
Dirty Business

Athena’s P.O.V.

[Start of Flashback]

Only God knew how much I wanted to hug him, but I stopped myself from doing so. However, the pain was doing great at squeezing my heart out—it was unbearable.

“Please, Cristoff… please. If you really love me, you will respect my decision. Let’s talk about us later, okay? Not now, and not here…” I almost whispered, attempting to convince him.

While fear was creeping me up, I nervously looked around. I tried to keenly perceive even the most unsuspicious area that could not avoid my eyes. And there it was, I saw my father’s spy.

It was none other than Mrs. Gutierrez, our Physics teacher. She was certainly looking at us at the end of the corridor, down the stairs, silently observing what would be my next move. Now that Cristoff was in front of me again, I was sure as hell that she would report this scene to Daddy.