
RWBY Omniversal Chatroom System

Chris had expected to wake up, haul his ass to his boring job, hop on a bus to get home and repeat this process for the foreseeable future. Through a random act of kindness towards a homeless but talented guitarist on the street and one too many cans of Monster, his routine was derailed.. drastically. [Welcome to the Multiversal Chat System, Neopolitan!] "Ugh.. what? Like the ice cream..?" [No!] "Oh.. Oh yeah.." [Open beginner gift box?] "Yeah just please don't give me anything bad, RNGesus.." [Ding!] [Acquired Rivers of blood katana] Minor Aura enhancement pill] [Body purification elixr] [Advanced swordsmanship] [Charm boost!]

Saeko_Kaburagi · Komik
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102 Chs

Neo, meet Neopolitan

Getting to the city of Vale from the Bullhead in Domremy only took an hour and a half. Blake was mostly reading the whole trip. Neo, however, was thinking of what to do in the future.

~I essentially retconned Jaune out of the show. JNPR's important to the plot... somewhat. Wait, were they? Later on, they were. I'll have to see if I can take Jaune's place. I'll need to use a disguise when I'm there. Like when OG Neo did it~

Planning out her next steps, she left the Bullhead with Blake.

"Hey I'm going to stay at a cheap hotel. We can both bunk in that room until we go to Beacon. We'll have to.... sha..re a bed.." Blake gained a slight blush at the last part.

"No no. Trust me, I have an idea. It's somewhat crazy but it'll give us access to a place to sleep for free. Might even put some money in my pocket. You in?" Neo pulled her arm and walked in a particular direction.

"Is it illegal?" Blake asked with a small frown.

"Ah? Nope. It'll actually do a lot of good in the long run. It'll seem questionable, maybe but I swear you'll see later on it'll help" Neo then took her along the streets of Vale.

As it neared ten at night, Neo asked around for the location of Junior's Nightclub. She arrived right when it got busy. Seeing the man himself behind the bar, serving a few drinks while music played.

Strolling in, she hummed a song she was reminded of when she got her clothes back in Domremy.

"I'm gonna pop some tags, only got twenty dollas in my pockeeet.. I-I-I'm hunting, looking for a come-up. This is fucking awesooome.." She started to sing and strolled in, on her way to the bar.

Blake followed, subtly surprised. Not at the language but the fact that despite not being good at singing, she had an amazing voice and it was surprisingly pleasant to hear.

"Walk up to the club like 'waddup I got a big cock' I'm so pumped about some shit from the- Nah that's disrespectful to Momma Joan.. Hey, Junior!" She stopped as she leaned on the bar.

"What the hell was that song.." Blake muttered and looked at Neo's crotch.

"What? You've seen what's down there. All kitty" Neo slightly chuckled at the end.

"Wh.. Neo!!" Blake was flabbergasted and beet red at remembering. Neo snickering at her reaction.

"Wait, aren't you Torchwick's psycho sidekick..? You can talk?" Junior now had his attention on them.

"No. But I know them. Lost my scroll so can you send them a message to come on down? Tell them their friend has a solution to their 'Cinder' problem" Neo tapped the bar as she convinced Junior, making him sigh and take out his scroll. Tapping away on it and messaging his associate.

"Blake, when they get here I want you to listen to everything I'm saying. Just realize that I'm not lying. It'll sound kinda crazy but it's all true. I trust in your character that you'll keep this a secret in the future, okay?" Taking a seat and waiting, Blake just stares at her for a few moments.

"How..? We've only known each other for a day. How could you possibly.." She stopped as Neo raised a finger.

"You're Ghira Belladona's daughter. He created the White Fang as a peaceful pro Faunus rights organization. Idolizing him for his ideals, you joined the White Fang. Even when they turned to violence due to the built up resentment and anger. You strove to do what you thought was the right thing. In the end, you saw what that path was going to lead to. You saw it take a hold of Adam. Hate changes you, Blake. That's why I'm so relaxed. I've seen it happen to people. Fictional or non Fictional. Now, you're trying to be a Huntress. To make amends for your time in the radical White Fang? Sorry if I sound presumptuous here but I do understand your character a bit"

Neo spoke only loud enough for Blake to hear.

Blake froze. She had no idea how on Remnant this girl she met recently even knew all of that. She read her like an open book and knew by the look in her eyes. She knew more than what she told her, too. She was about to make a run for it when Neo grabbed her hand and stopped her.

"Don't run away. You can't keep running away from your issues, Blake. Facing them isn't so hard when you have a friend to back you up. I know we did just meet today but I think we could be great friends. Give me a chance, please?" Neo squeezed her hand assuringly with a pleading expression.

She sighed and just wordlessly waited next to her for a minute before replying to her.

"Fine. You've been.. honest so far. It's the least I can do"

"Thank you, Blake. Oh my guests have arrived" Neo pointed over to a dapper man in a white suit and bowler hat with a girl who looked like a slightly less developed version of herself.

"Alright Junior, what..." Roman couldn't finish the thought once he saw what looked like his partner, sitting at the bar.

Neopolitan's eyes widened before shaking her head and marching over to her look-alike and grabbing her face. She started to pull, poke and stretch it, as if she doubted it was real.

"Ah, Emerald's doing, I bet.. Very funny. Where are you?" Roman looked around, for Emerald as if he was being 'Punk'd'.

"You have a twin..? She's cute" Blake was slightly confused too.

Junior just shook his head and started drinking. He wasn't going to deal with this sober.

"No, I'm real. Junior, mind if we get a VIP table? I need to talk to them" Neo freed her face from Neopolitan's clutches, who seemed to be getting more shocked by the second.

"Upper floor's empty.. Go ahead and use it. Just don't trash my club" Junior took a long drink of whiskey.

"All right. Come up with me, you three. I have explaining to do" Neo walked upstairs with Blake following closely.

"Well, what do you think?" Roman turned to Neopolitan, who had gotten strangely emotional.

She nodded once and practically ran up the stairs after the two. Roman just grunted and followed along, taking out and lighting a cigar.

Once seated, Neopolitan sat right next to Neo. She was seated really closely. Almost on top of her, actually. Blake fought down the urge to laugh at Neo's face as Neopolitan then started to sniff her for some reason.

"What are you doing? Do I smell good..? I haven't bathed yet today" Neo too started smelling herself. Though it wasn't as if she smelt bad.

"Oh I see.. You're trying to see if I have the same scent as you huh?" Neo looked down at Neopolitan, who nodded her head and tilted it as if she was asking something.

"Yeah I can understand you. For some reason.. Might be because I have your body. Sorry, I'm not some long lost relative of yours. But I'm not actually you either" Neo started to explain as Roman took a seat and raised his brow.

"I'm sorry, what?" Roman, Blake and Neopolitan couldn't grasp what she meant.

"I'll start from here then. Do you believe in multiple universes?" Neo posed a question to them.

"The Multiverse theory?" Blake added and Neo nodded.

"Yeah. Multiple worlds. Let's say this Remnant is one example. Say there's another example where Roman's a King of Vale. Or another where Blake is a human. Or Neopolitan is a Grimm/human hybrid. That's possible in the uh.. Remnant Multiverse. It's like a bundle of the Worlds of Remnant where tiny to enormous changes separate them. Then.. There are worlds and stories beyond Remnant. With their own worlds full of differences. That's what's called the 'Omniverse'. That clear?" She explained as Neopolitan started to think.

Blake was fascinated by the explanation. Roman was mostly focused on the world where she said he was King of Vale.

"I like the King world.." Roman commented and imagined himself on a throne with riches around him and Neopolitan.

"Okay focus. I come from out there in the Omniverse. I'm from a world where you guys are from a fictional series. That's why I know about you, Blake. I was reborn here with a body to effectively do a particular job" Neo explained as Blake slowly nodded, coming to terms with everything.

"I'll explain my job first, then how I'm going to help you two get out from Cinder's clutches" Neo pat Neopolitan's head gently with a smirk.

"I'm all ears. This is certainly interesting. Hard to believe, but interesting.." Roman was puffing his cigar and observing Neo's face. She looked completely honest, which unnerved him. He was damn good at spotting lies, given his profession.

"There are other reincarnators being reborn across the Omniverse. I'm supposed to eliminate them and return them to the cycle of reincarnation. They're being reincarnated by Evil Gods to further their goals. That's not even the worst part.. Apparently a bunch of them are... so damned edgy and cringey.. Quite a few won't even see what they perceived as Fictional characters as real. They'll disrupt a lot.. And by eliminating them, I'll get stronger due to a system he gave me. I'll explain more about that later when it becomes relevant"

Neo was now mindlessly stroking Neopolitan's head. From what Roman and Blake saw, Neopolitan was actually enjoying it. Roman was weirded out, as his partner hated when he touched her hair.

"Now, onto my offer. I know what happens to you in the future, Roman. You're a simple pawn in Cinder's plot. Beyond her plan to bring chaos to Beacon, you have no more use. You even die to a Grimm in the attack, fighting a student. It's not worth fighting for her. I have a plan regarding Cinder. She'll keep asking you to buy dust so you can blow a hole in the city wall using the Mt. Glenn train. She'll have you steal Atlas Paladins near the time of the Vytal Festival too. I'll be sabotaging her efforts every step of the way. And when she's finally ready to enact her plan at the Festival? I'll spring a trap for her and you'll be a free man"

Roman silently smoked his cigar for a full thirty seconds before responding to her.

"You are certifiably insane. But I can't help but like you. On top of that, what you know.. It sounds like, crazily enough.. you DO know our future. So okay, partner. I'm putting my life and my partner's life in your hands here" He sat back and wiped his hand across his face.

Neopolitan made the crazy gesture at Neo but then gave her a cocky smile and a thumbs up.

"Oh you like my kind of crazy huh? To me it doesn't seem that crazy.." Neo put her hand on her chin and looked over to Blake, who was still processing the information.

"I'll tell you about who Cinder is and her plans later. But you cannot tell ANYONE else this, okay?" Neo reached under Blake's bow and smoothly stroked her cat ears.

"Hyah! Okay! Yes.. Just don't do that.." She sulked and patted her head.

"So with that done.. I'm gonna need to stay wherever you have a hideout. A scroll too. Oh and a few lien for clothes. These are all I have"

Roman raised his brow at that.

"What kind of girl only has one set of clothes..?" Roman asked and Neopolitan nodded and looked at her copy strangely.

"I just got here.. I was naked when I arrived. I was also a guy my last life so women's clothing? I know next to nothing about" Neo admitted and Blake did a spit-take.

"Oh my god... That's why..." Blake said in horror.

Neopolitan licked her lips and raised her brows up and down at her copy.

"Woah.. No... NO. It was only because it was the best choice! The combat experience and semblance were needed. Though.. Yeah, not gonna lie, you are gorgeous. That's a huge plus for me" Neo nodded to herself and Neopolitan smiled to herself, leaning on her copy happily.

"Tch.. guys" Blake rolled her eyes.

"You are too, Blakey" Neo enjoyed the somewhat jealous look on her face.

"Pssh.. w-who'd be glad a deviant like you complimented them.." Blake coughed and looked away.

~Tsundere mode activated~ Neo snickered.

"That's very nice and all but don't you think it's time to go to bed or something? Kids shouldn't stay up late" Roman got up and tossed his cigar butt in an ashtray.

Neopolitan nodded and gestured at Neo and Blake to follow them. Then gestured to her own clothing and dragged her finger across Neo's shirt.

"Oh I can use your clothes? Great.. I vastly prefer pants to anything resembling a skirt. Thanks, OG" Neo got up with Blake and nodded at Neopolitan.

~I get the feeling... she really wants to dress her up~ Blake just sighed at this and followed them out to their place.

[Author note]

So for clarification. Neo is the MC. I'll be referring original Neopolitan as Neopolitan or OG Neo.