

It's not easy being an orphan on the streets. Nobody knew this more than Jade. Jade's parents had died almost immediately after he was born and so he was raised by wolves. He had a small and limber frame. Good for thieving. Jade got so good that he started wearing a flowing, neon green scarf to taunt the vendors. One thing he couldn't stand was people who stole for the hell of it.

Jade often walked down the road near the dust shop to find money that people dropped from time to time. The shop was empty except for the shopkeep and a girl with a red hood. Soon, out of nowhere, a man with sideswiped hair, a white jacket, and a can pushed Jade to the side as he and a bunch of guys in red and black suits walked into the shop. Jade couldn't see much but he did see what looked like a robbery. The next thing he knows is one of the men in the red and black suits goes crashing through the window into the street. Jade looked up to see a girl with black hair and red highlights standing in front of the unconscious man with her red cloak flowing in the night breeze. She then pulled out her weapon which just so happened to be the most dangerous weapon of all...a scythe.