
Zero appeared after Jane's visit to UK,,,!

"yes thank you, and am happy you are my first family friend, have always been alone" Second young master Knight said

"Okay, Greek God out of my room I want to have some rest okay" she said

"Okay sister, good night" he said and left

"Aunty, aunty are you going to sleep without me?" 

"Hahaa, no I can't sleep without you I wanted to call you"

"Okay go to sleep, princess will massage you to sleep okay"

"Okay" she kissed her in her forehead and wished her good night

Within 5 minutes young girl was off to bed and just like that she dozed off


"Grandma please we have enough rooms in this house some are special rooms so you can't see them follow me" he said

He placed his hands on the wall and the wall moved aside leaving a passage to another big room

Is like this one is the underground palace, who designed  this house was surely a good designer

"This house was designed by Aunty Wendy, and this is just one of her property that we have so feel free to stay here,

Old madam there is a master bedroom in that door you go in and the rest you can go to any room they are decorated in line green and everything is green except for master bedroom which is  

Grey and white, you can feel free,

This rooms are cleaned everyday, I wish you all good night" with that he left

"Just how many things do we not know about my daughter in law? 

Just how powerful was her while she was alive?

Grandma don't be too naive, aunty grew up in wealth, 

She started saving at the age 2 months in the womb, when she was 2 years old she bought herself a mansion at 17 she already a graduate from school of designs and had her very own Empiror at 39 when she met uncle she

Had started building villas and mansions and by then grandma, she wanted to build her on factory to produce her own products on her 23 years he had 2 private jets 

Grandma all this system number 5 gave them to me" seven said

"What! " Nobody said anything after that, they all turn to there rooms

If they were going to to dig deep into that simple ladies life  they were going to die soon

However that didn't stop them from asking themselves questions.

"Husband, why was Wendy that rich and yet she laid low and was never a show off"

"Why are the Sanchez most powerful and still walking around like poor people?"

"Now I get you, 

And remember like mother like daughter, this Jane here must also be something else,

Remember wasn't going to school and was just a house maid but now, she is the best designer a part from that Assex Complex designer Ghost, 

And yesterday they also posted of Zero being the best designer at par with Ghost"

"Zero appeared after Jane visited Assex" 

"Darling, I didn't know you are intelligent I truly choose a wife"

"Darling are you trying to say that you thought that I can't think"

"Okay wife let's go to sleep"

Everyone slept and they didn't realize when and how they had slept, the rooms were much comfortable as for old madam

When she entered the master bedroom she realized that, everything in that room was according to Wendy's likes and arrangements and she found 

Wendy's family photo frames and hers too in that room

She found clothes of her size meaning this room was prepared mainly for her 

If she was to come and pay them a visit,, she was moved and cried she wondered what happened to Wendy

Did someone killed her after escaping her abusive husband's house, 

Oooh God she dismissed the thought of that 

But why can't she believe that she is dead even after witnessing that this person has never come back for her child no this can't be true

Her only daughter in law that she loved with the whole of her being, 

The saviour of the Sanchez who could have done that crazy thing

It shall never be well with that person, 

*** Early next morning when they wake up, everyone freshen up and just as they were thinking what to put on they were told that there is cloth delivery, the clothes were from the Assex Complex designed by Ghost, they could not believe there eyes

Old grandma was given a green dress covered with crystals all round to someone like Jane she could easily tell that those shinny crystals were around 1000

"Wow grandma you look stunning but not as me, " the young lady said

"Ooh my darling thank you but you are more than grandma, you are number one,,"

"Grandma if you say that am number what of young aunty" she ask

"Oooh you are all more that beauty in grandma's eye"

Mmmh, Greek God looked at how his cousin was beautiful he could not help but ask, 'who is this foolish man that didn't see how beautiful my sister is, this man surely I will yolk his head'

Nicole and Isaac when they saw Jane coming they could not help but wonder how lucky is this lady to be having twins

The breakfast was ready and everyone gathered around a huge glass table with transparent dishes and cutleries,

Everyone was like "how rich was this sister of ours and this table seems to fit almost four hundred people meaning she planned to be having family and friends visiting her in this house, 

The compound has huge golf field, swimming pool both for the young and elders '

"Mmmh, I wish wendy was here with use, even if use to be a silent person she was a nice person" fourth said

"Sure my mother was a nice lady" after realising the heavy breath that she was holding

If she say that she doesn't miss her then it is wrong, and a lie who doesn't wish to be having a family

Meanwhile in nation A

Colin has decided to immerse himself in his work and nothing else, 

"Boss we are having a meeting with Ghost today at noon" Jackson said

"Okay" he answered

"Also he wanted to know why the underworld group why has our information and why of business been  given to Italian Lord Zhino,,,"

"Okay" he smiled but it was a dark smile 'this small group of gang is trying to destruct and destroy my territory and where did they come from, I have been in underworld boxing arena but didn't notice anything why were they trying to prepare themselves behind my back?'

His face darkened

"Call me George, tell him it's business time" he said

Are you surprised who George is?  He is the second in command in underworld he is the second boss of the underworld

"Hello, Kong, boss said it's business time" 

"Okay" he was in his company meeting and that is how the meeting was adjourned 

"Hello, Colin what is it?"

"Have a seat, Ghost has demanded a meeting with us and some group of people sold our information to Italian Lord Zhino,"

"Leave it to me I will have that checked and it's only, 5 minutes"

He withdrew his phone and called

"I need who sold out our information to Zhino" George  is a beast when it comes to business he is a beast a cold blooded one at that, this is a one man that can move 100 strong men 

Let's not talk about Colin,,,,

When you see appear in the underworld it means something big has happened, for him to be known he has a golden ring with a drafted image of Beast, 

That's how you can recognize him,

Not so many people have seen his real face but those that are blessed to see him are all dead, 

Many tried sending artists draw his face but they ended up being burnt into


Ruthlesss only can not describe him, but cold blooded

"Here is the information 

The person that sold our information is a leader of a small gang by the hill side, he has a daughter whom he loves very much but it seems the daughter of suffering from a certain sickness, Lord Zhino from italo realized his weakness and threated

Him with that, hence he had no otherwise 

What should we do?"

"Go and do away with that gang, take his daughter and change her identity, provide her medication and cripple the father,, we don't want his daughter to disturb us in future if we kill her father" Colin said

"Also give him enough money, 

We are just lucky he gave him a fake information otherwise we are done"

"Sure" George could not wait to see this man that bothered even Ghost himself.

'i can afford to have information about the Italian Mafian Lord but I can't afford to have information about that lady, what is happening

Or I haven't search for her properly?"