
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. : The Journey to the zone

after the 1986 Chernobyl disaster, attempts were made to repopulate the area, primarily with scientists and military personnel. However in 2006 almost 20 years after the first incident, a mysterious second disaster occurred killing or mutating most of the inhabitants.years later, people have begun coming to the Zone in search of wealth, knowledge, and to fulfill the human curiosity. As a result of the second disaster, the Zone is now littered with dangerous small areas of altered physics, known as anomalies. Explorers and scavengers operating within the Zone, are known as Stalkers with an anomaly detector and a pocket full of bolt they search the zone dangerous landscape for anomaly and one wrong step can lead to their death.... despite this countless people venture the zone for many reasons serving many interest group operating within the zone some want to destroy it other, want to study it, some want to contain the zone whatever the reason was human doesn't have a reason to go deep to the zone in the first place we are attracted and fascinated with the zone follow the story of a man with zero survival experience navigating the zone while being attacked by bandits mutants and anomalies This novel is based on the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game franchise and the game is based out of a Russian sci-fi novel strugatsky roadside picnic I'm using chat gpt and grammarly to hel me write the chapter

Luddic_Path · Sci-fi
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Entering the zone CP: 1

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