
Sacred Moon Alpha

Seperated from his parents and his clan right from when he was born; Ryan, unaware of his true identity, grew up and lived with a couple, James and Stella Smith, in New York City.. Ryan's foster parents ain't rich nor poor but they made sure that Ryan never lacked anything and he was grateful for that.. He thought that he had a normal life... not until he turned 18, something unimaginable happened... What will happen when Ryan finds out that the people he'd known all his life and considered as parents aren't his real parents?.. What will happen when Ryan discover his true identity?.. What do you think happened when Ryan turned 18?.. Stay tuned to find out

Anthonia_Charles · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs

Author thoughts


Hey guys.. it's your authoress Nia hehe😅.. I just wanna say a few things..

umm .. so.. Since I started posting "Sacred moon alpha" ; To be honest, I didn't have any confidence at all .. I kept thinking "what will people will think?.. is my writings good? .. is my grammar messed up?!" you know.. stuffs like that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯..

Anyways, when I posted, I got only 11 views for like.. 5 days or so.. but then the views started increasing and believe me.. I was so happy.

It was awesome at first.. but then I discovered that I had a lot of ghost readers onboard.. y'all don't comment, y'all don't review, y'all don't vote .. and it kinda hurts yunno..

I know that I'm not good at describing or.. using big big words but at least I'm trying my best 🥺🥺..

The least y'all could do is tell me what you think.. If there's any plot in the story that needs correction, just tell me and I'll try to make it more interesting.

My point is.. please guys, don't be ghost readers.. at least comment and tell me what you think.. Silence don't motivate me at all.. it only discourages me ..

Also, sorry for the long suspense, I'll try my best to update on time.. Thanks for your time 🥰 love y'all muah 😘( ˘ ³˘)♥