
RWBY: Ice Queen

Jaune run away from home to fulfill his dream, with months of preparation he was set to go, but unfortunately he wouldn't be able prepare what's coming next. Meeting the sadistic Ice Queen known as Esdeath as a teenager. This is probably surprising that this isn't a harem, considering what kind of author am I.  But yes, this is a single F/M relationship story with Jaune x Esdeath.

Charlottes · Komik
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10 Chs

Breakfast Is The Most Important Meal Of The Day

Jaune went directly to the nearest motel, after all, they needed a place to stay for tonight, however, his eyes couldn't help but twitch when the motel staff started flirting with Esdeath.

Right now, he wanted to punch the bastard's face, fortunately, Esdeath ignored the motel staff's advances, as she's literally treating the guy like the air.

That made him smile, however, he tried his best not to show it on his face, eventually, the staff gave up, seeing that his pick-up line didn't work at Esdeath at all.

Then he saw Esdeath suddenly hug Jaune's right arm, clinging to it like a lifeline, the staff's jaw dropped at the display.

"Jaune, when are we going to leave here? An annoying insect is bothering me." Esdeath said with a frown.

He took the key to their room, and couldn't stop himself from looking smugly at the staff beside them. "Right now."

After that they left, leaving the guy frozen alone.

It didn't take long for them to arrive at their motel room, he opened it with his key, and inside, was a mirror, a table, a chair, and a double bed for the two of them.

Immediately he didn't hesitate to jump into one of the two beds in the room, snuggling his face into the bedsheets, and he felt the soft cotton inside the bed making him say. "Haaahhh…I missed you bed."

3 days of sleeping in a thin sleeping bag with Esdeath wasn't exactly the best experience for him.

Then it got him thinking of his action before at the counter and thought. 'Why did I do that?'

He didn't like the idea of someone flirting with Esdeath, it honestly made him a bit mad, and then he realized when did he become possessive?

It's not like they were dating or anything, so why exactly does the idea of men flirting around her, makes him mad?

All of a sudden, someone jumped behind his back making him groan in pain, his muscles are a bit sore because of the training they did a few hours ago.

"Esdeath…? What are you doing?"

It was obviously Esdeath, who jumped behind his back, then he suddenly felt her massive boobs pressed into his back, he couldn't help but be flustered.

However, he didn't take the necessary action to move her away from behind him.

"Hugging your back," Esdeath answered.

"I know that! But why?"

"Because I want to."

That made him shut up, and then he started thinking about her previous actions toward him within the past few days.

Most of them were very intimate with him, and it made him realize that he should have expected this. "A-alright…if you're finished then please go to sleep in the other bed."

"No," Esdeath replied immediately without an ounce of hesitation.

Hearing that, he couldn't stop himself from moving, making Esdeath fall behind his back, his action made her pout.

Now, he was looking at her directly in the eye and said, "What's the point of having two bedrooms if you aren't going to sleep in the other one?


"Exactly, that's why you need to sleep there so that it could have its value." He said while pointing at the other bed.

"Can't and won't, I'm not sleeping there without you." Esdeath eyes hardened.

And that intimidated him a bit because whenever she hardened her gaze meant she's serious.

"I-i look…there's enough bed for the two of us, unlike our situation in the wilderness, we don't have to share a sleeping place." He explained.

"Doesn't matter, I'm sleeping here with you and that's final," Esdeath stated while looking him in the eyes, daring him to say more.

In the end, he decided to give up. It wasn't worth it. "Fine…"

After winning the battle of wits, she smiled beautifully and it made him blush, damn he's so easy a single smile from her could make his heart skip a beat.

It was so unfair, now he could no longer deny that he likes her in a romantic sense, despite her flaws and craziness, there's something about her that draws him in, attracting his attention and affection at the same time.

No, he wasn't talking about her face, but how sweet and clinging he was to him, that simple.

After that argument, he wasn't sure if it can be called as such, but they fell asleep almost immediately after that.

Since Jaune was dead tired, Esdeath felt comfortable snuggling in his chest.

The two of them sleep peacefully.

Morning, he woke up hungry, not surprising since he used a lot of his energy yesterday, not to mention he didn't eat dinner since he was too tired to bother eating in a fast food establishment and went directly to the motel they are staying at.

Before going to a fast food restaurant, he woke Esdeath up, it didn't take long for her to wake up, she looked at him and recognized him.

It made him sigh in relief that she wasn't giving him that animalistic look whether he tries to wake her up in the morning.

Definitely wasn't a fan of that, however, it seems that she got used to him waking her up, and now she doesn't give him the look anymore.

She sits up on the bed and starts yawning while lazily stretching her arms above. "Morning…breakfast?"

"Yeah." He nodded.

"Where..?" Her sleeping eyes wandered around and couldn't see any food inside the room.

"Not here, we are going outside to a fast food restaurant."

"Wats dat..?" She wiped her eyes with her hand a few times.

"You'll see."

The fast food restaurant wasn't that far from the motel they were staying in, it only took a minute of walking to arrive at the fast food restaurant.

Inside the fast-food restaurant, there weren't a lot of people, which was understandable because it's still early in the morning.

Jaune went to the counter, however, Esdeath wanted to follow his lead, but he stopped her from following him.

"Stop, you can just wait for me there at the table." He pointed at the table near.

Esdeath pouted for a bit, but didn't say anything and went to the table near and sat there.

He nodded satisfied, then he looked at the old man at the counter wearing a green apron. "Lad, you hit that jackpot there, she's a very beautiful young woman, not to mention a keeper."

Jaune's eyes widened and tried to deny it. "Sir, we're not-"

"Ai, ai don't try to deny me young man, the two of you were acting affectionately with each other in public if you haven't noticed."

He was stunned, he didn't know about that!

Acting affectionate with each other? Is that how the public sees them?!

The old man at the counter chuckled. "So you didn't realize it, anyway enough talking since lil missy is probably getting impatient what're your orders?"

As the old man pointed out, looking at the table where Esdeath sat, she had a frown on her face, clearly not pleased that he's taking too long to order.

With that, he started ordering what's best for breakfast, as for Esdeath he was sure she'll eat anything.

After that, he went directly toward the table where she sat and said. "Sorry, I didn't mean to take that long to order."

With that, her frown disappeared and was replaced by a pout. "Next time, you should be faster."

He nodded and played along, there's no way to tell that he would be faster next time, after all, it depends on how many customers are trying to make orders.

After 15 minutes of waiting, the food they'd been waiting for arrived, it was two large cheeseburgers, with large fries, a bucket of chicken leg, and two glasses of cold cola.

It doesn't matter if it's early in the morning, he missed the taste of cola, however before drinking it, first he needed to eat the salty food first to make it more satisfying to drink the cold cola.

"Let's dig in." After giving the signal, he took one of the large cheeseburgers and had a huge bite. He couldn't help but moan in pleasure. Eating nothing but canned food for a few days made him enjoy the burger more than usual.

Esdeath looked at him curiously, wondering if it was really that delicious for him to make that sound, then she took her burger and did the same with him.

And immediately her eyes lit up, as she never tasted something this delicious before, she enjoyed eating the burger very much.

She also did the same with the rest of the food.

Both of them were completely satisfied with the breakfast, now their next destination was the clothing store.

He needed new clothes for Esdeath, she can't just use his forever.

Jaune wasn't short in lien, he had a hundred thousand on his credit card, for anyone it was a huge amount of money, but to him, it wasn't that much if he had enough time he could have more, since his family is quite rich.

Generations of inheritance from his ancestors, it's hard not to be.

Jaune says that his family are farmers, exactly one of the richest people in society, they didn't just own the vegetable, fruit, and animals they also owned the land, a lot of it.

Anyway, not many know of Jaune's family background except for the fact that he had 7 sisters.

This is one of the reasons why he is a popular pick in RWBY fanfiction as the main character because you can mold and design him whether you want, he's someone with infinite possibilities.

If you liked the story please support me on P@.treon, even if it's just for a month I'd be really grateful.


There's 5 advanced chapters there.