

I was woken up by my alarm clock not the human one no she said she won't because I have a guest. "Make it stop." a groggy voice grunted. I laughed. "Yeah I did wake up we got school." he mumbled something I didn't hear. "Wake up dude." I shook him. He lifted his head and opened one eye goddamned he looked cute. "Let's skip." he whispered. "Nope no never Ma won't allow it." I said shaking my head I went to the bathroom. "Oh she will when I'm with you I used my charms on her and she's a goner." he said. I peeked my head from the door. "What?" he didn't reply I literally took seconds and the fucker is already sleeping again.

"No Hearly wake the fuck up man!" I jumped on him. "Ahhhh! bitch you broke my spine." he cried dramatically. "If-" "What kinky shit are y'all doing?" Kyle remarked from the other side with a voice full of disgust. "Mind your own business Fuckface!" I shouted back. "Language!" mom scolded. Are they ganging up on me? "Sorry. Ryan wake up and were going to school the fucker outside my door doesn't have a ride and doesn't want to use the bus. Wake up go shower I'll bring you clothes." I said. "Clothes? your boyfriend's? Where do you get boy clothes?" he asked. "Just wake up and shower. Stop talking." I said. He grumbled under his breath but got up anyway. I went to my dad's old closet and took out a red and black Nike shirt and grey sweatpants and black socks.

"Hey Hearly there's your clothes." I called out to him. "Come in and put them on the basin." he replied I did as told. A few minutes later he came out. "Looking dapper McBlack." I mocked. "Why thank you milady." I laughed. "Don't ever do that lets go down." I said he got his back pack and we went. "Kyle you done?" I called. "Yes mom is gone to her interview and will be back mid day." he said. "Oh." she didn't tell me okay. We drove together to school Kyle and Ryan were chatting my phone off I listened to Britney Spears and her Two Disciples all the way. "We're here boys." I said and ran out before they could say anything after I saw that they are still talking and making no move I tapped on Kyle's window. He looked at me then held up his hand to silence me oh no he didn't. "Okay fuckers get out now!" I semi shouted as I opened the door. "Okay mom." they said at the same time.

"So you're telling me that Ryan slept at your house and you didn't frickle frackle?" I nodded. "OHH innocent people tell me is he big? did you cuddle." Lilah mischievously. "Fuck off Lilah we didn't do anything except sleep." before she could reply I felt a tap on my shoulder I turned and found a girl dressed in Maroon like maroon shirt maroon skirt maroon boots she was a red head maroon jacket and a maroon choker. "Hey you're Xaé right?" she asked. "Yes who are you?" I replied trying to give that intimidating aura but she didn't even shake. "My name Katie and I wanted to asked if you are dating the emo boy?" she asked. "Emo boy?" I was confused the only boy I've been hanging around is Ryan. "Yes Ryan he's emo isn't he? Are you dating?" she asked OMG! "Whoa whoa sweetheart he's not emo and no we're not dating we're friends?" I said but it came out as a question. "Ohhh I wanted his number to ask him out so I thought it'll be disrespectful to you." she said with a wide dedicated smile I felt my heart pang. "Go ahead sweet pea." I said and she turned to leave. "See what happens when you ignore the signs? He's going to agree have you see Adamy Levine there she's gorgeous but not like you." Lilah said. "You're my friend you're supposed to be crying and comforting me." I cried she laughed and continued eating.

Now we're in Biology the class I fucking hate and Mark is venting today. "Look I know Lilah's your friend but damn that girl is stubborn she plays hard to get I mean have you ever seen me? I can have anyone even you... no offence but you're not my type..." I cut him off "You're not mine either sweetheart." I said and he scowled. "But Lilah isn't playing hard to get she's just testing you to see if you're not going to play her."I told him and it's true Lilah has told me about Mark many times and she always said that and she likes him but his history is not doing him a favour. "Ohhh." he muttered he seemed to be hurt and deep in thought. Soon school was out and we packed to go home. I was standing infront of my car and Kyle emerged "Ready to go brother of me?" I asked. "No wait for me I won't be long." he said and ran back. "What the fucking hell?" I said out loud. A pair of hand covered my eyes "Guess who?" a familiar voice said. "A childish grown ass boy." they were removed. "Way to hurt my feelings Xaé." Ryan said pouting. "Whatever." I rolled my eyes.

"You know I didn't even realise we're "emo couple goals" he said with a chuckle. "Now that mention it I totally didn't notice anything." I replied. "Yea me too some girl approached me today and asked if we were a couple because of the way we dress when I said no she asked for a date and my phone number. Crazy right? It's like they are scripted man." I looked at him. "So did you agree?" I asked him. He scoffed "Nope no I'm in no space to date and I have my eyes on someone." he said looking at his fingers. I felt my stomach get heavy. "I wonder who's the unlucky girl...or boy... is it a boy?" I asked. "No I'm straight as they come sweetheart." he said chuckling. I nodded. "My ride is here I'll see you tomorrow yeah?" he said. I looked at where he was pointing with his thumb I saw a Matte Black Range Rover. "Wow!" I breathed. He hugged me "Bye X and thank you." he whispered in my ear I shivered and smiled. "Thank you for what?" I asked. "You'll see.Xae all in time." he said and walked away.

Oh boy I'm in love..

whoa whoa in what now? Oh my god I'm screwed im fucked I'm in shit deep shit. "Kyle quit smooching the poor girl and let's fucking go." I shouted as soon as I saw my brother making out with his girlfriend. They pulled away and blushed. He hugged her and kissed here forehead. When he passed by me he muttered "cockblock" "That's what big sisters are for." I said and laughed.