
rwby funeral March

Synopsis: In "rwby Funeral March," the protagonist, Grimm, finds himself in an unexpected version of hell after his death. To his surprise, hell is not the fiery abyss he anticipated but a diverse realm. After an encounter with Lucifer, who reveals Grimm's surprisingly good deeds, a unique deal is struck. Grimm is granted four extraordinary abilities and sent to the world of Remnant, specifically the RWBY universe. Facing a surreal landscape and charged with newfound powers, Grimm navigates Remnant with the ability to dodge attacks with precision, swiftly adapt and master any skill, wield weapons with unparalleled finesse, and manipulate minds and situations. As he embarks on this extraordinary journey, Grimm, aged 13, seeks to make the most of his abilities, uncover the mysteries of Remnant, and perhaps find something truly extraordinary along the way. With Lucifer's laughter lingering in the background, Grimm's adventures in Remnant promise to be filled with challenges, growth, and unexpected twists. Note: The story begins with Grimm's introduction, his encounter with Lucifer, and the unique deal that propels him into the world of Remnant. The narrative combines elements of fantasy, humor, and adventure as Grimm discovers the extent of his abilities and faces the unknown challenges of his new reality.

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 POV Grimm

'Hell is the last place I would have thought of paradise and yet hell is strangely beautiful.' I thought while falling, along with 'It's quite cold even if I did die in Death Valley from heat stroke.'

My name is Grimm. Well, it's more of a nickname but that's beside the point. If you said I would go to hell when I die then I would probably just agree and walk off, not that I was a bad person per se just that I was blunt about life, I never went out of my way to help someone, sure if someone was standing in front of me I would help but not if they were across the street struggling. I wouldn't talk bad behind someone's back, I would say it to their face and then either walk off (or get attacked) but I'm getting off track again. Autism does that anyways I'm realistic about my karma I won't bitch and moan about it. 

"Oh look there's the floor," I said as I literally stopped mid-air before softly landing on the ground. 

'Huh, I thought I would crash down hard instead of that. Is this really hell?'

"Yes and welcome to hell sinner," a stranger said walking up to me

"Huh, I thought I said that in my head," I said looking at the sharply dressed man "Isn't hell supposed to be you know fire and brimstone?" I question 

"That's the upper floors I'm afraid you kinda crashed through down to a floor that is impossible for sinners to get to by well doing that, but look at you doing the impossible humans never ceases to amaze me," the man says looking impressed 

"Huh… Well, I did like a challenge." I said jokingly before asking "Well now what … Mr.?"

"Oh sorry let me introduce myself I am" before turning into a 3 stories demon "Lucifer, the Prince of Darkness, Beelzebub, Mephistopheles, Baphomet, Lord of the Flies, the Antichrist, Father of Lies, Moloch or simply satan" After that, he turns himself back to the former being then breathes out a sigh

"Man that gets tiring but anyways next I'll read you your sins then send you to your floor but seeing as you did the impossible I'll just read you your sins and leave you all alone here on this floor as punishment"

If you looked at me you would have seen my eyes turning into stars for I was an introvert and that's my heaven to be left alone. Satan then reached over into my body pulling out a book before opening it revealing its contents that literally springs to life as I watch. I couldn't help but be amazed by the amount of bullshit in it. Saying I was a good person helped everyone and so on and so forth 

"Well this is interesting looks to me that you were a good person that actually explained why your so calm and how you crashed down here I won't explain why so don't asks" satan said looking at the book itself before looking at me "well I can't just punish you for being a good person now can I?" he wait a bit then As Lucifer pondered my case, a mischievous glint appeared in his eyes. "Well, Grimm, it seems you've found yourself in a rather unique predicament. Being a good person, according to this book, has its perks. Instead of punishment, how about we make a deal?"

I eyed him cautiously. "A deal with the devil? That's quite the cliché."

He laughed heartily. "Oh, we do love our clichés down here. But trust me, this will be more interesting. I'm feeling generous, so how about I grant you four extraordinary abilities and send you to a world that could use someone like you?"

I blinked, genuinely surprised. "Four abilities? And you'll send me to another world? What's the catch?"

Lucifer grinned. "No catch, just a bit of entertainment for me. Your abilities won't be limitless, of course, but within reason. And as for the world, how about the colorful and chaotic realm of Remnant? They call it RWBY."

I mulled over the offer. It was tempting, and a chance to explore a new world was hard to pass up. "Alright, Lucifer, you've got yourself a deal. Four abilities and a ticket to Remnant. Let's make this interesting."

He clapped his hands, and suddenly, a contract materialized in thin air. "Just sign here, and we'll get started."

I hesitated for a moment, then scrawled my name on the contract. The moment I finished, Lucifer snapped his fingers, and I felt a strange sensation as reality itself seemed to warp around me.

"Now, Grimm," Lucifer said, his voice echoing, "you're off to Remnant with four extraordinary abilities at your disposal. Make the most of it, and maybe, just maybe, you'll find something truly extraordinary in this new adventure."

The world around me shifted, and I found myself hurtling through a vortex. Colors swirled, and strange patterns danced before my eyes. It was like being caught in a cosmic kaleidoscope. As the vortex spiraled, I wondered what kind of world awaited me on the other side.

Suddenly, the motion ceased, and I found myself standing in a vast, otherworldly landscape. Towering cliffs surrounded me, and an alien sky painted in hues I couldn't comprehend stretched above. I had arrived in Remnant.

The air was different, charged with an energy that tingled against my skin. I took a deep breath, absorbing the unfamiliar scent of this fantastical realm. As I marveled at the landscape, I realized that this was my chance for a new beginning.

"So, Grimm, what will be your first move with these abilities?" Lucifer's voice echoed in my mind.

I pondered for a moment, considering the possibilities. "I want the ability to dodge any attack with absolute precision, granting me unparalleled agility and evasion."

As the words left my lips, a surge of power coursed through me. I felt an instinctive connection to the ebb and flow of combat, as if I could dance through danger with unmatched finesse.

Lucifer's laughter echoed in my mind. "Well played, Grimm. Three abilities left. What's your next move?"

I gazed at the alien landscape before deciding on my next ability. "I wish for the power to adapt and learn any skill swiftly, mastering it effortlessly."

A surge of knowledge rushed into my mind. I could feel the intricacies of Remnant, understanding its people, creatures, and the mysterious force known as Aura. I also sensed a newfound proficiency in various skills, from combat techniques to languages.

Lucifer's voice chimed in, "Two abilities remaining. What do you desire next?"

Contemplating the challenges of Remnant, I made my next wish. "Grant me mastery in combat, the ability to wield any weapon with finesse and skill beyond that of ordinary warriors."

As I uttered those words, a surge of power enveloped me. I could feel a profound connection to the art of battle, as if I had inherited the essence of legendary warriors.

"One ability left, Grimm. Choose wisely," Lucifer reminded me.

Taking a moment to reflect, I decided on my final ability. "I wish for mastery of manipulation, the power to influence minds and situations to achieve my goals."

A surge of power enveloped me, leaving me feeling adept at navigating the complexities of social dynamics and manipulating circumstances to my advantage.

With my extraordinary abilities granted, Lucifer's laughter resonated one last time. "Enjoy your time in Remnant, Grimm. May it be as entertaining as our little deal."

As the echoes of his laughter faded, I stood alone in the mysterious world of RWBY, ready to embark on an extraordinary journey shaped by my unique abilities and the adventures that awaited me.

my first book ooo im so exicted! i wonder where this story going to take place vele or atles maybe menagerie get them cat girls wooo

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