

"A young boy and his twin brother go on a great journey across the sea, aiming to learn more about the world and his abilities"

Semicrastur · Fantasi
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24 Chs


Tora said his goodbyes to Nara, and they parted ways. The kids were about to set off for another journey. By now everyone was on the boat, and they had set sail about five minutes ago. 

"So where are we going next?" Tora asked Akira. Akira's expression tensed as he prepared to answer. "Remember that dog…?" Tora looked up in thought. "Dog…? Wait…" Then it hit him. The Wolf that started this all. He lowered his head as he remembered what happened that night. "...Yeah." 

"I'm looking for it. And there's one place I know that might know something," Akira continued.

The following night, Akira had a talk with everyone about what happened in the forest earlier that day. 

"About Raion." 

Akira took a bite out of his sandwich. Everyone had sat on the deck, in the same spots they always sat, which was around a table surrounded by lamps. "A long time ago when Raion was born, there was something wrong with him. He had some sort of illness" 

"What do you mean?" Raion asked. "You were dying," Akira said. 

"But your parents gave you something that saved you. Or I should say, Crowley gave you something."

Raion looked at his hand. "He gave me power?" 

"Not exactly. What he gave you was a certain 'core' that coexists with yours." Akira continued. "Core? Do you mean…An entirely different Spirit Body?" Tamashi interrupted. Akira nodded. "And I'm not sure why, but it showed itself today. Do any of you have any idea what could have happened?" 

"That guy was stealing our Anima,'' said Nola. "Maybe it has something to do with that." Akira's eyes widened. "So it seems that whenever Raion's main source of anima is depleted, this secondary source activates. That makes sense." 

He then turned to Raion. "How do you feel after that?" Raion looked up from his hand, clenching it into a fist, then relaxing his hand once again. "I feel weird. It's like there's an itch somewhere in my body that I can't scratch." 

"You should work on controlling that power. We don't want that happening under the wrong circumstances." Replied Akira.

"Circum-stances?" Tora said clumsily. "Under the same situation," Akira corrected himself. 

"And regarding your performance in the tournament, Tora, You shouldn't use so much Anima at once. Your anima is not average in the least bit. Because of this, your body is too weak to support the strength of your Anima. You need to do extra work every night and every morning."

Tora looked down. "Okay, Grandpa." 

Afterward, they ate dinner, which was baked fish, and then went to bed. 

And for the next two to three weeks, Tora and the others repeated the same schedule everyday: Wake up, eat, train for the entire day, eat dinner, and sleep, except Tora, who had extra activities. They now had a wider variety of foods thanks to Akira's sister Asuka, who had given them ten-thousand dollars out of the one hundred thousand that they won from the tournament. Progress had been surprisingly fast, after the combat experience that they had gained. By the next month, they had reached their destination.



July 2nd, Year 612

8:32 AM

Tora yawned as he awoke. He noticed that around him, no one else was present. Groaning, he jumped to his feet and exited the bedroom, only to be hit by a frigid wind that cut through his clothes like frozen daggers. "Eek!" Tora yelped, before quickly entering the room again. He looked around for something to wrap himself in, and ended up grabbing the blanket. He winded it around himself, before exiting the room again, this time much more prepared. He went onto the deck where everyone was, doing their morning sparring session. 

But to his surprise, there was snow and frost all over the wooden floor. The others all were wearing sleeved clothing, but it didn't look like it did much to help against the cold. "You missed breakfast," Raion said mockingly. Tora sobbed in reply. "Noo!!" 

Tamashi and Nola both were fighting each other, which meant that Tora was meant to fight Raion. "Grandpa said to spar until he came back from the island." Said Raion. Tora smirked. "Okay." Dropping the blanket, he leapt at Raion, throwing a punch. Raion blocked his punch using his forearm and threw one back. Tora moved his head out of the way and threw another attack, but Raion dodged and backed away. They stopped for a moment before going in again. The two boys collided, throwing fist after fist at each other at top speeds. "Gotcha!" Tora exclaimed, as he reached for Raion's shirt. Raion grabbed onto Tora's wrist in an attempt to stop him, but Tora had already grabbed him. 

"Alright kids, It's time!" Akira said aloud as he appeared on the deck of the ship. Tora sighed as he let go of Raion's shirt. On Akira's back was a large black bag. He pulled it over his shoulder and then opened it to reveal a bag full of winter coats. "Dig in." The kids exchanged glances before each grabbing themselves a coat. "Why are they all black?" Nola asked as she slid an arm into a sleeve. "Black is the most standard color," Akira replied. Akira waited for everyone to finish getting dressed before speaking. "Now, Let's go. We've got searching to do." 

"Grandpa, where's your coat?" Tora asked. Akira looked down at himself. He was wearing customized dark gray martial arts attire. "Passively circulating Anima throughout your body can protect you from the cold."

"Passively?? " Asked Raion . "You'll get the hang of it someday." Akira replied as he turned around to exit the ship. "And Raion, make sure not to reveal your special birthmark." 

"Why?" Asked Raion. "While shopping for coats, I happened to find out that on this island, stars are not allowed." Said Akira. Nothing else was said as each of them hopped off of the ship and onto the docks of the island.

It was snowing, which seemed to be normal for this place. The temperatures were probably in the twenties (fahrenheit) considering how frigid it was. Leading off from the docks was a long stone path that led up a large hill. They began moving onward, walking with steady footing to prevent themselves from slipping and falling. Finally, after about five minutes, they reached the top. 

There was a large gate preventing any trespassers from entering. In front of the gate were two large men wearing thick coats with fur-coated hoods over their heads. Upon recognizing Akira, they opened the gates and stepped out of the way to allow the group to enter into the village. The village was underwhelming compared to the previous location they had been to, the Golden City. It appeared to be your average village with wooden houses and cabins, with the exception of a large stone building that stood in the distance. This side of the village was not particularly large, and it was surrounded by woods. In the distance were large hills covered in trees, the trees covered in snow. 

Instead of streets there was a wide stone path that led all throughout the village. Despite its size, the village was well populated, as there were people everywhere. The kids followed closely behind Akira as he walked on. Tora noticed that there were other children, smiling with their parents. He then looked up to Akira, who was beside him. But he didn't say a word. They continued following the path until it led to a medium sized building. There was a large wooden sign on the front, that said: 


Akira Approached the door with the kids following behind. Immediately as he pushed through the door they were hit with a wave of heat in contrast to the freezing weather outside. The kids each pulled their hoods down as they walked past groups of tables with people sitting at them chatting. Tora looked around for an empty table. There were tables of four against the wall in the back that caught his attention, so he decided to head there. The others followed behind, including Akira. "Grandpa, what are we doing here?" Tora asked nervously. A smile spread across Akira's face before he replied. "Breakfast." 

"Finally!" Raion exclaimed as he took a seat, and scooted against the wall. Akira sat down next to him, and Tamashi sat beside Tora across from them. The seats were wide enough for Nola to fit in beside Tora, so she squeezed herself in. "What is this place?" Raion asked. "This place is called a Diner. You eat here." Akira replied. "Well, where's the food?" Said Raion. "You wait for someone to take your order," Tamashi said in an annoyed tone. "Seriously, have you never been anywhere?" 

Tora shook his head. 

 "Excuse me, may I take your order?"

 They all turned to see a woman in a waitress' uniform, notepad in hand. "I'll take number three." Said Akira. Tora, Raion, Tamashi, and Nola all exchanged looks. "Will that be all?" The lady asked. "Well?" Akira said to the kids. Tamashi and Nola picked up their menus and began skimming through each page. Raion and Tora were confused, but decided to pick up their own menus. "Oooh!" Tora said in awe. There were plenty of choices that made his mouth water. "I want number six!" 

"Give me number four." Raion said. Tamashi ordered a number seven, and Nola the same, but with orange juice instead of apple. The lady jotted in her notepad each order given. "Is that everything?" The lady asked with a smile on her face. "That'll be all." Said Akira. "You'll see me soon, then." She said, turning around and walking away. Afterward, there was a period of waiting. Tora spent the time staring out the window. As he watched, he noticed something odd. There was something trying to blend in with the trees. Tora took a closer look. 

It was a woman, standing in the distance. Her appearance gave Tora a bad feeling in his gut. Her pale skin was bloody and bruised in various places. She had long, beautiful hair that nearly reached the ground. She donned a crimson red dress that stood out in the snow. He wondered how no one seemed to notice her but himself. But her face, there was something about it that wasn't right. The more Tora looked, the harder it was to recognize who she was. It was as if the mind purposefully blurred her face in order to keep itself sane. Tora turned to Raion. "Hey, do you see that?" 

"What?" Raion glanced out the window. Tora pointed where the woman was previously, but she was no longer there. "I don't see anything. Are you stupid?" Raion said. Tora sighed. "Nevermind." Akira, who watched, stayed silent. But in his mind, he had only one thought.




Afterward, the group finished eating, and continued out. They rested for a few hours until 3:00PM Before moving out towards the forest.

8:46 PM


After hours of walking, they decided to set up camp in the cold, dark woods. Akira lit a campfire, and dragged logs around it for everyone to sit. "Mister Akira, can you tell us another story?" Asked Nola. 

"Oh, right! It has been a year since the last time, hasn't it ?" Akira replied. He sat in thought for a few seconds. "Alright, I'm going to tell you all about something that happened just eleven years ago."

"I was forty-four years old. It had been twenty-one years since I separated from my sisters…"



There was a loud boom, followed by a cackle of lightning. 

"I Can't let you do this..!!" Said the man in all black as he exchanged fists with his opponent. "It isn't in your power, Crowley." The opponent replied, as he grabbed hold of Crowley, before quickly landing a strike to his face. Crowley ignored the attack, and kicked the man away. "If I don't do it, who will??" He lunged at the man, throwing a thunderous punch that sent him flying backwards. The man caught himself, kicking up dirt as his feet dug into the earth. He then leapt back at Crowley, grabbing a hold of the blade on his belt. "Even the gods submit to Destiny." Crowley dodged the attack from the blade and took a step back. But as he dodged, his opponent raised his left arm towards him. the weapon disappeared out of his right hand and appeared in his left. Crowley's eyes widened, as he watched the blade dig into his side. 

"Tsk..!" Crowley grabbed onto the weapon, and tore it out of his side. He watched as blood leaked from an open wound. "Pitiful." The man said, as he snatched back his weapon. He then proceeded to kick Crowley to the ground. The man then kneeled onto one knee, wrapping each finger around Crowley's neck. But before he could do anything, something appeared out of nowhere, kicking him off of Crowley. 

The man looked up to see that it was none other than Akira. "I have no business with you, mortal. You'd best stay out of my way." Akira's face turned into a serious expression, as he felt the raw power emanating from the man in front of him. "Yeah, I was right to bring the potion." Akira thought. He reached to his side, pulling up a flask. On the front was the label, "ZENITH." 

"This better be enough!" Without a single moment of hesitation, Akira unscrewed the top and drank the liquid inside until there was not a drop left. 

He dropped the flask, as a sudden heat arose from his body, "Here we go.." Suddenly, a wild burst of pure blue anima exploded from Akira.

Akira grimaced out of pain, as waves of Anima continued to explode from his body, moving outward in every direction. The island trembled massively, and the trees shook violently. The clouds above gathered around Akira, as a final eruption took place. The Anima went outward in the form of a column, reaching the clouds and tearing up the earth. Finally, it was over. 

Akira stood there, in the middle of a crater. His clothing was perfectly fine, and there wasn't a single wound on his body. His red hair flowed in the wind, as his previously dark brown eyes shone blue, the same color as his anima. "What is this? I've never seen such a technique…" The man spoke curiously. "I'd be happy if I were you… To get to have your last fight with me!" Akira said, smirking. "Ridiculous." The man replied. 

"Akira, is that the drink?" Crowley asked as he lifted himself up. "Watch." Akira leapt out of the hole, disappearing completely and reappearing behind the man. They both turned around, and jumped at each other. 

But the man was faster, and his fist planted into Akira's face. Akira smiled arrogantly, as an intense blue aura outlined his entire body. He had begun using his Anima to strengthen himself. 

Akira slammed his fist into the man's stomach. The man grabbed onto his weapon and attempted to swipe Akira. Akira quickly leaned back, before throwing two hits to the man's face. The man stumbled. It appeared as though Akira's attacks had an effect. 

 Akira then brought his fist back, as he began gathering Anima. A bright He then shouted, as he brought his fist into the man's stomach. A massive Repulsive Echo erupted from the attack, causing a huge wave of Anima to disperse from the man's back. "I ain't done yet!" Akira began delivering repulsive echo after repulsive echo to the man, each strike growing stronger and stronger. By now the man was gasping for air. "W-What..!?" He muttered, as he coughed up blood. Akira flipped through the air, landing a kick to the man's head before quickly transitioning to below the man, delivering an elbow strike, and then finally, a punch to the noggin that was so powerful it sent the man flying backwards through buildings. 

Akira exhaled. But it wasn't over yet. Akira turned around, to see the man. "Thought I'd be surprised?" He said, as he threw another punch. But the man caught his fist. "Not bad, for a mortal." His blade then appeared in his opposite hand, as he slashed toward Akira. Akira took his hand and parried the attack, before throwing another punch to the man. The man dodged, and punched Akira in the chest twice, before taking his fist and punching Akira in the throat. Akira gagged, taking a few steps back. "Ack!" 

"You've impressed me. Your death will not be in vain." He said, before raising an arm to Akira. But before he could do anything, Akira regained his composure, and leapt out of the way as a massive wave of Anima blew from The man's hand. 

"I'm not done, yet!" Akira said, as two large dark gray feathery wings with a white underside sprouted from his back. His fingers and toes formed into large talons as he jumped into the air, his giant wings flapping. "What?" The man said, bewildered. A flowy aura of dark blue Anima wrapped around his body, as he tore through the air hundreds of times faster than lightning itself. His talons ripped through the man's torso, creating a large gap in the middle of his chest. As they collided with the ground, an explosion of Anima erupted from the attack, as huge chunks of the ground crumbled upwards.





"...And afterward, he fell into a deep sleep to this day." Akira finished. 

He looked to see that Nola, Tamashi, and Raion were all asleep. But not Tora. Tora sat wide-eyed, full of excitement from the story. "Grandpa, you're a bird??" 

Akira chuckled. "I'll explain it later. It's something like your brother, Raion's situation." Tora furrowed his eyebrows. "Grandpa, Are you saying Mister Crow was a person before?" Akira lowered his gaze downward. "He was, until he was stabbed by that strange weapon." 

Tora and Akira sat in silence for a few minutes. "Will that man ever come back, grandpa?" 

Akira looked up at Tora, a soft expression in his eyes. "No, that man won't be coming back." 

Tora looked down, a sad feeling forming in his gut. 

"What happened to…. my mom and dad?" 

Akira stared blankly as he thought about it. "They were chased away by very bad people. They had to leave you and your brother with me." 

"Are they okay?" Tora asked.

"...They should be fine, Tora." Answered Akira, as a smile spread across his face. "Grandpa, why don't we look for them after this?" 

Akira's smile did not disappear at the sound of those words. "Don't worry. We'll find them one day." 

"Okay." Tora stood up, and returned to the large tent, leaving Akira with the sleeping others. He sat for a few minutes in silence. 

Until he noticed. 

Akira looked in the corner of his eye without turning around. He watched as a small figure appeared through the bushes. They slowly approach him from behind, before attempting to attack him. But Akira vanished before the person's very eyes, and appeared standing in front of them. The person in front of Akira was a young girl, shorter than Tora and Raion and seemingly younger. 

She had short, messy black hair, and wore a ragged all black cloak. The young girl stepped back, and tried to run around Akira. Akira stood perfectly still, and allowed her to run towards where their traveling bag was. She peeked back at Akira to see what he would do, as she dug into the bag, pulling out bags of fruit. She kept her eyes on Akira, as she then proceeded to slowly back away into the woods. Once she felt she was safe, she broke out into a sprint, quickly escaping. 

He sat a few seconds in silence afterward, letting out a heavy exhale. "I know you're watching." he said aloud. He looked up to see the woman in the red dress standing in the distance. She turned around and began walking away, disappearing into the snow.


