

Sleek hair finely layered on his forehead, passing through his serene feline eyes with a short stunt nose and a well-defined jaw that could penetrate your soul. Walking down the aisle every morning, he would stop by and peer through the windowpane for a while. The sheer radiance of sunlight illuminated his face he smirked. She noticed for the first time.

Jay comes over someone screamed out on top of their voice. He was quite popular. Unbothered by chaos, Jay continued passing by. Amidst the turmoil, he gazed towards her with a strange smile and disappeared. She wondered if there was a motive behind that smile. He never had companions, regularly left earliest after the classes. She was sceptical.

Mornings pass by with same old school routine. But ever since that day, it wasn't the same anymore. Someone screeched down the hallway. As she walked down the aisle, he whispered, "死亡 (Sǐwáng) death". Little did she knew, it was about to happen at any moment. Without giving it a second thought, she gushed towards the hallway. Blood splattered on the floor, and eyes pierced with needles. Larsa was found dead on the floor just as he stated a while ago. Terrified, upset and helpless, she could only mourn. What was the cause of this brutality? Was Jay responsible? How did he know?. Millions of questions arose. Jay's personality was getting more peculiar and intricate after this incident. The glare that seeps into your soul and rips you apart was no longer the same, She mumbled.

After this incident, the chaos at the university diminished. It felt like an enormous storm stripped the turmoil away, was unusual to enter regular classes. The instructor entered and conveyed his deep condolences on Larsa's sudden demise. There was a sudden outburst of memories with her. She sighed. Suddenly, she sensed intuition on someone continually staring. She turned around to inspect it was him, Jay Park. The university bell clanged, and everyone left the classroom. It seemed like an immense opportunity for standing alone in the class with Jay. She murmured. As she was all set to interrogate, another screech followed in the hallway. He smirked. Clueless and petrified, she asked, "Who is it this time?" He said, "死亡 (Sǐwáng) death". She immediately ran down the hallway without a word and was startled. Ryan was dead. Larsa and Ryan's murder had a resemblance. The scars, needles, and the way blood-splattered, all the same. He approached with his lips imminent to her ears and whispered "Sǐwáng". It was exactly as he said it would be.