, so you have to start acting like one"

Ω P.S : Jayden is 21 and Benjamin is 19 Ω

Benjamin shook his head and snuggled even closer to Jayden "I'm an adult I know... but I only act childish when I'm with you" he smiled sweetly, his beautiful blue eyes sparkled under the moonlight.

Jayden smiled back "fine.. suit yourself" "By the way, how's the training been going?" Benjamin has been practicing martial arts and so far, he's top student.

"It's been great.. I've improved alot.. Today's training was really difficult but I managed to pass it.. Ah! im so exhausted!" Benjamin sighed heavily.

"well I'm glad you've improved alot.. A few more years of training, and you'll be almost as good as me" Jayden chuckled.

"Ah! you know it's not possible.. you're like.. the strongest person I know.. Even if I train for 10 years, I still won't be able to reach you" Benjamin pouted. "it's still a mystery how you got so powerful in just a short time" Benjamin wondered.

"well I'm just gonna tell you this... Hardwork pays" Jayden smiled. "Just practice a few more.. With determination, you'll reach your goal faster than you think"..

"ah! big brother is so awesome" Benjamin smiled and hugged Jayden, inhaling his sweet scent. His heart beating fast. His feelings towards Jayden was beyond brotherly love but Jayden doesn't seemed to notice. Apparently, Benjamin is the only person that Jayden shows his good and caring side.. When Ben's mom died mysteriously, Benjamin fell into depression.. Crying so much and hurting inside because His mom is his only family and he loves his mom so much. Jayden saw Benjamin's situation and comforted him. Although they're not from the same mother, Jayden took Benjamin as his little brother and cared for him and comforted him; bringing him out of his depression. In the process, Benjamin got attached to Jayden and felt like he doesn't need anyone else in his life but Jayden. His feelings grew beyond brotherly love. He felt it was wrong but at the same time, he felt it was right.

Jayden felt that Benjamin is being cute and hugged him back. Benjamin felt his heart was about to burst with emotions.

"I hope you'll one day realise my feelings for you Jayden.. I just hope that you'll feel the same way for me too ... I can't let anyone take you from me... you belong to me and me alone" Benjamin thought in his mind as he closed his eyes, inhaling Jayden's sweet scent, and eventually feel asleep..

Thanks for reading this chapter and sorry for late update...

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Love y'all ( ˘ ³˘)♥

Anthonia_Charlescreators' thoughts