
Ruthless Goddess

[WARNING: Matured content] The story of a ruthless woman who got her heart stolen by a womanizer. He wants to make her kneel for him. She does, but not before he lays his life down for her... Dahlia Quinn is a strong cold hearted woman hated but feared by many. People avoided her as much as they wanted her but she preferred to keep them away. She preferred to live in loneliness and darkness. To the world she was a heartless cold woman but only she knew the depth of the darkness of her background and story. She always thought no one was fit enough to share her burden and darkness. That was until she met that womanizer.... Eder Galann is a strong handsome man. A womanizer player and direct competitor of the Quinn empire. He loves living freely with no attach whatsoever. His carefree demeanor never allowed anyone to see the brokenness in his soul. While he always thought that the scar in his soul would never heal, the goddess appeared... Both of them are the greatest rival but funny thing is they never met until that bidding night where a coin decided to seal their futur. Eder becomes obsessed while Dahlia futily try to resist... So, in the middle of the chasing games, secrets about their dark backgrounds, they each would have preferred to stay in the dark, start surfacing until they are forced by death to live two worlds apart.... Can love transcend the barrier of realms ? *** "listen Mr Galann, I don't want you close to my sister. Stop seeing her, don't contact her. I don't want you hundred meters around her. That's all I had to say." she said and started to walk away. "else what?" Eder asked leisurely looking outside the window. Dahlia looked back at him. "keep your distance from my life, or will destroy you!" she said those words with great threat and warning etched in her voice. However, Eder only got more amused. He approached her slowly and stood close to her with a soft smile. "I am looking forward to it" he whispered softly with a small smirk that shook Dahlia's countenance. **** follow me on Instagram: aallegra.d

Allegra_D · Fantasi
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217 Chs

Kidnap Date

A beautiful brown skinned woman with brown eyes and brown hair, sat on a chair. She was in a saloon, and she was just done making her hair. She smiled at her reflection and then at the hair dresser behind her.

"you did an excellent work my dear" she complimented.

"oh you are already very beautiful, so the work was not complicated" the woman replied.

"I am now ready for our meeting" she spoke to her reflection that she continued to check.


Matt found Eder in the woods hours later, he seemed calm and in deep contemplation so he approached him. He sat near him. His friend was in a weird state. He had never seen him in this state ever before.

"Eder, what going on?" he asked. He knew that Dahlia did that because of something but what, he did not know.

"she plotted it all" Eder replied. Okay, that Matt already knew, but why?

"why? What does she want?"

"she wants me to stop searching" Eder said with a fond kind of smirk.

"maybe ,we should stop. There is no reason for you to keep up with it. She even accepted that you see her sister"

"no, there is something she doesn't want us to find. She is hiding something and I want to know what." Eder said thoughtfully. His aim by seeing Freya was to irk her, it seem to have worked at first but now she just gave him permission, it didn't feel useful anymore. To Eder it was like she wanted to use his plan against him and he wouldn't let that happen. Sure he like Freya as a little sister but he would never let Dahlia play with him using her sister."I won't just retreat like this. This baby vampire doesn't scare me"

"Eder, you are being unreasonable here"

"I don't think so. She is hiding something. Something big she does not want us to find"

"I already know you are obsessed with that woman but isn't this going a bit far? What are you trying to do? Do you just want to anger her? Or do you like her?" Eder took a while to answer. Did he like her? This goddess? How not to like her? But Matt's question was also plausible. What did he really want from her?

"I need to show her that she is not almighty and that I can tame her." he said finally and walked away. Matt sat their looking at Eder's retreating back. He facepalmed himself. With all the existing woman,all race mingled, he had to fall for such a complicated one. Matt stood up and followed Eder.

The next day, when the night fell, Eder went to Dahlia's headquarters. He waited near her car for her. He waited for about an hour and then he felt her coming.

"what do you want again?" she asked coldly, Eder could clearly hear frustration from her voice. He turned and smiled at her as she reached him.

"I was thinking.." he started

"could you think away from my car, please"



"like I was saying, I was thinking. We didn't have time to celebrate our partnership yet. So I came to take you for dinner" he smiled at the end.

"there is nothing to celebrate about this partnership. So move now"she started to walk past him to access her car. However, he grabbed her arm and pinned her to the car, pressing her back to it with his body.

Dahlia was caught off guard and barely held her gasp back. Her face started feel hot immediately. His face was just inches away from hers and he looked at her, his eyes gleaming with a seriousness that seem foreign to him. Somehow that look on his face hit her differently, and with this flustering position, Dahlia felt this warm feeling course through her very fast and pool at her lower belly. Then her body started to turn hot. Had it been any other man, she would have kicked them and beaten them down but this man was just different...

"w-what ar- what are you doing?" she stammered involuntarily, despite her effort to keep a straight face and voice.

"in case you didn't notice, I wasn't asking you and I am not taking a no as an answer. We are going out for dinner" Eder spoke authoritatively and calmly with his deep grave voice that sent the rumblings through Dahlia's body causing that feeling to zip through her again. Her throat felt dry suddenly and she tried her best to swallow.

A short silence followed his words. Dahlia took a while to regain her composure. She was frozen in his arms, pinned to her own car, with her cheeks red, looking into his silver eyes smitten.

Never in her life, she had felt the urge to submit to anyone. Never, ever. She was always the one being submitted to. However right now, all her senses were melting and all her senses were so easily wanting to submit to this man. She just had the urge to submit to him and follow his lead, but she stubbornly held back. She would go against herself if it's needed.

It was not Eder's ways to push women like this. They usually just fell in his arms and follow wherever he wanted. However, he knew that Dahlia was not just any woman. she was capable of slaughtering down a whole clan, so he was sure she wouldn't submit to him easily. Thus he had to use this way, else he wouldn't get what he wants.

After a short while, with much difficulty, Eder took a step back from her, loosing the warmth of her body as cold air rushed in between them. He took in a deep breath a smiled again before he offered her his arm.

"shall we?" he asked in a gentleman manner. Dahlia who was still not back from his effect on her snapped out and glared at him.

"you can't force me to do what you want." she told him. Then his face turned serious again.

"watch me" he said and suddenly, he scooped her up princess style before she could even react and started walking towards his own car. Dahlia didn't even know when she held onto his neck. Never in her life she had been carried like this. Never, ever! This was a first and she found herself… scared, at the feeling of it. She preferred to be on her feet.

"wait! What are you doing? Put me down now!" she ordered but he didn't stop, he just kept walking. "stop! Put me down! Fine! I will come with you but put me down!" he finally stopped and looked down at her but he didn't put her down.

"you sure? I have no problem carrying you like this all the way to the restaurant you know?" he said seriously.

"there's no need. I will come with you. Put me down now" her voice was pleading. Eder noticed her strong grip on his neck,and how tensed she was like she was ..scared? Was she scared he might let her fall? She was nearly even pleading him to put her down. Eder looked down at her flustered face, into her eyes closely.

"don't be scared. I will never let you down" he whispered gently and seriously. Dahlia once again was shaken by his words. She couldn't remove her eyes from his entrancing silver gaze. Then Eder felt her body slowly relax, perhaps involuntarily, in his arms but her grip on his neck remain strong.

"put me down" she whispered back. Eder held her gaze for a short while, his eyes trailed over the reddened part of her face and then settled on her lips. "please" she added.

Eder then slowly, gently put her down on her heels steadily. Before his hands found their way to her waist on their own.