
RWBY: System

So i reincarnated in RWBY, it looks like im still fine after my death... Everything seems to be okay but... I have a system... ...And a stand? / / / / / Cover picture not mine. Though I edited it.

Toist_New_Moon · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Chapter 5: Treasure hunt(2)

A/TN: searched it up, and found that the official word for an elephant's 'roar' is trumpet.


The Goliath was towering over the small house of TaiYang's house, looking about as menacing as a 10 meter tall elephant.

"I'll explain the situation later! we're obviously going to get the Grimm out of here!"

I'm feeling quite nervous on the inside, though the Gamer's sub-skill [Gamer's Mind] prevents the release and keeps me level headed...

'This is definitely a the worst thing that could possibly happen.'

I planned to distract the Goliath to a place as far as possible and find the chest...

Actually... That could definitely still work right now.

"Video game guy! don't space out right now!"

Yang yelled at me while activating her Aura.

"C'mon let's go yang! we can't let pops in down!" Ruby yelled as she went first and ran to the Goliath at top speed in an act of desperation.


My taunt is already at level 5, meaning that I can use taunt without risking any other Grimms to be affected.

My range was also amped my a lot letting me successfully taunt the Grimm from this distance.

While taunting laser like feeling was coming out of my forehead and alerted the Goliath of my presence, it looked at my direction and trumpeted.

{Roar: Enemy}

The shockwave of the trumpet is tremendous, blowing off a lot of things in the ground as well as trees and all a ton of rocks.

The sheer sound of it was intense too, too bad I didn't activate my Aura due to habit however I was still mostly unaffected physically.

Yang and Ruby also didn't also get into trouble because of the trumpet because they activated thier Aura, unlike me.

"Get it together Ruby!"

"We're almost there! just a bit more."

Ruby is clearly not calming down, though it is natural, if I didn't have my Gamer skill I would also lose my shit, it's a damn war elephant used by Salem.

Nevermind it's overwhelming strength, it's appearance alone could make any civilian crap their pants.

I would salute Ruby and Yang for their bravery right now... But I also have something to do.

{Spin} {Taunt}

I started to draw more attention to me by shooting my fingernails at the Goliath and repeatedly using taunt towards it.

"It's focus is on me! go ahead and get out of here!" I yelled at them.

"No! this will be a danger to everyone, we'll make sure this is finished before anything serious happens!" Yang replied while scaling the huge Grimm with her monstrous strength.

"I'll go help dad while you take of the Grimm sis!" Ruby said to Yang while running to the house.

{Taunt} {Spin} {Hamon} {Dash} {Aura}

I then started to run on the opposite direction of the Goliath while keeping agro on it, though it was hard to keep up with the limited stamina I have because of the burnout.

I kept shooting my fingernails the moment they regenerate and use taunt every minute or so, Though my stamina was about to exhaust I knew I would will have some time to rest because of Yang fighting the Goliath head on.

[Goliath's HP: ???/???]

It was troubling to see that the health bar didn't show how much is left but I can only assume we're not even close to a fraction of it's health.

"Yang! keep it distracted I need to recover my stamina-" *cough* *cough*

My burnout is definitely better than before, but it definitely didn't stop the stamina depletion effect.

[Condition: Exhausted]

It was only a few minute of running and shooting away at the Goliath, but I couldn't possibly run any further without throwing up blood. 'The Gamer skill probably wouldn't let that happen though.'

"Yes! I'll get you at least 7 minutes!"

Yang said confidently as she kept punching and dodging the Goliath's attacks.

The stomps was the most common attack the Goliath did, it shook the ground and made anything surroundings said ground instant distroyed, as the skill name suggests it's a basic stomp with the incredible power of a 10 meter Goliath.

Basically it was extremely devastating.

The Goliath didn't even bother to do anything else and just stomped most of the time to try and hit Yang, 'Fortunately she's too agile to not get hit.'

It was almost 10 minutes of rest, however my condition didn't change as much as I hoped for, my stamina is still halfway drained and I was in no condition to use my claymore or any taxing skills... Including Dash.

Taunt and both of my bloodline skills was the only few things I could use right now.

"I guess... I have no choice."

I called out to Yang "Yang! Handle this situation carefully! I'm going to do something reckless and smart for once!"

I used my Aura to hopefully get to the chest somewhat faster without using Dash.

Unfortunately... I forgot there was definitely more Grimms than just the Goliath...




A whole bunch of Grimms is Infront of me, Some Beowolves, a mid sized Boarbatusk and a large Nevermore.

Without a second of doubt I kept running towards the chest location, this time...


[Warning! Host's Stamina will not be able to keep up]

The loud sounds of the ground shaking, the Grimms around me and the system interface almost made me pass out.


"Let's go Mister!" Ruby grabbed me by the collar and dashed towards the direction of the treasure chest.

I couldn't believe she didn't think that I would escape from the Goliath and abandon Yang, It's a good thing she didn't think like that.

"Just a bit *cough*... more... ruby...*cough* we're almost there."

As she heard those words she kept accelerating towards the location...

And finally...

[Daily Quest Completed!]

The shaking ground suddenly stopped and some of the Grimms that are near turned away...

"Uh... This is weird?" Ruby looked around in suspicion when the ground shaking stopped.

"I...*huff* we made it *huff*"

The treasure chest was finally cleared and the Goliath supposedly disappeared-


"No fucking way."

The... Goliath is... still here.

"Don't swear mister."

[Rewards granted]

[Level up]

[HP, Stamina and AP restored]

[Music{Max}: Situation Music]

/ / / / /

- - -

Name: Rey Nights

HP: 180/410(440/440)

AP: 240/610(720/720)

Race: Human

Class: None

Title: None

Semblance: [Locked]

Bloodline: Joestar {Hamon} {Spin}

Condition: Fucking Tired

LVL: 8

VIT: 43(44)

STR: 35(37)

AGI: 37(38)

INT: 25(30)

WIS: 26(30)

LUCK: 11

Points: 25(30)

- - -

<<Skill list>>

[Gamer: Max] [Taunt: LVL 6] [Dash: LVL 5]

[Swordsmanship: LVL 6]

[Hamon: LVL 2] [Spin: LVL 2]

- - -

"We couldn't beat this guy even if we tried to our outmost limit."


<<Playing: Bones by Imagine Dragons>>

"So... What's the plan mister?"

I played some 'calming' battle music in the background to hopefully clear my mind... Wait

does she hear the music in the background?

"We need to go somewhere."

{Stomp: Enemy}

<<Is this entertaining?>>


{Aura} {Dash}


I tapped ruby on the back and lead the way.

<<I-I-I got this yeah you know~>>

The Goliath began chasing us at unprecedented speeds, almost fast enough to catch up to us.

It's footsteps we're LOUD to the point of making me flinch everytime it got close to us.

'It'll only make my anxiety worst the moment I look back...'

The speed of the Goliath is terrifying, though I could catch up somewhat to Ruby now, but I'm still lacking by a some amount.

We ran a lot and did a lot of movement techniques to make the Elephant confused,

Though it was just Ruby doing most of it and me following her lead.

While running we do sometimes get a few Grimm encounters however most of them turn thier backs and walk away from the everliving earthquake machine called Goliath.

I do sometimes make traps to keep a large distance away from the Goliath, traps take form of spinning boulders, areas filled with Hamon and a whole lot of spinning pebbles to block it's vision.

Though the traps we're almost always ineffective, it did sometimes fell for it.

And when it did it gave us a lot of room to breathe and rest.

So most of the running part was avoiding Grimms, climbing/avoiding stuff and sometimes making traps.

Though we we're able to reach a spot I was very familiar with, The other cliff side where I watched the sunset.

"NOW!" I told a plan to Ruby everytime we rested when the Goliath fell for the trap.

Most of it was coming up with the actual plan, but it did become a good plan.

Good enough.


I lured the Goliath near the cliff and started to attack it with my Claymore and Bloodline Abilities.

{Swordsmanship/P} {Hamon} {Spin}

I attacked it with not much effort to try and save up on stamina.

Though my attack patterns are easy to figure out, an elephant that can't see under it probably don't know what I'm doing.

Maybe because it's now receiving much damage...

[Goliath HP: 49372/???]

That's a crazy amount of HP...

Though I also discovered the Goliath is a System created enemy designed to be unbeatable... So I'm not going to get any EXP...

'It's a shame but I'm hoping to at least get something out of this."

"Mister what's next?" Ruby damaged a lot of the cliff side, Though I instructed her to break at least 30 meters...

"I think you went far and beyond 30 meters."

Looks like a hundred... probably two hundred.

"Better safe than sorry." Ruby replied with a slight smirk and pride.



The sheer weight of the Goliath was too heavy to let the damaged cliff support it.

Causing my precious sunset viewing place to fall from about 50 meters back to the ground.

And then...

[Inventory: Boulder(1203)]

"This is where we'll part ways."




/ / / / /

A/TN: I probably can't post a chapter tomorrow so enjoy this one fellas