
Sacred Moon Alpha

Seperated from his parents and his clan right from when he was born; Ryan, unaware of his true identity, grew up and lived with a couple, James and Stella Smith, in New York City.. Ryan's foster parents ain't rich nor poor but they made sure that Ryan never lacked anything and he was grateful for that.. He thought that he had a normal life... not until he turned 18, something unimaginable happened... What will happen when Ryan finds out that the people he'd known all his life and considered as parents aren't his real parents?.. What will happen when Ryan discover his true identity?.. What do you think happened when Ryan turned 18?.. Stay tuned to find out

Anthonia_Charles · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs

Chapter eleven: Conspiracy

Ryan and Alicia finally arrived at the amusement park.. Ryan packed his bike at a corner as him and Alicia walked inside the park.. The sweet scent of cotton candy; Popcorn's popping; children giggling and having fun; people playing different kinds of games; It was truly a jovial and lively atmosphere.. There were a lot of activities they could participate in but which one should they choose first? "So Alicia, what'd you think we should do first?" Ryan asked whilst smiling. Alicia thought for a while "oh! how about we try the rollercoaster first?" Ryan smirked "ok, whatever you say" . Alicia nodded as her and Ryan walked towards to the rollercoaster section to have the fun of their lives...

At a corner, a mysterious man; all dressed in black and putting on black shades and black hat; watched Ryan and Alicia retrieving figures but his gaze was more focused on Ryan.. He suddenly smirked and turned, heading towards an alley close by.. He suddenly took out a mystical mirror from his jacket's pocket "vocant bulla" he chanted and The mystical looking mirror suddenly started to glow. Suddenly a handsome looking man appeared on the mirror "What is it Joe?... have you gotten any information yet?" the man nodded and smiled "yes boss Steve.. I have found the Crown prince of the werewolf clan" Steve chuckled "Are you really sure it was him?" the man nodded "yes boss Steve, I'm very sure... I saw a full moon tattoo on his right arm and the tattoo isn't fake.. it's very much real.. I also saw faint glow of magic emitting out of the tattoo... Looks like the time of his true powers to be unlocked draws very near" Joe explained.. Steve was silent for a moment "Hmm... he doesn't know about his powers or Identity right?" "no boss.. from the looks of things, I'm pretty sure he's unaware" Steve slow-nodded and smirked "this is perfect.. He's unaware; which means he's defenceless... perfect time to strike.. Joe, tell me your exact location.. I'm sending some men to come assist you" Joe nodded "it's an amusement park that just opened downtown.. it called "Fun Land".. he's here with some sort of human girl.. and they seem to be somewhat close" "Oh really? Hmm interesting. .. I've sent some men over now through telepathy.. Make sure you capture him and bring him back here!" Joe gulped "but boss Steve, what if we can't capture him?.. remember what Alexa said!" Steve became a bit annoyed "I don't care!!!.. Do all you can to capture him!!.. if you can't, then capture the girl... we could use her as bait" Joe flinched at Steve's tone and quickly nodded "yes boss, I've heard you loud and clear.. I'll do as you said" Steve scoffed "I don't care!!... just don't come back here empty handed or else....." Joe nodded as the mirror suddenly stop glowing... He put the mirror back in his pocket and sighed heavily...

At another corner, two mysterious guys stood, spying on Ryan too "Do my eyes deceive me?.. that's him! that's the crown prince!" One of the guy gasped and grinned. The other guy nodded "no doubt about it.. we've found him.. that full moon tattoo is real.. Sir John must hear about this".. Suddenly, they noticed a mysterious guy dressed in black, walking into an alley suspiciously.. "I have a bad feeling about that guy.. let's follow him and see what he's up to" One said, the other agreed as they both followed the man. They quietly got close to the alley and eavesdropped on the guy.. They both gasped silently as they heard the guy's plans "Those cursed vamps are after our prince!" one gritted his teeth "yeah I'm aware of that!" the other yelled silently.. "we need to inform Sir John! and fast!" they nodded and brought out an orb "take us back" they chanted as orb started to glow.. suddenly they both disappeared...

*******Back at the supernatural world******

****The vampire kingdom*****

"My lord" Steve said as he walked into the throne room and bowed.. "what is it now steve?" king Damon asked; not really interested.. Steve raised his head "my lord, great news!.. I've just gotten some information from one of our spies that they've found the Crown prince" That seem to pick Damon's interest as he straighten up from his throne "really?!.. where is he?!.. is he in our world?!.. why haven't you captured him yet?!! Damon bombarded Steve with multiple questions.. Steve cleared his throat "umm.. first of all, NO he isn't in our world... He is somewhere in the human world" Damon arched a brow "human world?!.. where in the human world?" "He's in a place called New York city.. he's in an amusement park with some girl now as we speak" Steve answered. "ok then, send some of our men to go capture him.. tell them I want him alive" Damon rested back on his throne "I already have my lord" Steve said "is that so?.. well in that case, Go prepare the torture room for me" "Yes my lord" Steve bowed and left...

Damon suddenly smirked "hmm so you're still managed to survive huh?.. well get ready to end up like your father" Damon started laughing evilly "just you wait Stephen and luna.. your precious little son is coming to join you soon" Damon said as his evil laugh got even louder...