
RWBY: Ice Queen

Jaune run away from home to fulfill his dream, with months of preparation he was set to go, but unfortunately he wouldn't be able prepare what's coming next. Meeting the sadistic Ice Queen known as Esdeath as a teenager. This is probably surprising that this isn't a harem, considering what kind of author am I.  But yes, this is a single F/M relationship story with Jaune x Esdeath.

Charlottes · Komik
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10 Chs

Training 'Arc'

"Stop dodging Jaune! This is a spar, so attack me!" Esdeath shouted at him while snarling

"Easy for you to say!" He shouted back at her.

"Because it is, all you need to do is poke that pointy thing at me!"

"You mean my sword right?!"

"...." Esdeath didn't say anything and continued to attack him, but a bit more aggressively this time.

"Woah! Is it just me or have you become more aggressive with your attacks?!" He exclaimed at her.

"It's just your imagination, now attack!" Esdeath demanded.

He had no choice but to fight back, he unsheathed his sword and strikes back at Esdeath.

Esdeath countered it with her dagger with ease, he wasn't surprised at all, if her story about her tribe is true, then she'd be no doubt powerful and skilled.

Defeating someone who is superior to him with everything in strength or skill head-on is impossible, however, it doesn't mean he would just give up, at the very least he'd like to give her 1 good hit.

He kept attacking her while continuing to parry and countering his every attempted attack.

"Too wide, this one is too weak, hit harder!" Esdeath was giving him advice while they were 'sparring' and he absorbed them without rejection because he knew he needed them, every comment about his wrongdoing he followed them without an ounce of hesitation.

That's why in real time, he was adapting in combat, he showed fewer flaws, and fewer openings and definitely hit harder than previously.

His rapid improvement didn't go unnoticed by Esdeath, and it made her grin ferally.

She was suddenly excited, this shows that her chosen one, had a massive amount of potential and if he's going to improve like this for years, he would no doubt reach her level.

Suddenly his sword hit her arm, surprising her but thanks to her aura protecting her, it didn't graze at all.

"What?! Is that the aura you were talking about before?! That's unfair. I thought I finally got to hit you!" Jaune complained.

However, she didn't pay it any heed at the moment, while she was holding back a lot with this spar with him, she did not expect him to hit her at all!

Even if it's just once, to hit her at his current level is nothing sort of a miracle, suddenly she burst out laughing. "AH HAHAHAHAH! You hit me! You actually hit me!"

Hearing that, Jaune started sweating a bucket, and he quickly replied. "O-of course, I would hit you! Isn't this a spar?! D-don't get mad about me hitting you!"

He misunderstood that she's angry because he hit her, instead it was the opposite. She was very happy with this unexpected progress, and with that, she had to re-evaluate his potential.

"I'm not angry about you hitting me, Jaune, it's just I underestimated your potential to adapt!"

That's right, she realized where his talent lies, it's to adapt in combat, as long as she keeps a skill level slightly above him, he would adapt to reach that skill level, as long as she doesn't overwhelm him, he would continue to improve.

Knowing that she couldn't contain her excitement, she take it back that it would take years to reach her level. If he continues to adapt at this speed a year is enough to reach her level, but it won't be easy though.

Sparring won't be enough, he needed real combat experience and it's something that she can't teach him, because she knew that she doesn't have the will to kill him, unlike others.

The thought of killing him made her heart ache painfully, that's why she can't teach him a real combat experience where he would participate in life in a death battle.

After all, someone who hadn't experienced real combat, wouldn't be able to reach her level.

After hours of sparring, he couldn't swing his sword anymore, he was too exhausted, not to mention his muscle was in screaming pain.

With that he collapsed directly into the dirty ground, breathing hard.

He never was tired in his life, it was so exhausting to the point, he felt like dying, but at the same time, he never felt so satisfied with his progress in combat skills, even though he noticed the difference between his skill before and now.

"I suppose this is it for today." Esdeath declared.

Looking at her, he couldn't help but smile wearily, she didn't even break a single sweat on her body!

What kind of monster is she? He was gasping for air, while she was barely even winded at all!

It's like she did a simple chore, and not a full-blown sparing!

He couldn't help but think. 'How much stamina does she have anyway?'

"Just relax your muscles for a while, while I will make our dinner." Esdeath walked away to prepare dinner.

"Dinner..?" He looked up and saw that it was almost night, he didn't even realize it, he was so immersed in their sparring that he didn't realize the time at all.

"Oh..we missed lunch." With that, he couldn't stop himself from closing his eyes and sleeping through the night.

Esdeath didn't wake him up, because she liked looking at his sleeping face, which is why in the morning he was so hungry.

It's been a few days since Jaune met Esdeath, he became decent using a sword, however, it can't be the same for his shield, he was having a very hard time mixing it with his combat style.

Then Esdeath said to drop the shield entirely, because it doesn't fit him at all, reluctantly he did after all his ancestors used this shield along with the sword.

However, as soon as he did, it was as if he'd been released from a restraint, his combat performance was significantly better compared to before he stopped using his shield.

Now, he could move fluidly, because he didn't have to worry about using the shield anymore.

After their training for today, he realized that he was almost out of food in his backpack, it was supposed to last him for at least 10 days, but it wasn't just him who was eating.

So he kind of expected this, now without food, there's no way he could stay here, honestly, the only reason why he stayed here in the first place is because of Esdeath.

"Esdeath, we're running out of food." He said.

"Oh, I can always hunt for our food, don't worry," Esdeath answered with a carefree smile, not bothered by it.

Jaune couldn't help but sweat at her response. "Yeah, no don't do that okay?"

"Why not?"

"Because it's dangerous."

"But, it's not dangerous to me." Esdeath tilted her head.

"You know that's not the point…" He gave her a weary smile and said. Anyway, it's time for me to leave this place."

Jaune looked at Esdeath and hesitated for a bit before saying. "Will you follow me?"

Esdeath smiled brightly at his words and immediately replied. "Of course!"

Jaune smiled at her answer, he knew that she would follow him, but it's still relieving hearing her response, he had grown attached to her.

It was impossible not to, he wasn't as wary as her back when he realized that she wasn't right in the head, but after hearing her backstory, he understood why she was like that and didn't blame her for what she became.

Because it simply isn't her fault that she turned this way, it was her people's culture that infected her mind, possibly her soul too.

If only she was born in a different place, she wouldn't have become like this, a bloodthirsty battle maniac.

He learned first hand, during their sparring she was vicious, and sadistic and would always hit where his vital spot is, however, she would always stop her attack if he couldn't dodge or counter it.

Jaune couldn't help but think if he were his enemy he would have died a hundred times over.

And that wasn't even an exaggeration.

Getting his backpack, he was ready to leave in this mini cave. "Let's go."

Esdeath nodded and followed him.

After a few hours of walking, they found a road, and this made Jaune laugh out of happiness and relief. "I was right, the road isn't too far from the cave!"

Now, with a lead, he could continue his journey to Vale, with an extra additional which is Esdeath.

He wasn't going to be alone this time, which would keep him from being bored, even without talking he could just stare at Esdeath's face and he won't get bored at all, not that he'd say that out loud of course.

It was almost night, however lucky they found a town, and it made Jaune smile in happiness, 3 days so living in the wilderness made him miss civilization!

While Esdeath was looking at the lights with curiosity. "They have captured the sun?"

Hearing her words, he didn't laugh at her because he knew that she lived in a backward society, so it is normal for her to be ignorant.

"Esdeath, you have so much to learn about modern civilization, but don't worry I will be here to help you!"

Esdeath smiled at him and replied. "Please do."

And with that, they entered the town.

If anyone is curious about when Beacon Initiation starts it's exactly a month from the current timeline.

Anyway, I'm going to do a poll to see which school Esdeath goes to.




If you liked the story please support me on P@.treon, even if it's just for a month I'd be really grateful.


There's 3 advanced chapters there.