
RWBY: Ice Queen

Jaune run away from home to fulfill his dream, with months of preparation he was set to go, but unfortunately he wouldn't be able prepare what's coming next. Meeting the sadistic Ice Queen known as Esdeath as a teenager. This is probably surprising that this isn't a harem, considering what kind of author am I.  But yes, this is a single F/M relationship story with Jaune x Esdeath.

Charlottes · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Technically A Date

Esdeath was being dressed up like a doll by the sales clerk, and she was enjoying dressing it up, maybe a little too much.

Fortunately, Esdeath didn't find the sales clerk annoying, or else she'd definitely say something because she's a blunt person.

She tried the blue sweater, black jeans, and white leather shoes. It was a pretty simple set, however, it blends perfectly with her body.

It was like the clothes themselves were specifically made for herself, and it didn't end there, as the sales clerk wasn't done yet, as she absolutely loves dressing Esdeath up.

After a considerable amount of time, the sales clerk finally finished 'recommending' Esdeath some outfits.

When he saw the final product, he couldn't stop himself from dropping his jaw, as she literally looked like a manifestation of an Ice Queen or Goddess.

If she was really good-looking before, now she's drop-dead gorgeous, it's so amazing that changing one's clothes could change someone's appearance drastically like this.

The sales clerk couldn't stop herself from smug, after looking at his reaction, looking proud of her masterpiece.

"W-woah…" His brain literally stopped working at the moment, all of his attention was on her right now.

His reaction didn't escape from the eyes of Esdeath, she smiled beautifully at that. Trying those several different outfits before finding the perfect one, because worth it.

"Do you like what you see?" Esdeath teased.

"Y-yeah…" He blurted it out without thinking and after he realized what he said, his face became flustered.

Hearing his answer, Esdeath had a pleased expression on her face.

"I see, then I shall keep this one then," Esdeath stated.

Jaune nodded, he won't argue with that after all the whole point of this shopping is to get her new clothes, and unexpectedly it became much more.

After that he paid for the clothes, the price wasn't cheap nor was it expensive either, so he didn't have a problem paying for them.

Besides, even if it's expensive he'd buy it without a single regret, as for why because in his mind her clothes were worth it.

In the middle of the town streets, while walking together with Esdeath.

Everyone's attention was on her because they couldn't stop themselves from looking at her, as she had that kind of charisma that captured their attention completely.

Jaune expected that she'd gather some attention, however, he never thought she'd gather this much attention, as literally 90% of the people in the street were looking at her in awe, surprise, and shock.

It was like they were looking at an international celebrity, which she isn't but the attention she was having speaks for itself.

The majority of the people who were looking at her were teenagers or young adults and they couldn't help but take a picture of her.

Jaune couldn't help but frown as he noticed that they were taking pictures of Esdeath without permission. "Hey, do you mind if we go to a quieter location?"

"Sure," Esdeath agreed without hesitation.

Then without a warning, he suddenly grabbed her right hand and dragged her somewhere with a few people.

Esdeath was a bit surprised by this unexpected action because, from the moment they met, it was always her, the person who is forward and doesn't shy from skin contact.

That's why this action is surprising to her, regardless of the reason why he's doing this, it made her happy.

After walking for a bit, they finally arrived at the quieter part of the town, where there were only a few people around.

"Sorry about that." He smiled sheepishly at her.

"For what?" She tilted her head.

"For suddenly dragging you."

"Oh, I don't mind." Esdeath smiled, she really didn't, because his actions made her very happy.

If it were anyone else, they would find their limbs separated from their bodies, as she wouldn't tolerate anyone touching her without permission.

Jaune was the only exception to the rule.


"Yeah, if I wasn't I would have resisted," Esdeath said.

'Oh, right she does have a point.' He thought, and then his eyes landed on their hands and realized that they were still holding each other.

Suddenly his heart rate sped up and his first instinct was to let go, however before he could do it. Esdeath's right hand tightened making him unable to remove his.

"Umm…Esdeath.. can you?" He stared at her warily.

Perfectly aware of what he's trying to say, she shook her head in denial and replied. "No, let's stay this way."

He wanted to protest, but the look in her eyes made him stop. It wasn't a threatening look, but a gentle one, pleading with him not to let go.

Or at least that's what he thought her eyes were trying to say.

With that look in her eyes, there's no way he could say 'no' to that, it would be cruel of him if he did.

"O-okay.." He said, and almost immediately it made her smile, making him blush at the smile that was directed at him.

Unconsciously he tightened his grip on her hand, and then they went to a restaurant to eat lunch since it took hours for the sales clerk to find the outfit that Esdeath is currently wearing.

While he waited long, it wasn't the longest he waited for a girl to finish picking their preferred clothes, as he literally had 7 sisters, he was trained to do this kind of thing.

There was one time that he had to wait for an entire night just for his sisters to finish looking for their ideal outfits.

Anyway, that's a story for another time, for now, he's going to accompany Esdeath to a restaurant to eat lunch.

…Wait, isn't this technically a date?

Jaune finally realized that what they'd been doing is technically a date, however, it was only he who was aware of that because Esdeath who lives in a backwater tribe wouldn't know what a 'date' is.

So, right now he was thinking whether he should mention about the 'date' or not.

In the end, he did, because after all he did not want to take advantage of her lack of knowledge, so he started explaining what they are doing and what a date is.

To his surprise, not only it made her happy but also she became more intimate with him after knowing that they are on a 'date'.

She was now clinging to his left arm like it was her lifeline, she was smiling at him. "This is a date, without a doubt."

"Are you sure about tha-'' Before he could finish his sentence, he was cut off.

"Yes, I'm sure of it," Esdeath added more pressure into her chest while hugging his arm.

As she did, he felt the familiar softness of her breast in his left arm, even though this wasn't the first time she did something like this, he knew that it would take a long time to get used to this kind of intimacy.

Or maybe he won't, anyway, he's definitely enjoying this, not that he'd say it out loud of course.

It was already late at night,

they finally ended their 'date', it wasn't his fault though, it was Esdeath's after she realized the meaning of their action, she didn't want their 'date' to stop early.

So they didn't and only at night, almost midnight they ended their 'date'.

The reason why it ended, to begin with, was that he reasonably asked her to.

If he didn't they would have continued till morning, because Esdeath never wanted it to end.

So the only thing that he could actually do is promise her another date later, that's how he managed to stop their current 'date' to end.

Now, back in the previous motel that they stayed in, he directly went to the bed, he was both physically and mentally exhausted.

As he did, unsurprisingly Esdeath lied right next to him, snuggling into his chest, then he let out a weary sigh and thought. 'If I knew this would happen I would have paid for a single bedroom.'

The second bed is basically useless because Esdeath won't sleep there unless he does.

Esdeath easily fell asleep, while he was looking at his scroll, now that he's in a town, he could finally use the internet and check out social media for news.

There isn't much that changed, as it's still the old news of grimm terrorizing towns and settlements that were far away from the kingdoms.

There's also the White Fang and their mindless violence. Honestly, he had no idea what to think of them before he supported them because they were originally a group of protesters that wanted equal rights and he agreed with them.

But now that they are technically a terrorist group, his opinion of the White Fang became neutral.

Aside from that, there isn't anything noteworthy of his attention-

Wait..is this a picture of Esdeath?

There's a picture of her on social media, and although they weren't of a high resolution, it was still enough to get the attention of the world.

It became popular, so he immediately went to the comment section and saw that there were a lot of positive comments like, she's beautiful, pretty, stunning, etc..etc…

There's also a lot of lecherous comments that made him pissed. Honestly, right now he wanted to have the ability to punch someone through the internet.

That would be a very handy ability to have!

Apparently, Esdeath got popular overnight.

Esdeath become an internet sensation in just a single picture? Who would have thought!

Anyway, like the internet, people would forget about it weeks later. Nothing is permanent.

If you liked the story please support me on P@.treon, even if it's just for a month I'd be really grateful.


There's 5 advanced chapters there.