
Ryoshi High

Kaede Rodriguez, a high school student with a promising future in the world of sports, found himself stumbling into weird people after her beloved sister's death. The night after returning home with her sister's remains, he was attacked, and when he woke up, he was enrolled in Ryōshi High, a school full of weird students where life and death are game for them. Kaede doesn't have any choice but to accept his fate and ensure that he'll survive every "lesson" he needs to attend, and every day is a struggle for a new student like him. For Kaede, to live or die is the option he has to choose the moment he enters Ryōshi High. Will he survive, or will he die?

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21 Chs

Chapter 16: First Appearance

Kaede remembered being tossed by the man, and Mayumi caught him before landing on the ground.

"Mayumi, go and take Kaede back to the house. It is safe there!" Setsuwi shouted at his wife as the roaring rain poured hard.

Mayumi took Kaede back to the house.

"Listen, honey, be a good boy, okay? Whatever happens, do not come out of the house. Stay here. I will come back after I get your dad back. Stay here. Remember, this door will only open if either daddy or I are outside. If someone tries to open it, it is neither your daddy nor me. Do you understand, Kaede?"

Kaede nodded at his mother, and Mayumi ran out of the door before closing it.

Shortly after her mother left him, Kaede heard a knock.

"Kaede, open the door. This is mom," Mayumi said. "I'm with your father and he is injured. Come and open the door."

"The door will open if you are my real mommy," Kaede answered the Mayumi.

"What do you mean it will open? I can't open it since I am holding your father. Open it, baby."

But Kaede didn't open the door. He remained at the spot where her mother had left him.

Suddenly the door started to rattle, and every picture frame decorated on their house wall began to fall.

"Open the door, Kaede. Don't make me destroy this entire house," said the voice, but it didn't sound like his mother.

Kaede started to feel scared.

"Mommy, you are scaring me. Come in.. I know you can open the door. You said you and Dad could only open it. Why can't you come in?" Kaede said and started to cry. "Please come in."

But whoever was outside was desperately trying to open the door.

The door didn't stop shaking again, this time, it was stronger, and Kaede was scared.

He remembers his grandpa a few blocks away from their home. He ran to the kitchen and opened the door.

The rain was pouring so hard that it made the little boy shiver, but he didn't mind it. He runs in the direction where he knows a shortcut to his grandpa's house.

As he approached the house, he suddenly felt like someone was behind him. Lucky for the kid, he hid under the bush right after the man arrived.

Kaede could see the desperation on the bloodied man's face. He was searching around despite the heavy rain.

Suddenly a man leaped at the other man and tried to fight him.

Kaede saw that it was his father.

"Are you still alive after I eat your energy? You could have at least pretended that you're dead so I can spare your useless life and watch me eat your son from head to foot, Setsuwi," the man said before he wrapped his arm around Setsuwi's neck and lifted him like he wasn't a tall man.

Setsuwi fought hard to try to remove the man's hand around his neck.

Setsuwi saw Kaede running away from the house, and he wanted to buy the man's time so Kaede would run away, far from the guy.

"You will have to walk through me before you touch my son," Setsuwi told the man.

The man only smirks at him and opens his mouth wide. It was wide enough to bite a chunk of flesh from Setsuwi's shoulder before ending Setsuwi's life.

"Daddy!" Kaede goes out from the bush and runs in the direction his father ran in.

The man stopped chewing and turned around to see the kid he wanted to eat. For the man, the boy was the carrier of the immense energy that he wanted the most. And he will happily consume it right now in the rain. The man dropped the piece of meat and was about to attack the frightened boy when he saw a hooded figure appear at the back of the kid, and it effortlessly met him in the middle. It punched him in the face and gave him a sidekick before leaping in the air to give a front kick to blow him while he was on the ground.

Lucky for him, he dodges it.

"So you are the ball of energy my superiors are talking to, huh?" he said. "I am a grade B Dybbuk, and I am here to devour you before the higher-ups-"

The man that was a dybbuk shut his mouth when the hooded figure pierced him in the chest and took his heart out, and he didn't see it coming.

Blood flowed from his mouth as he tried to retreat. He can survive, but the body he possesses will die. He underestimated the source of immense energy. The man ran away from the hooded figure as fast as he could. He has to retreat now, and he will return after possessing another body.

The man thought that consuming that thing would not be easy. That thing knows how to fight and can even match his speed.

He smirked. All he needed to do was to find a better body, and he would eat him.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. How absurd," suddenly, another man appeared behind him.

"What are you doing here, Grade S Dybbuk," he said when he felt another immense energy.

"I was sent to check you up, and then here you are, making a move to the kid. You are already warned that the kid belongs to the Great Baal. Why are you betraying him, Pulva?"

"Shut up, Tyga. I need that energy to become a diablo!" Pulva shouted at him.

"Are you stupid? The energy must ripen first before being harvested. You don't have any right to eat what was planted, idiot, especially if you were not the one who planted it," Tyga said.

"Whatever! Fuck off!" Pulva shouted at him and started to walk away, but Tyga only smirked at him before extracting Pulva from his nearly-dead host and eating him whole.

Tyga suddenly laughs after consuming him.

"Well, Baal said I can eat those pests who don't know how to follow the rule. But yeah, it could be very tempting not to devour massive energy like you have a little kid. Soon, when the time comes, and you are ripped enough, I will snatch you and eat you before Baal can eat you first. Well, sayonara Kaede-kun."

Tyga left the kid soaking wet after he passed out. The kid needs to grow mature as the energy ripen.


Tyga exclaimed and stopped. He slightly turned his head to the right side, enough to see the kid in his peripheral view.

"There are hundreds of carriers like you, kid, and I have devoured a few of them, but they aren't like you. You are the special fruit cultivated and watered by one of the feared shamans. And you turned into an amazing rare carrier that can house delicious food. Ah, lucky for Great Baal. He alone can eat you," he said. "But I'll wait. I wait until his fall, and you will be mine."

Tyga shivered in excitement. He will keep his eyes on the carrier and snatch him away soon—very soon.